Optical TV output: what is it and how to use it

how to find a way outThe latest TV models can deliver great images, including a 4K extension. However, the ability to reproduce high-quality sound in many devices is not at a high level. This is because the body of the equipment is becoming smaller and thinner and it is difficult to accommodate a good speaker system there. You can output sound from the TV to more advanced speakers through the use of an optical cable.

What is the optical output on the TV

The content of the article

  • What is the optical output on the TV
  • Its functions
  • Breakdown reasons
  • What are

Fiber optic developments were rapidly developed in the second half of the 20th century. In the 80s, a special fiberglass-based cord was developed that transmits a light signal over long distances. The resulting development has found wide application in telecommunication systems. Optical output is the most modern and advanced method of transmitting sound without interference and distortion. Sound quality remains at the highest level. This is possible due to the exclusion of the influence of various types of electromagnetic radiation on the signal. This output has new TV models, as well as various multimedia equipment.

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optical input connectorLEDs are used as transmitters. They are special semiconductor mechanisms. A photodetector is used as a receiver in combination with an amplifier to recreate a distorted signal. The cord consists of the following parts:

  • Shell. It is a mirror coating that gives a complete internal reflection.
  • Core. It is made from elements with an insignificant refractive index.

ATTENTION! One of the main features of this type of wire is their complexity of connection at the point of cut. For this procedure, special tools and high accuracy are required. In this regard, for home use, finished wires of multiple lengths are used.

Its functions

One of the perfect methods for directing sound from a television to speakers is to use an optical output. It is he who gives the best quality audio broadcast. This connector provides the transmission and reception of multifunctional digital audio signal to the device. The television receiver must have a special connector - OPTICAL OUT. The main function is to create high quality sound.

round entranceSo, when watching multichannel films, it is recommended to use both built-in and attached speakers. The TV is able to broadcast medium frequencies, such as a person’s voice, well. Music systems play the role of adding special effects. Many upgraded fiber-based light transmitters have the following basic data transmission paths:

  • The formation of an optical signal using electrical conversion.
  • Repetition of sound without distortion and with the transfer of its power.
  • Optical signal reception
  • Converting an optical signal to electrical.

However, it should be understood that high-quality cables can really work well only with high-end equipment. They are able to cope even with very complex tasks.

Breakdown reasons

cableWhen buying a cable, special attention should be paid to the surface and general condition of the product. It should not be twisted and have creases. Damage of this kind occurs during poor storage and transportation. Such deformations can lead to both signal distortion and complete damage to the device. Before installation, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions and recommendations. Consider the possible problems that users face, as well as ways to resolve them:

  1. If there is no sound from the speaker system to the TV, you must change or check the settings of the TV receiver. In most models, switching automatically goes only to the headphones.
  2. If there is no sound, it is also important to double-check the cable connection. It is necessary that the OPTICAL OUT cord connector on the TV is connected to the OPTICAL IN connector on the system receiver. The signal should be strictly from the TV output connector to the receiver output connector. In the opposite case, there may not be sound.
  3. If there is sound, but its volume suits, then in the settings increase the volume for the signal supplied to the output used.
  4. You must also make sure that this function is supported by the TV and that the cable is connected to the connector with the corresponding inscription. For example, audio output.

Sound may not be routed to external speakers. They will play whenever they are turned on. When both types of amplifiers play simultaneously, in most cases an echo and various noises are heard. This is due to the long time it takes to convert a digit to an analog. Many users note this nuance and call it the effect of being in an empty room. In such cases, you should set the Mute to the built-in speakers or reduce their performance to almost zero so that the indicator of the disabled amplifier does not blink.

REFERENCE! Make sure that the tincture of the equipment is set to output sound to the speaker system.

What are

When buying a fiber-optic device, there are no fundamental differences depending on the manufacturer or design. You can not say about analog connections. A high-quality product should be made of many tiny fibers of small thickness. When choosing, you should still pay attention to the main characteristics:

  • Extent. This indicator should not exceed 5-10 m. There are cases when settings are made for signal transmission up to 30 m. In these options, you must understand that the quality of the devices will depend on the model TV.
  • Throughput. In most cases, it should be up to 11 MHz and the larger the better. This parameter is especially important for multichannel audio with high sampling rate.

IMPORTANT! It should be noted that most ordinary consumers can not distinguish the quality transmitted through the optical and coaxial wires.

TvOptical fiber cable is several times more expensive than a conventional coaxial cable. Therefore, its use is justified only in Hi-Fi devices, and also if the signal is transmitted over a distance of more than 10 meters.

Most television sets are not designed to create high-quality audio accompaniment, because speakers cannot reproduce sounds in a wide range of frequencies. Optical sound output from the TV comes to the rescue. Before buying cords in a store, you should make sure that the required connectors are present in the equipment.

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