Tile: first on the floor or on the wall? subtleties repair

tiles on the floor Tile - is the best solution for wall and floor tiles in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and other rooms that require waterproof and durable surface. The process of laying tile is complex, but, nevertheless, it is possible to produce on their own.

In the first place is better obkladyvat tiles?

The content of the article

  • In the first place is better obkladyvat tiles?
  • Why can not the other way around
  • recommendations

And professionals with years of experience in arguing that the stoning in the first place: the floor or the walls? Opinions are contradictory, but both options have their loyal supporters.

Many people prefer to lay first floor, explaining his choice of several major advantages:

  • the joint between the wall and the floor in this case it is easier to control, and thus it is possible to make it as inconspicuous as possible;
  • folding walls is much easier to do on the floor.

However, the last advantage is lost if, for example, at the beginning of the work on the walls, laid tile with a pre-measured gap (to simplify the steps, you can use an ordinary bar). In this case, you will not be limited to where to begin to lay the tiles: the ceiling, the bottom, or as advised some in the middle. You can pre-install the plinth, of course, if it is included in your renovation plans.

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Important: basic rule - to adhere to a single direction of the lining, and not to lay tile in a free manner.

About advantages based on the fact that the joint between the walls and the floor is convenient to control, only if we start working from the bottom, too, go conflicting opinions. Many people believe that if the master has good skills in this matter, it would not be difficult to make accurate junction and at the beginning of work on the walls, while curves hands and laying tiles, floors since no rescue from sorry result.

Why can not the other way around

Tiles on the wallGetting Started with wall cladding tiles have better arguments. Everyone is ready to invent new, but, in general, the most popular the following statements:

  • Money-glue from the floor. In the process of laying tile on the wall glue drips onto the floor even the most careful master, so experienced people are strongly advised to lay the tiles on the floor at the end.

Reference: of course, you can cover the floor of newspapers or film, but they can be shifted during operation, and just in the way. In the case of the film of the process becomes all less secure, since it is easy to slip.

  • Fall tools. In the process of laying cases when suddenly slips from the hands of the working tool. If the floor is already laid, then drop heavy objects on it can result in damage to the tiles.
  • Time simple. After laying the tiles need to give her time to "relax", as much as possible to avoid any impact on it. If you start lining the walls, you do not have to interrupt your work, and you can immediately proceed to the floor. Otherwise, you will need to leave the floor for a few days, and after only continue laying tile on the wall.


tilingGetting tiling, no matter on what kind of surface (like the floor, walls or ceiling), you first need to align. Tiles, laid on an uneven surface, looks messy, and will be more prone to fracture.

Tile with a stock worth buying, because at any moment can damage a few, and tiles from different lots may vary slightly in shade, that in general the room will be a very markedly.

And if you do decide to start laying the tiles from the floor, and then, in the process you have dripped glue, it must be erased immediately: the sooner, the less effort it will take.

25.02.2019 at 04:22

First, starting from the bottom wall with 2 rows. Then the floor. Rounding out the front row on the walls. This is one of the options.

To answer
25.02.2019 at 19:54

Here you can write a book! For me, no matter from where to start. But I still stack the tiles from the beginning of the wall from the second row, throwing off the dimensions in advance on the floor tiles and glue. This is an average of 1.5 cm. It often happens that the floor tiles badly cut even an electric machine with water. Then I stack all the tiles on the wall leaving the last row, and then do the floor and then finish the last row of the wall. The wall is easier to cut. From the floor I personally think a bit harder on. And the walls in general Prostyakov! Rules clocked around and Bach. (The rules I have a couple of dozen of any size. They and plasterers, and fill in and also screwed to the walls.

To answer
26.02.2019 at 15:58

Before laying the tiles on the wall, I Gaugeable entire floor level. And begins to put the tiles on the tile wall with a view of the bottom mark on the floor. It is a guarantee that everything will close a plinth and not stocks. First, the walls, the ceiling, the floor at the last turn. In one case, the customer insisted that Paul made in the first place I did. finishing with a tile on a wall (the last row) slipped from the hands of tile fell, broken tiles on the floor. It is difficult to pick out, without hurting others. As I am the Mother of the customer. It is something. Oaks, they do not understand our professionalism. He just do not care, and I am wasting my time on the broken tile. And we must make it do not sink and do not stick out among the rest of the tiles.

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AvatarBasil Horseless:
26.02.2019 at 16:48

sex is only a slit, and tile floor

To answer
27.02.2019 at 07:51

I admit, in exceptional cases, the sex in the first place. But for me to decide and not the customer. We are doing so more than once. But then hid the materials and plywood. Expense of the customer. Once categorically refused to object. 80 m / 2 glossy porcelain tiles had to be laid. 17th floor, building frame. The customer insisted on laying without joints. Arguments that there is thermal expansion and addition the amplitude of the swing-candle skyscrapers there. Recommendations in the booklet to the most tiles. She was not convinced. We did other people. A year later came. The entire floor diagonally burst!

To answer
03.02.2019 at 21:05

Yes, well, you drop it)... start from the floor much easier, and drove on laser tiles on the floor and then whip up a wall without any trimming of the whole tiles, ETOGES half a day and then if necessary to kill off the walls in the trimming to begin without first series. all these disadvantages from the floor placement beginning insignificant, glue falls on the floor? yes its a spatula for five minutes the entire even stale then you can remove, in extreme cases, can close the gender film. And for five years never (knock / knock / knock) or anything dropped on the floor and broke / damaged tile on the floor.

To answer
03.03.2019 at 23:01

I before proceeding to mark the second row of tiles is calculated so that the last row went to the ceiling without trimming or cutting as little as possible (it all depends on how you rasschitana gaps). A first row, there was already going forth.

To answer
04.03.2019 at 08:10

And I'm not afraid of work. But the tears shed by customers and performers saw not even a dozen times. Since 1990. Then all the material and the finish was imported. And not only seen but laid tiles. That not only the adhesive but also fingerprints are difficult or impossible to remove. And about the classes hygroscopicity You probably did not hear. Not even a very high quality granite tiles absorb. Appearance marriage. Only shift. There are combined, even gloss. Gets on or drawing a drop of glue and putty kapets. Emission. Apparently, and not come across a parallelogram. Once and can not see, and area is not defined. And already on the 3rd row seams go far. Laying should be on special. algorithm.

To answer
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