How to put tiles in the toilet on the floor: the rules

Many of us often have to deal with the need for repairs in our own apartment. Repair is a complex and time-consuming process. It is especially difficult to carry it out in the toilet room, which has a limited area and a high moisture content in the air.

Features of finishing the floor with tiles in the toilet

The content of the article

  • Features of finishing the floor with tiles in the toilet
  • Material and tool selection
  • The technology of laying tiles in the toilet on the floor

How to lay tiles in the toilet on the floorIn our article, we will give recommendations on how to lay the tiles on the floor correctly, which material will last longer and consider directly the laying technology.

Let's start with the features. In order not to throw money away, and to carry out the repair correctly, pay attention to the following key points:

  • The toilet is a small enclosed space. Sometimes it’s hard for one to turn around, and if you lay tiles together with someone? Therefore, it is necessary to choose tiled elements of small sizes so that they can be placed normally and not trimmed;
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  • Small aisles - the toilet is not a corridor, no one stomps on it in boots. Therefore, the material is not required to be ultra-strong;
  • Decide for yourself whether to leave the toilet or dismantle it for the duration of the repair. If you decide to remove, it will be easier to work. Otherwise - the material will be laid, focusing on the location of the toilet and its shape.

Material and tool selection

How to lay tiles in the toilet on the floorBefore proceeding with the selection of material, it is worth deciding on the following:

  • Color characteristics, which color is preferable for you;
  • What method will be used for laying: diagonally or straight ?;
  • After choosing how you will stack, make the necessary calculations: how much all the material will be needed to carry out repairs in the toilet room;
  • Now go directly to the choice of material.

Tiles are usually made from materials such as:

  • ceramics;
  • a rock;
  • porcelain tile;
  • concrete.

TIP: Stop the choice of ceramics, it is most resistant to moisture and reduces the risk of fungus and other unsanitary conditions.

Tools and other necessary items that are needed for styling include:

  • drill, which will stir the adhesive composition;
  • tile cutter, so that, if necessary, it was possible to adjust the dimensions at its discretion;
  • special tile glue;
  • crosses - with their help the distance between tiles is regulated;
  • corners - hide seams and joints;
  • fugue - the so-called composition, which also covers the seams and other roughness.

TIP: Fugue is also used to increase tile resistance to high humidity. Do not save on this composition.

The technology of laying tiles in the toilet on the floor

The technology of laying tiles in the toilet on the floorMoving directly to the technology of laying in the toilet on the floor, we consider that it includes:

  1. We clean and ground the base (a vacuum cleaner is useful here to clean the floor from dirt and debris).
  2. We carry out a "rough" alignment to take into account all the shortcomings.
  3. We cut some large elements with a tile cutter if necessary.
  4. We dilute and mix the adhesive with a multifunctional tool such as a hammer drill.
  5. We cover the product with glue.
  6. We complete the workflow by laying tiles directly on the floor.
  7. Repair completed.
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