Laying tiles on a warm water floor: a combination of warm water floors with ceramic tiles

Recently, special floor heating has been in great demand. They create a pleasant atmosphere, give a feeling of warmth and comfort in the house. If you also decided to install such a system, then you need to carefully think through everything. An important point will be the choice of a coating lying on top of the heating part.

Laying tiles on a warm water floor

The combination of warm water floors with ceramic tiles

The content of the article

  • The combination of warm water floors with ceramic tiles
    • Advantages and disadvantages
  • How to lay tiles on underfloor heating?

In our article we will talk about a method of covering the floor with tiles. Ceramic tile is the most popular option among many others, because it is ideally suited for all characteristics.

If we consider the method of coating the surface with tiles or ceramics without heating, then on average its temperature will be below the ambient temperature by 5-7 degrees. This slight difference is actually strongly felt by our thermoreceptors and creates the effect of cold, which is very unpleasant. To solve this problem, a special design was invented that allows you to heat the tiles and even the temperature even in the cold season.

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Advantages and disadvantages

To determine the choice of coverage and eliminate all doubts, you need to understand what its pros and cons are. The advantages include the following indicators:

  • Laying tiles on a warm water floorUniform distribution of heat and maintaining the room temperature at the desired level.
  • Thanks to artificial heating, the floor dries quickly.
  • This option is much more economical and does not require large expenses.
  • Maintaining a constant temperature and lack of moisture prevents the formation of mold and the multiplication of pathogens.
  • Creating a pleasant feeling when walking is also an important parameter.
  • The tile has good heat conductivity, which is extremely necessary for this system.

But in addition to the positive aspects, this coating has its drawbacks, which include design complexity. It is quite difficult to complete the installation and it is better to entrust it to professionals.

IMPORTANT. Since, due to the tiled coating, the place of malfunction will not be visible in the event of a circuit breakdown, a sufficiently large layer will have to be dismantled. This is also worth considering when choosing.

How to lay tiles on underfloor heating?

When deciding to perform the installation on your own, we recommend using the ready-made instructions and step by step to perform all actions to achieve the desired result.

  1. After conducting the heating pipes and preparing the entire system, check its operation.
  2. If everything is OK, you can proceed to the installation stage.
  3. Prepare tools and materials in advance.
  4. Perform accurate calculations and measurements of the room. Put the marking according to which the tile will be laid out.
  5. On top of the heating circuit, apply glue in a small layer of about 1 square meter.
  6. It is worth applying an adhesive base to the edges and the central part of the tile.
  7. Gently press the material to the floor effortlessly. In order for the floor to turn out smooth and without failures, you should use the level.
  8. Between the tiles, place crosses that limit the outline to create a smooth layout.
  9. In the final step, use the grout to fill in the gaps.

Of course, it is better to entrust this work to the master. But if you already have experience, you can do it all yourself. The main thing is to make a warm water floor in such a way as to achieve proper functioning and even distribution of heat.

Laying tiles on a warm water floor
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