TV image doubles: cause, solution

TV image doublesTV is the most popular household appliance that everyone probably has at home. Even in the most remote places, these devices have already appeared. But users often have to deal with various problems that interfere with viewing. In order not to give a lot of money for the services of professional masters, you can deal with some interference yourself.

The most common problem is that the image is doubled. There are several reasons why such a defect may occur. In order to fix the problem, you need to carefully study each possible cause and check the TV for one of them.

Do not panic - a split image sometimes appears on almost every model. So why is this happening?

Why double image occurs check signal

The content of the article

  • Why double image occurs
  • Ways to solve the problem

First thing you need to do check signal strengthserved on the television set and its tinctures. If you have an antenna, then check its position.

There are also some problems that are typical for screens with a certain technology, from the oldest models to the latest.

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To understand the cause of the bifurcation, examine the TV in detail. And if you don’t know which screen you have, find the information on the box or on the Internet.

One of the new screens providing the ability to view files in the highest quality is called LCD LED. Such a device may show a double picture due to a breakdown of the controller or the loop of the matrix.

REFERENCE. Sometimes there are crashes with the memory or the motherboard, as well as problems with the processor.

  • Projection screen differs in that here the quality and realism of the picture is achieved with the help of information chips. If any errors occur in their work, the image is transmitted with defects.
  • Plasma screen usually provides consistently high-quality work. With such TVs, problems rarely occur. But if this happens, the error most often lies in the operation of the image output unit.
  • CRT the device may cause some inconvenience. In the television receiver there may be interruptions in the functioning of the unit or systems of personnel and line scanning.

When the reason is found, you must either proceed to a possible repair, or call the masters. What can you do yourself?

Ways to solve the problem elimination

  • First you need try to reposition the antenna. Perhaps the problem will disappear immediately, as the reason was a bad signal coming to the TV.
  • Then carefully inspect the signal processing board. In 90%, the problem is related to its functioning. Repairing this part requires some experience and knowledge in handling the equipment.

IMPORTANT! If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to contact the master, who will cope with the task in a few minutes.

  • There is also one way that any user can do, even a beginner. To do this, you have to disassemble the TV, on the rear panel you will see two boards. Determine which one is causing the problem. Thereafter you will need to stick a piece of electrical tape under the cable and move the part until the image becomes acceptable.

Thus, you can try to fix the split yourself, or you can call the wizard if you are afraid to mess up or break something. Once the problem is resolved, you can enjoy watching your favorite shows on your TV again.

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