How to block the channel on the TV in the settings?

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channel lockSometimes parents have the question of blocking individual channels on the TV. Often children watch TV for a long time and keeping track of everything that they can see there is not possible. Inappropriate content, such as scenes of violence, robbery, adult categories, causes concern for the parent. It happens that the animated series are not ruled by parents for one reason or another.

Sometimes adults want to block some TV shows precisely because cartoons are constantly on there and then viewing the other channels for the parent is not available.

How to block a channel?

The content of the article

  • How to block a channel?
  • How to unlock?

If you have Tricolor TV installed, then you can put the block like this: press the “menu” key on the control panel, then go to the “settings” in the drop-down list, then double-click on “ok”. In the drop-down menu, enter the PIN code "0000" by pressing the buttons on the remote control. After that, in the menu that opens, find and click “channel organization” then “satellite” and double-click “ok”. When you see the channel list, find the channel you want to block and press the button on the receiver’s remote control marked in yellow.

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REFERENCE! If you did everything correctly, then the “castle” emblem is next to the channel name. To exit the menu, you will need to press “exit” about five times.

channel lockFor Samsung TVs, the lock is as follows:

  1. press the "menu" and go to the desired
  2. click on the “up” and “down” buttons on the control panel, then in the pop-up window go to the item “Channel management” and press “Enter”, then change the tab on the channel from “On” to “Off” and press again "Enter".
  3. after that, go to the "Channel List" and on the desired channel, press the "right arrow" on the remote control and select the "Lock" icon.

There is an even simpler locking method for Samsung TVs: menu - channel - channel management, press “ok”, then press “lock” - press “on”. After that, in the list of channels you need to find the desired channel and put a check next to it.

If you have a LG brand TV, then you can block the channel like this:

  1. Menu - “Losk” - “Losk Sistem” then press “On”, then you will need to enter the initial password (0000).
  2. Channel lock (for those that are received through the antenna). Then “Input Lock” (External input, Component, HDMI Lock).

How to unlock?

settingsThe channel is unlocked in the same sequence as its blocking. You will need to go to the “menu” and remove the “Lock” sign in the list of channels. To exit, click Exit. If the lock icon is not removed, go to the previous menu and remove the “checkmark” in the channel lock line (or lock from “On” to “Off”).

We hope that this information was useful to you!

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