Ways of laying tiles on the floor: how to choose the type of layout

If you decide to lay the tiles on the floor in one of the rooms of your house or apartment, you will need to familiarize yourself with the many nuances of this procedure. One of them is a tile laying option.

Floor tiles

Options for laying tiles on the floor

The content of the article

  • Options for laying tiles on the floor
    • Traditional way
    • Herringbone
    • Flip layout
    • Diagonal method
  • How to choose a layout type

There are many options for laying tiles on the floor and each of them is unique and has its own characteristics and advantages. Consider some of the most common installation patterns that you can also apply in your home.

IMPORTANT. When choosing a ceramic tile, it is necessary to take into account its dimensions, because the manufacturer here offers a wide range of products.

REFERENCE. Calculate the required number of elements, for this, decide on the layout option, do not forget about the seams and leave a margin of 10%.

Traditional way

The traditional way of laying tilesThis option can be confidently attributed to the most frequently used.

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Elements are mounted parallel to the floor, they are laid close to each other while observing even rows. As a rule, square or rectangular tile elements are used to perform such a pattern. This design will give an unusual and original look if you combine tiles of different colors. This is a fairly simple and quick installation option, but important points to consider.

  1. Make sure that no tiles are damaged, because this will ruin the overall picture.
  2. This solution may look monotonous, combine colors.
  3. This is the best option for laying seamless tiles.
The traditional way of laying tiles


This installation option involves the implementation of the layout of the parquet. It looks very non-standard, given that this is not wood, but ceramic tile.

It is important to use rectangular elements here, otherwise the drawing cannot be recreated. Two laying methods can be distinguished according to this scheme:

  • The usual option.
  • Christmas tree with an attachment. The use of mosaic tiles-inserts.

These would seem to be similar styling options, but they look completely different. Each is interesting in its own way.

Herringbone tile layingHerringbone tile laying Herringbone tile laying Herringbone tile laying

Flip layout

This method can be compared to masonry. Specialists often prefer this option. Most often, monophonic rectangular and square tiles are selected. This option allows you to hide minor surface defects.

It will look good in the kitchen space or in the corridor. Installation is carried out exclusively in horizontal rows, and each next row should be laid in such a way that the middle coincides with the seam of the previous row.

The method of laying tiles with offset (spacing)The method of laying tiles with offset (spacing)

Diagonal method

It looks very nice. It is worth considering that during installation you will have to tinker with it, the method is not simple. All the complexity lies in the basic layout of the axes, along which in the future you will lay out all the elements.

IMPORTANT. The tile will need to be cut.

Diagonal way of laying tiles

When choosing this method, you can hide the roughness of the surface. Experts recommend giving preference to this method when performing repairs in non-standard or small-sized rooms.

  1. If you decide to perform this particular type of masonry, be sure to observe an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. Work is allowed only with square details, otherwise the drawing cannot be made the way you want.
  3. The pattern will be interesting even if you use plain color tiles.

This option allows you to visually expand the room.

Diagonal way of laying tiles

How to choose a layout type

The choice of a specific method will primarily depend on your personal preferences and skills in the installation of such a facing material. It is worth considering that modular elements make the floor more vibrant and dynamic. Based on this, do not overdo it, because right away you can like a bright solution, and after a while you will get tired of it. Think over this question.

When choosing the type of layout, you must focus on the general interior design of the room. It is important that they harmonize.

In many methods, it will be appropriate to combine several shades or even contrasting colors. This often looks bright and advantageous, but approach any decision making carefully, because you do the coating once and for a long time.

The traditional way of laying tiles
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