What can be grown on your windowsill? How to prepare a windowsill

In winter, I really want fresh greens and vegetables. In stores, we are usually offered watery tomatoes and cucumbers that smell nothing. And where to get vitamins? There is an exit! Today I want to talk about how to grow your own garden on the windowsill!

What can be grown on your windowsill

Why is it necessary

The content of the article

  • Why is it necessary
  • How to prepare a windowsill
  • What can be grown

For those who have doubts, I will argue in favor of home-made vegetables:

  1. Great for practical people. Instead of another geranium, you can put a pot of parsley and stock up on healthy substances all year round.
  2. Saving! Buying seeds is much cheaper than buying greens at the supermarket, even if they announced tremendous discounts.
  3. Aesthetics. I can’t get around this point, since green has long been considered a wonderful sedative, and it is so lacking in modern cities.
  4. Hobby, which benefits all households.
  5. Visual aids on botany for children: You can combine business with pleasure and conduct small cognitive classes at home.
  6. Always fresh vitamins for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
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What can be grown on your windowsill

For resourceful people who do not have suburban areas, the windowsill and balcony become a full-fledged analogue of the garden.

How to prepare a windowsill

Of course, investments will be needed at the start. They are proportional to the grandeur of the plan, but I advise you to start small, and then at will.

What can be grown on your windowsill

Standard set:

  • soil, it is better to buy it in a specialized store;
  • drainage;
  • pots or containers, always with holes for draining excess water;
  • fluorescent lamps to compensate for short daylight hours.

Growth of plants is activated even by LED lamps of special colors, they are now freely sold in stores and on the Internet.

What can be grown

Now proceed to the most interesting part! I collected the most popular plants for growing on the windowsill.

Greenery:parsley, dill, celery, mint, lemon balm, sorrel, salad, basil and others. They do not require special care, they can be planted in flat flower pots.

Celery and parsley grow well from the rhizome, so they are not torn out, but cut off, leaving the cuttings.

Green onions. It is grown in water or land, it is one of the most unpretentious plants for breeding at home.

What can be grown on your windowsill

Cucumbers It is important to pay attention to the variety. There will be no bees for pollination, so be sure to choose a self-pollinated hybrid, preferably early ripening. It will be ideal if you choose a bush cucumber. It is important to remember that they love light, heat and watering.

Tomatoes Also choose self-pollinated, early varieties of hybrids! I can advise dwarf cherry tomatoes, due to their small size, they have time to ripen on the vine. Almost all tomatoes prefer rare, but plentiful watering, light, are not afraid of drafts.

What can be grown on your windowsill

Some manufacturers even mark the possibility of growing vegetables from their seeds on the windowsill, so be sure to read the description on the bag.

Bell pepper. It will require patience, since the crop after germination of the seed will be only in 5-6 months. For a home garden, experts advise choosing universal varieties of self-pollinated hybrids. You can look at the early and mid-early varieties of pepper. This southern plant prefers a lot of sun, does not tolerate drafts and responds very well to soil loosening.

Beans The plant pollinates itself, gives pods already 2 months after planting, very unpretentious, therefore, beans are so popular among beginner gardeners. If possible, choose curly varieties, they beautifully decorate the trellises and give the room the look of a winter garden. As an alternative, bush beans exist.

What can be grown on your windowsill

Get your own crop in a city apartment? Easy! All you need is desire. Some very advanced gardeners even grow carrots!

What can be grown on your windowsill? How to prepare a windowsill

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