
6 original ways to clean up when cleaning is fed up

6 original ways to clean up when cleaning is fed upFloors

Are you annoyed too when around a mess? So I want the house always pleased with cleanliness, comfort, orderliness... But if it could be easily achieved! For cleaning, you constantly have to spend ...

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Why a cleaning company should not trust cleaning

Why a cleaning company should not trust cleaningFloors

Cleanliness in the apartment is always pleasant and beautiful. But we all know that often there is simply not enough energy or time to clean. And so I want to return to the apartment shining with ...

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How to wash the primer from the tile on the floor: special and folk methods

How to wash the primer from the tile on the floor: special and folk methodsFloors

In order to prevent damage to the surface layer of the tile when exposed to various chemicals, any of strong agents are recommended to be tested on a sample - not all tile coatings have sufficient...

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What does salt on the doorstep of the house do? Salt on the doorstep

What does salt on the doorstep of the house do? Salt on the doorstepFloors

Inexpensive and affordable salt is used as seasoning for almost every dish, is an excellent disinfectant and is suitable even for magic rituals. Previously, it was a rare and expensive product, an...

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Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tile: what is waterproofing, types

Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom under the tile: what is waterproofing, typesFloors

The bathroom is engineering-sophisticated. In conditions of a large number of plumbing fixtures and high humidity, protection is indispensable. The insulation of the surface under the tile must be...

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Want to bring fortune to your house? Clean the house on a favorable day of the week: Monday.

Want to bring fortune to your house? Clean the house on a favorable day of the week: Monday.Floors

In former times, cleaning was given a special, sacred meaning.With the help of brooms and panicles, the dwelling was relieved of troubles and evil forces, the money was swept out. When starting cl...

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Correct the mistakes made when cleaning the apartment

Correct the mistakes made when cleaning the apartmentFloors

Cleaning an apartment for women is often the least favorite thing to do. Indeed, you rub and clean the apartment, but there is no sense. Do you think the child who came from the street is to blame...

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What floors are needed in the apartment on the ground floor: how to make floors comfortable

What floors are needed in the apartment on the ground floor: how to make floors comfortableFloors

How do you feel about ground floor apartments? I heard that such apartments are less valued, but I did not really understand why. A friend who was “lucky” to live in such a house without hesitatio...

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How to clean floors from the smell of animals: effective cleaning after pets.

How to clean floors from the smell of animals: effective cleaning after pets.Floors

Many people cannot imagine their life without pets. But along with a cat or a dog, a characteristic unpleasant smell often appears in the house. All owners of cats and dogs are familiar with this ...

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How to connect the linoleum and tiles on the floor: the union of two different floor coverings

How to connect the linoleum and tiles on the floor: the union of two different floor coveringsFloors

Modern design solutions used in the design of the floor covering may cause some difficulties for the common man. Suppose you decided to combine two types of floor coverings, tile and linoleum. At ...

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