Laying PVC tiles on the floor: instructions for proper installation

what does it look like PVC tile is an advanced high-quality linoleum, cut into separate strips. It has long gained its popularity due to its low price and attractive appearance. You can lay the floor yourself on the basis of simple rules and recommendations.

How to lay tiles on the floor? Instruction manual

The content of the article

  • How to lay tiles on the floor? Instruction manual
  • After what time can I walk on the tile?
  • What should be floor tiles

Material of any kind can only be laid on a clean, even and well-dried surface. Next, prepare the necessary tools: tape measure, knife, square, pencil, glue, sponge and putty knife. In order not to experience difficulties during the work, it is important to understand the specific features of this material. Boxes with purchased tiles should lie down indoors for about a day. During this time, it will gain room temperature and humidity.

It should be noted that tiles from different parties may vary slightly in shades. Therefore, to level the color transitions, the material is taken from different packages. The installation instructions are as follows:

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  • The elements must be placed strictly along the center line. It can be either parallel to the side walls, or installed taking into account the configuration of a particular room. It is important to observe the direction of the arrows on the back.
  • It is advisable to use a hair dryer if the surface is not flat enough.
  • Tiles are laid tightly to each other, without gaps.
  • After laying the first row, it is advisable to wait a few minutes for the tile to stick and only then start the second row.
  • After laying, a rubber roller is rolled over the surface.
  • The glue residue is removed immediately with a sponge dipped in water or in an alcohol solution. Removing the dried adhesive in the future will be problematic.
  • Then, after half an hour, re-rolling is carried out by a roller. This procedure smooths the surface well and presses it to the base.
  • To give a complete appearance along the perimeter, lay plinths, sills, and also pipe rings.

ATTENTION! It is convenient to use self-adhesive options. To carry out the installation, it is enough to remove the protective film.

After what time can I walk on the tile?

structureAfter installation is complete, carefully inspect the resulting surface. A marriage is best identified immediately and corrected as far as possible. Check that the whole tile is glued to the base and there are no glued corners and joints. With close attention, they study wall sizing. Construction waste is recommended to be removed only after a day. Furniture and other interior items are brought into the room after 48 hours. Also at this time, it is advisable to abandon walking on the new floor. Estimated service life is 10 to 15 years.

REFERENCE! To care for the surface, you should use a soap solution and special cleaning compounds, but it is better not to buy from aggressive concentrates.

What should be floor tiles

pvc tileLike other types of products, tiles are selected taking into account the price-quality ratio. Be sure to pay attention to whether the product has a certificate that excludes the purchase of low-quality goods. Of course, you need to understand how and where the coating will be operated. First of all, you should carefully study the labeling. With its help you can find out the following parameters:

  • product dimensions;
  • thickness
  • base material;
  • the degree of abrasion of the surface;
  • lifetime;
  • the presence of a protective layer;
  • strength class.

IMPORTANT! When choosing, be sure to consider the features of the interior of the room: color scheme, style, configuration.

Let us consider in more detail such an indicator as abrasion. It is denoted by the Latin letters T, P, M, and F. The most durable is the material of group T, it is used for public areas. But category F is most often used for bedrooms and children's rooms. It is this parameter that plays a significant role in price formation.

PVC tile is one of the most popular and versatile coatings. You can evaluate its convenience from the moment of installation. We hope that this article will be useful and will help to make the repair yourself.

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