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In an abandoned garden, you can see lichens on fruit trees, the ways to control them are available to every gardener. But it is better not to fight, but not to allow the appearance of a union of fungus and algae on the tree bark. Whether a mushroom, or algae, lives on the bark of a tree, not parasitizing. But the air exchange processes of the cortex are violated, insects pests can find shelter in the corrugated petals. In a constantly damp environment spores of fungal diseases will sprout. The appearance of lichens on the tree signals a weakening of immunity and that the garden is located in an ecologically clean area.
Types of lichens
Lichens always grow in groups, but the first on the north side, on the bark of the tree appear moist spots with greenish microscopic algae. The fungus is populated by algae, protects it from sunlight, nourishes with salts, and it is divided by synthesized sugars. The tree bark is the substrate on which the parallel world develops, but the tree suffocates from the adherent neoplasms.
Lichens in the world there are more than 25 thousand species. All of them are divided into groups:
- scum or cortical, attach to any solid object, rock or tree;
- leaf, flounces hanging down and sprawling in breadth;
- bushy - thin leaves like a growing bush, it does not matter, up or down the plates.
On fruit trees there are lichens, the names and photos of which are below:
Lichens creep along the trunk with multicolored spots, seizing new areas, and the fruiting of the tree is reduced, the plant has an oppressed appearance.
Signs indicating the early appearance of lichens and preventive measures
If the fruit garden is dark and damp, you should look for traces of algae from the north side on the bark of trees. To prevent the appearance of lichens on fruit trees, the first way to fight is thinning. Cut need low-yielding branches and to ensure that the crown is blown, wet areas on the bark did not appear.
It is necessary to find the reason why the tree does not fight the lodgers:
- The first reason for the apple and pear is the soaking of the roots, when the groundwater is more than a meter and a half from the surface.
- Another cause may be cracks in the cortex, from which the juice flows, creating moisture.
- Abundant and frequent watering of the garden can lead to a similar result.
Admit the appearance of lichens should not be, because in their environment settle the pathogens that feed on the sap of the tree and destroy it.
How to deal with lichens
To choose ways of struggle at occurrence of lichens on a fruit tree it is possible, having analyzed a situation and a degree of a lesion. Lichen can not attach, if the cortical cells grow, are in motion. Only if the growth has slowed down or stopped, the lichen grows rapidly.
It is noticed, on trees with lichens never black cancer settles - terrible disease of fruit trees.
If the growths are seen at the beginning of development, they can be removed mechanically - scraped from the branch on the substrate and burned. But the scraper must be wooden or plastic, so as not to damage the bark. The struggle against lichens on fruit trees starts from below, from the near-barrel circle. Having freed the bark of the tree from the aliens, it is necessary to carry out the treatment of the trunk with a solution of iron sulfate. After doing a whitewash of fruit trees.
Getting rid of lichen on fruit trees, as you can see, is easy if the garden is not running. Pruning of thickened branches, preventive spraying with copper sulfate, whitewash trunks are the best protection measures. But if the trunks and branches become one shaggy carpet, then the tree dies.
In order not to create a focus of danger for the entire garden, the tree needs to be removed. At the same time carefully build up the build-ups and burn them.
If the tree can still be saved, it is possible to prepare a murderous remedy, against which no pest can stand.
The solution is dangerous for humans, so it is necessary to use protective equipment during cooking and when processing the garden.
Take, l boiling water, 600 g of dough slaked lime and on a slow fire with stirring to thin the mass. Enter into the solution gradually 400 g of sulfur powder, add another l of water and cook for 15 minutes, close the lid. Decoction of red color should cool down to 37 C. Pour the contents into a glass container with a lid.
To treat the lichen on fruit trees, take 100 ml of concentrate, dilute 5 liters of water and sprinkle the trees, not forgetting your own safety. In a concentrated solution, add engine oil on top of the film to prevent oxidation.
Attentive and timely care of fruit trees is the guarantee of the well-being of the garden. It is very important to choose a place with a low standing of groundwater and not to thicken the planting. Timely prevention of diseases, the use of recommended remedies will help to maintain the health of pets.