Modern human life is almost impossible to imagine without a TV. Due to the fact that this object can attract the attention of users for a long time while watching, people often get tired or have vision problems. It was to solve this problem that the manufacturers of equipment came up with a convenient and high-quality brightness setting. This not only helps relieve tension from the eyes, but also improves viewing comfort.
What should be the brightness of the TV
The content of the article
- What should be the brightness of the TV
- How to adjust the brightness on the TV
- What harm can improperly adjusted brightness
Correctly adjusted brightness of the TV is the key to a comfortable and safe for the eyes long viewing. Customization, as a rule, is carried out individually, adapting to various features - both a person and the interior. In general, the most common brightness values are: 50-75%.
When setting the parameters, it is important to consider several features:
- a strong separation of the display from the person - in this case, the setting should be set to higher values - 10-20% more. This solution will improve eye contact with the object;
- installing the TV at an angle - if a person does not direct his gaze directly, but at a small angle, then in this case the value decreases by 5-8%. This is due to the fact that too saturated an image negatively affects peripheral vision;
- large TV diagonal - requires a setting of 50-60%. Often, due to visual blurring at the corners of the display, users mistakenly set overestimated parameters.

Important! Vision impairment is caused not only by high settings, but also low. Therefore, tuning should always be rational, taking into account all individual characteristics.
How to adjust the brightness on the TV
For the image quality to be as pleasant as possible, it must have a high brightness, regardless of any lighting. Otherwise, this will lead to rapid eye fatigue and additional strain on vision.
However, high brightness should be moderate so as not to cut the eyes. Moreover, the human eye is designed in such a way that it adapts to any light source, with varying degrees of brightness. In simple words, a person simply gets used to the wrong brightness settings, as a result of which he greatly puts his vision at risk. Such a development of events is the most dangerous, capable of causing a lot of inconvenience to a person, up to the formation of serious diseases and pathologies.
It is also worth considering the quality of the TV. The most expensive models have a clearer and finer tuning, allowing it to be better adapted to the user. More budget technology, in turn, does not have such functions. In addition, the level of image quality of these models is much lower, as a result of which such TVs do the most harm to the human body.

What harm can improperly adjusted brightness
The most common negative phenomenon from exposure to TVs is severe eye fatigue, as a result of which a person develops tension and severe headaches. If you constantly continue to watch TV frequently, then a person will noticeably decrease vision. To avoid this, you need to be distracted from the screen at least for a few minutes, and even more efficiently - conduct visual exercises.

With frequent and prolonged viewing at night, in low light conditions, a person may develop the effect of myopia and other pathologies. Most often this is manifested in the appearance of red circles in front of the eyes, as well as a significant decrease in vision in the dark.