How to wash seams between tiles on the floor: cleaning methods between tile seams

Methods for cleaning between tile joints Ceramic tiles are very often used for cladding various surfaces, including the floor. Attractive appearance and excellent performance, durability - all this makes the tile the best material for cladding. During operation on the tile and in the seams between the elements, pollution forms which are incredibly difficult to deal with. Consider the main effective methods of how to remove dirt between the seams of the tile.

Methods for cleaning between tile joints

The content of the article

  • Methods for cleaning between tile joints 
    • Do the dirty work with pens 
    • Household chemicals 
    • Using a steam cleaner 
  • Folk methods
  • Radical methods

If we are talking about light grease, smudges from detergents, limescale can be removed using conventional detergents, for example, CIF, Silit, Fairy. If mold or fungus develops, it is better to use products that contain chlorine. It is extremely simple to apply. Put on the joints and leave for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

REFERENCE. In supermarkets you can find special products that were designed to clean the joints between the tiles. Among these tools, it is worth noting the following: BOZO, Ultra-Stripper, Sif and the like.

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Another effective method in the fight against pollution is melamine sponge. Its use is fully justified.

Do the dirty work with pens

This method is simple and effective, but it is very time consuming. Depending on how much pollution can be used in the following cases:

  • In case of minor pollution. These are abrasive cleaners and pastes.
  • For more complex dirt, you can use fine sandpaper, and a kitchen scraper is also suitable.
  • A semicircular chisel with a small diameter can also be an excellent helper in the fight against pollution.

IMPORTANT. When cleaning, be careful not to damage the tile or completely remove the grout between the joints. Otherwise, it will have to be applied again.

Methods for cleaning between tile joints

Household chemicals

Modern manufacturers offer a very diverse range of professional chemicals for cleaning complex contaminants. Recommendations for choosing household chemicals:

  • To clean the tiles in the bathroom, it is better to choose bleaching and chlorine-based products. With their help, you can cope with the fungus.
  • When cleaning the kitchen, it is better to give preference to Christmas-tree preparations.
Methods for cleaning between tile joints

Using a steam cleaner

Steam generators are real helpers of modern hostesses. They supply high pressure steam. When using it, you can easily wash complex dirt between the tiles, you will also be sure that all bacteria and fungus will be removed.

Folk methods

Chemicals are, of course, good, but many prefer to trust traditional methods of cleaning. For many decades, our mothers and grandmothers have experimented with different cleaning products and some of the most effective ones can be distinguished.

Effervescent mix. Use lemon juice, soda and vinegar.

  • Pour 1.5 l of room temperature water into a bowl.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon, half a glass of baking soda and a quarter cup of 9% vinegar.

IMPORTANT. Mix the mixture gently, because as a result of a chemical reaction you will get a very active mixture that quickly turns into foam.

  • Then rub the product into the contaminated areas. Use a foam sponge or an old toothbrush.
  • After 20 minutes, you can wash the surface with clean water.

IMPORTANT. Do not forget about hand protection.

Methods for cleaning between tile joints

Bleach + soda. This option can only be used on white grout. Work in rubber gloves, and use a gauze bandage, as it contains chlorine.

  • In a bowl, you need to mix bleach with soda, mix them to a paste-like consistency.
  • Using a spatula, apply the product to the seams. Leave to dry completely. Rinse with water.

This is an excellent solution for combating mold when it is necessary to lighten seams.

Each of these methods is effective, and you can see for yourself by trying one of them when cleaning the seams between the tiles on the floor.

Methods for cleaning between tile joints

Radical methods

If the fungus and mold are firmly stuck in the grout between the seams, you just have to choose one of the following options:

  • Knock down all the tiles completely, treat the base with special compounds against the fungus and re-lay a new, clean tile. It is expensive and troublesome.
  • Remove grout from joints. Carry out processing with special agents for fungus and mold. Carry out a new grout.

Both of these options are radical, but it’s not possible to get rid of the spreading fungus in a different way.

Methods for cleaning between tile joints
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