You can appreciate the positive properties of warm floors only by observing all the nuances and the sequence of installation steps. It is important to familiarize yourself with all the details of the operation of each option in advance, as well as to study the sequence of actions for laying a warm floor under a tile.
What option for underfloor heating to choose for the tile
The content of the article
- What option for underfloor heating to choose for the tile
Tile underfloor heating
- Materials and Tools
- Measurements and drawings
Laying under floor tiles step by step
- Preparatory stage
- Thermal insulation
- Installing a temperature sensor and thermostat
- Thermomat laying
- Pouring screed
- Laying out decorative tiles
The greatest demand among all models of underfloor heating for tiles was obtained by thermoelectric mats or heating cables.

The popularity of power cables is explained by the affordable cost of materials. But it’s difficult to install such a coating, the work requires a certain experience and knowledge. Installation of an electric cable involves applying a thick layer of screed mortar, which negatively affects the height of the ceilings in the room. Choosing an electric cable as a warm floor is a reasonable choice for those who want to equip heating with minimal cost.
The most practical way is heating mats. In this case, the function of heating the air in the room is provided by cables fixed on a fiberglass substrate. Mounting the thermometers is very simple. It is enough to calculate the desired area of the roll, lay out the finished mat, connect it to the temperature controller and pour in a solution of tile adhesive. The heating cable is already fixed on the grid with turns with the same pitch.
We should also consider infrared film floors. For tiled surfaces this is not the best option. Infrared rays directly heat the tile without transferring heat to the environment. The film floor has a low moisture resistance, which is completely unacceptable when installing the heating system under a ceramic coating in the bathroom.
Tile underfloor heating
In order for the installation process to go as quickly as possible, it is worthwhile to study in advance the main points of installation, select tools, and also check the condition of the house’s power supply.
Attention! The installation of heating elements explains the increased loads on the electrical wiring. It is possible to prevent the risks of malfunctions of the underfloor heating if you check the condition of the power supply network in advance, if necessary, eliminate malfunctions and increase power.

Materials and Tools
Choosing thermomats for arranging a heating system under a tile, we pre-acquire:
- Set of thermomats (heating mat, temperature controller, temperature sensors, instruction manual).
- The heat-insulating material penofol. This cloth is made of foamed polyethylene and foil on a self-adhesive basis. It is lined on a concrete surface before fixing the heating mats. The goal is to minimize heat loss.
- Tools: tape measure, construction blade, notched trowel, cross-shaped spacers for laying decorative tiles, a mixture of adhesive tiled and finished grout, pliers and a screwdriver, building level.
- The tile is floor.

Measurements and drawings
An important point from the list of actions for arranging a warm floor for a tile is the development of a schematic image with notes on laying wires or thermostats.
When developing a scheme, it is important to remember certain recommendations:
- the length from the wall to the thermomats is ten centimeters;
- heating elements do not lay at the points of localization of heavy objects (lack of heat transfer leads to normal operation of the entire system).
After the plan is outlined, calculate the required amount of materials.

Carrying out the calculation, take into account the following points:
- living climate (in a region with a cold climate, more powerful systems are chosen);
- if the electric underfloor heating is operated as the main source of heating, the system power increases several times from the calculated one;
- the presence and quality of insulation of walls, floors and ceilings is taken into account;
- an indicator of the area and height of the room that needs to be heated.
There are certain power parameters of the underfloor heating system: for a heated room 150-180 W for each square meter, and for unheated rooms, the power indicator corresponds to 250 watts per square meter.
Laying under floor tiles step by step
It is possible to appreciate all the advantages of operating a warm floor, subject to a clear sequence of actions:
Preparatory stage
Work begins with the dismantling of the old decorative coating, the removal of garbage. As soon as the surface is cleaned, it is carefully inspected for defects, cracks. Quickly get a perfectly smooth base will help quick-drying self-leveling mixture.
Important! ignoring the stage of preparatory work will cause disruptions in the operation of the warm floor. The slightest kink of the cable and the heating system is broken. It will be possible to rectify the malfunction only by dismantling the already laid surface.

Thermal insulation
Laying on the prepared surface of penofol will help increase the efficiency of operation of a warm floor, reduce the process of heat loss. This is a roll material with a self-adhesive base. It is enough to expand the canvas to the required area, carefully press and glue the seams with foil tape.
Attention! In order to increase thermal insulation, penofol is laid with some overlap on the walls.
Around the perimeter, the insulating layer is glued with a damper tape. The final layer to be laid is a metal mesh (prevents the direct contact of penofol with heating elements).

Installing a temperature sensor and thermostat
These two elements help to control the warm floor. The thermostat is installed near the outlet. The temperature sensor is fixed in the floor, connected to the thermostat through the corrugation. It is she who protects the sensor, and opens access to the device when repairs are required.
Attention! The sensor is installed exactly in the middle between two turns of the heating cable.

Thermomat laying
According to a pre-compiled scheme, the sheets are rolled out, cut into pieces corresponding to the heated area. The mats are fastened with mounting tape specially designed for such work. Further, the mats are connected to the temperature sensor in accordance with the scheme provided by the manufacturer.
Attention! The end of the corrugation is carefully isolated. Ignoring this recommendation significantly increases the risks of sensor malfunctions due to the ingress of tile glue into it.

At the end of the connection of all parts, check the health of the system.
Pouring screed
The layer of the solution covering the warm floor does not exceed five centimeters. During this period it is forbidden to include a heating system.

Laying out decorative tiles
The adhesive solution is chosen special, withstanding high temperatures. When laying the tiles, position the whole elements in the center, and trim along the walls. The seams between the decorative tiles are overwritten with a special compound.
Before installing an electric, water or other type of floor with your own hands, you need to carefully study all the rules. Clearly observing the sequence of actions for laying a warm floor under a tile, the work will pass quickly and will appreciate its quality.