How to repair a chip on a tile on the floor: replacing damaged tiles, the causes of chips on the tile.

Chipped on the tile.Tile is a very popular floor decoration material. It is durable, beautiful and does not require special care. But even the most durable material can get damaged. So, cracks or chips may form on the tile. However, you should not change the entire coverage. Existing defects can be easily fixed by yourself.

Tile Chipped Restoration

The content of the article

  • Tile Chipped Restoration
  • Replacing Damaged Tiles
  • The reasons for the appearance of chips on the tile

To carry out restoration work, it is first necessary to prepare materials and tools:

  • knife;
  • screwdriver:
  • putty knife;
  • epoxy glue;
  • coloring pigment;
  • grout;
  • drill or punch.

Small defects can be repaired without replacing the entire tile. The easiest way is to grind a chip or crack with a fugue.

Putty chips on the tile.

ATTENTION! If this method of restoration is used, it is very important to choose the right grout so that it does not differ in color and structure with already applied.

Grouting with a rubber spatula must be carefully applied to the place of cleavage or cracks. Then the seam should be aligned. The puffer must be left to dry completely, and then eliminate bumps and roughness. This can be done using the smallest skin.

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Sometimes for these purposes they use automotive putty or epoxy. Since they are colorless, you must first give the desired shade. To do this, use the color of the desired color. Procedure:

  • the place of formation of the defect should be degreased, and the adjacent tiles should be glued with masking tape, in order to avoid getting the product on undamaged areas;
  • putty, which was given the desired color, must be mixed with a special hardener;
  • with finished composition to cover the damaged place and level it with a rubber spatula;
  • all excess putty should be removed;
  • when the solution has dried, it must be sanded and varnished.

If the defect is small and you don’t want to spend time eliminating it, then you can mask the defects. To do this, use some kind of accessory, for example, a towel holder.

ATTENTION! In the presence of a large number of cracks, it is advisable to completely replace the damaged element.

Replacing Damaged Tiles

This option is the most effective. It is performed as follows:

  1. The seams between the elements must be moistened with solvent or water. This is necessary in order to soften the puffer.
  2. When the grout has become soft, it must be removed with a knife or a screwdriver.
  3. Using a drill or punch with a suitable nozzle, you need to drill several holes in a damaged place.
  4. A chisel is installed in one of the holes. After which it is necessary to knock extremely gently with a mallet.
  5. Repeat manipulation is required until all pieces are removed.
  6. Intact tile elements are sealed with masking tape. This is required so that they are not damaged.
  7. Using a spatula, adhesive residue is carefully removed. Since it is very dense, you can soften it with a solvent.
  8. The place where the new element will be installed should be carefully primed.
  9. The adhesive composition must be prepared according to the instructions.
  10. Moisten the surface with water.
  11. Using a spatula, apply the composition to the base.
  12. Tiles should be laid in a prepared place, and crosses should be inserted around its perimeter.
  13. With the help of the building level, it should be leveled.
  14. When the glue dries, you can begin to grout.
Replacing damaged tiles.

ATTENTION! To ensure that the whole tile is not damaged, a small number of revolutions should be set on the drill!

The reasons for the appearance of chips on the tile

So that the situation does not happen again, you need to find out the causes of defects. The main ones include:

  1. Rough mechanical impact. Very often cracks appear due to the fall of a heavy and dense object.
  2. Uneven base. Tiles need to be laid only on a flat surface. Sometimes this rule is neglected, which further leads to its damage.
  3. Some try to save money and acquire low-quality material.
  4. For walls and floors, different finishing materials are used. When buying, you need to pay attention that this tile is used specifically for laying on the floor. Otherwise, the risk of defects increases.
  5. The foundation before laying must be properly and properly prepared. If technology has been disrupted, the surface will begin to collapse.
  6. Temperature differences also adversely affect the coating.
Tile without chips.

Tile restoration is a fairly simple procedure, which even a novice can do. However, do not forget that you need to choose the right material, and prepare the base. Otherwise, defects may reappear.

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