Is it possible to lay wall tiles on the floor: features of wall tiles, flooring requirements.

Tiles on the wall and floor.Ceramic tile has long been considered one of the most popular, versatile, functional and beautiful finishing materials. Many people, acquiring such a coating for wall decoration, often think about the question: is it possible to use it for the floor? To answer this question, you need to understand some of the features of this finishing material, since wall tiles are significantly different from floor tiles.

Features of wall tiles

The content of the article

  • Features of wall tiles
  • Flooring requirements
  • Can I put wall tiles on the floor

Wall tiles differ in their operational properties from flooring. Its main characteristics include the following:

  • low percentage of wear resistance;
  • fragility (in comparison with a tile for a floor);
  • insignificant level of resistance to mechanical impact.
Features of wall tiles.

Ceramic flooring differs from wall tiles in greater wear resistance and a lower degree of moisture absorption.

ATTENTION! When choosing a tile, it is necessary to carefully check each element of this finishing material, not only visually, but also by feeling. Maximum attention should be paid to such moments as cracks, chips, graininess, bulges, concavities and foreign inclusions.

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Since this coating performs primarily a decorative function, in its manufacture wear indicators are only taken into account to a small extent.

Flooring requirements

A quality floor covering must meet the following requirements:

  • wear resistance - under the influence of gravity and constant friction, a material that is not designed for this type of exposure can quickly lose its appearance;
  • resistance to chemicals - flooring is washed much more often than wall tiles;
  • increased strength - the floor covering has to withstand a significant level of load, which tile for walls in some cases may simply not cope with;
  • safety - the floor should not be slippery.
Features of floor tiles.

Can I put wall tiles on the floor

If, due to certain circumstances, the need to put wall tiles on the floor nevertheless arose, it must be borne in mind that the larger the tile, the lower the level of strength it will be have. Since the strength indicators of a ceramic coating for walls are less than those of a floor, it is imperative to take into account such requirements:

  • the room should have a slight cross (this can be a heated balcony, pantry and. etc.);
  • the floor should not have protrusions and depressions - such a coating can only be applied on a perfectly flat surface;
  • thickness is a very important factor, only tiles can become a suitable option for the floor, thickness which is at least 8 mm (in most cases, this is the maximum value for wall covering this type);
  • the surface of the tile should not be smooth, but rough - a tile with a pronounced relief pattern will not work, because it will complicate the cleaning too much.

During the installation of such a finishing material, the adhesive composition must be applied in an even layer. It is recommended to use a notched trowel with a thickness of 6-12 mm. Each element must be pressed tightly enough and to ensure the best fit to the surface, tap with a rubber hammer.

Features of laying tiles.

IMPORTANT! A prerequisite for a successful result is a uniform filling with adhesive structure of the space under the tile. During the laying of this finishing material, void formation must not be allowed. Otherwise, the tile in such places can easily crack even with a slight load.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that, if necessary, it is still possible to put wall tiles on the floor. But given the nuances that have to be faced in the process, it is recommended to do this only in certain cases in the absence of more suitable material for this purpose. If you put the wall tile on the floor, taking into account the necessary recommendations, it is highly likely that it will serve for a long and reliable time.

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