Do-it-yourself warm electric floor under the tile: laying technology

Warm electric floorIn many apartments there is such a floor covering as tiles. It has a large number of advantages that make tile indispensable not only in a city apartment, but also in a private house. But in the cold season you have to face the fact that the floor is too cold. What to do in this situation? Is it possible to solve the problem yourself without resorting to the help of specialists? The solution may be a warm electric floor under the tile. This process does not have special skills or experience, so everyone can handle it. You will learn how to do this in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a solution

The content of the article

  • Advantages and disadvantages of such a solution
  • Preparatory stage
  • Warm electric floor - laying technology
    • Core floor
    • Cable floor
  • DIY installation under the tile

A warm electric floor has its pros and cons, which must be considered before making a decision in order to determine what is more significant for you.

The benefits include:

  • the ability to adjust the temperature with the help of a special thermostat that comes with the kit;
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  • uniform heating of the entire surface;
  • the ability to use both as the main and auxiliary heating;
  • long term of operation;
  • lack of need for additional equipment.

But, of course, there are also disadvantages, since there are no ideal floor coverings or additions to them:

  • quite expensive use - quite a lot of energy is spent during heating;
  • the need to purchase some add-ons that will increase the level of electrical safety;
  • moisture may cause electric shock;
  • the generated electromagnetic field has a negative effect on human health;
  • deformation of the floor covering, under which the electric floor is installed.

Thus, whether to purchase and install such a system is up to you. Well, if you have already made a decision, then you can get to work.

Preparatory stage

The first step is to determine the location of the thermostat and thermal sensor. It must be placed at a suitable height, where it will be convenient for you to regulate the heat transfer.


Then you should thoroughly clean the floor from any contaminants and treat with a primer. After that, determine the areas where heating is not needed. These can be places where furniture or others are constantly standing. Under them, the system does not need to be installed.

The floor must also be treated with cement-sand mortar. Thus, perfect surface smoothness can be achieved.

In conclusion, it is necessary to lay a layer of thermal insulation, which will reduce heat loss. The insulation is vertical and horizontal and can be made of various materials.

Warm electric floor - laying technology

There are several types of electric floors, which differ significantly from each other not only in characteristics, in the way of laying, but also even in purpose. Consider two options: cable and rod.

Do-it-yourself warm electric floor under the tile

Core floor

This system consists of several carbon rods that are interconnected and connected to a temperature regulator. It is this option that can be laid over the entire surface, without fear that furniture or other objects will burn from heat.

Another advantage is that such a floor can be laid even in bathrooms or other rooms with high humidity. Therefore, they are often placed under the tile. In addition, this material is environmentally friendly.

Cable floor

Cable flooring costs much less, which is why it is more common. Its wires consist of special alloys that allow you to adjust the temperature of the coating.

But many people care about the issue of radiation, so check for a certificate proving an acceptable level of environmental friendliness of the material.

DIY installation under the tile

After you have completed the markup, you can begin to lay out the system. This is done on the opposite side of the heat regulator. Then the wire is laid in a groove made in advance for him.

IMPORTANT. Please note that the distance between adjacent parts of the floor must not be less than 5 cm.

Then it is necessary to lay the sensor, which will change the heating temperature. It is placed in a special pipe. The ends of the cable are output to the thermostat.

Do-it-yourself warm electric floor under the tile

Then the place of its installation must be covered with tile glue and bring the surface to a level state. The final step will be to connect all the necessary wires to the thermostat. After that, you can start laying the tiles.

Now you know what a warm electric floor is and how you can lay it under a tile yourself.

Do-it-yourself warm electric floor under the tile
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