How to lay tiles on the floor: instructions on how to make a warm floor with tiles

tile layingBefore each repair action, it is necessary to familiarize yourself not only with the algorithm, but also consider even the most seemingly insignificant details of the procedure. Thus, in this article we will talk about how to make yourself warm, even for a beginner.

How to prepare the floor for laying tiles yourself

The content of the article

  • How to prepare the floor for laying tiles yourself
  • What is required for styling
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to lay tiles
  • How long should I wait after laying the tiles?
  • In which rooms is the tile on the floor appropriate?

Of course, some manipulations must first be performed in order for the process to proceed most productively.

  1. The first step is to eliminate the old coating, all possible debris, even the smallest particles of dust. This is done either with a wet rag. You can also sweep the floor.
  2. Next, what needs to be done is to check the area slope due to a special level. Thus, finding the highest point, it is possible to determine the place where there will be the thinnest layer of glue.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Now you can use acrylate primer to coat the surface with a roller.

REFERENCE! The tool is best taken in a small size, since it is such a product that absorbs the least amount of construction equipment.

  1. In a situation where the workplace is equipped with a lining, it is better to remove it. And the void that remained after the presence of it must be filled with concrete. Of course, if there is no free time, you can soak the product, but for this you need to apply the soil. Then it will take time to dry. Sometimes one hour is enough.

What is required for styling

glossy tileThe collection of necessary equipment is also a preparation stage for the work process. Therefore, for this you need the following list of tools:

  • To cut quartz vinyl materials, you will need a clerical knife;
  • A ruler and a simple pencil will be needed to create a sketch;
  • Crosses for delimiting tiles in the process of laying;
  • A roller of high rigidity and a spatula made of metal will be useful when mounting the surface;
  • Special glue for a special type of tile. In this aspect, it is very important to purchase a specific solution that is suitable for vinyl tiles. If you take the usual one, then sooner or later the coating will peel off from the main part of the floor;
  • To give additional thermal and sound insulation use a substrate. The main thing is that it has an adhesive base.

Step-by-step instructions on how to lay tiles

tileSo, in addition to diluting tile glue in the required proportions, the following steps should be performed:

  • First of all, you need to apply a layer of the composition so that various irregularities are not observed. A notched trowel will help in this matter.

ATTENTION! At this stage, you should not apply it to a large area immediately. This is because if a defect occurs, then when it is removed, the glue may dry on the other side of the floor.

  • Consequently, there already the area will not be suitable. Therefore, it is so important to occupy the coating in less than 1-2 tiles. Before laying, it is advisable to clean each product to eliminate possible dust, otherwise its adhesion will deteriorate when it is present. For this, it is not advisable to use a different liquid, since the material does not absorb moisture well.
  • In addition, it is recommended to apply the solution directly to the back of the product. Technology technology itself is similar.
  • Now we put the first row. In parallel, it is important to wedge tiles with crosses. Thus, as a result, you can notice a neat seam. It may be that one of the details will protrude above the others. In this case, it should be drowned due to certain movements. In the opposite situation, when the component is lower than the rest, you have to pull it back and add a little glue to the original location. Then repeat the standard manipulations.
  • Some masters recommend the use of masking tape, because it is it that gives additional fixation.

ATTENTION! When repeating the equipment of the second row, you should double-check the surface for the absence of possible deviations.

  • You also need to remove excess solution with a special sponge. As for cleaning the seams, this is the use of the same crosses. You just have to wait a bit until the mixture dries, after which you can reproduce the cleaning of excess.
  • Therefore, each row must be laid out with the features described above. The main thing is to remember the procedure. That is, after applying the glue, you need to wipe the tile, then provide it with a solution, press it to the floor. Then it follows the alignment algorithm, check the slope, the distribution of products, the elimination of excess material. Thus, you need to report all the space with a tile.
  • Now you can measure and trim where you need it.

Therefore, we can say that in fact the tile is finally laid. There is nothing complicated in this procedure. It is only necessary to take into account some specifics, which are so important for achieving a positive result. It is also recommended at the end to inspect the resulting structure so that all the parts are firmly fixed and glued. This is especially true for those elements that are located around the perimeter of the room.

How long should I wait after laying the tiles?

laying tiles on the floorOf course, at the end, you should wait a while to ensure that the material is finally fixed and ready for further use. In addition to the time that will go to the main stage (up to about 5 hours), you need hours to cure the adhesive solution. It directly depends on the following factors:

  • Temperature mode. The higher the degree, the faster the structure will grasp.

IMPORTANT! The conditions must be natural, that is, it is impossible to artificially heat the room.

  • Degree of the base of the floor. The minimum acceptable indicator is +5. As for the most optimal environment, this is +20. Accordingly, the colder the space, the slower the material will be fixed.
  • One of the key criteria is moisture. It should be understood that the higher the percentage of moisture in the atmosphere, the longer the composition will dry.

REFERENCE! Where air is equipped with high humidity, the structure can gain strength in one week. Speaking about the initial solidification, we can mention the time interval from 24 to 48 hours. Final drying suggests that the tile can be subjected to physical exertion.

In each activity there are those actions, the implementation of which can lead to an undesirable outcome. Accordingly, the following aspects are written out below:

  • It is not recommended to use cheap material in the process. It should be guided by the middle price segment. Often, just such an assortment has a relationship of price and quality.
  • The previous paragraph applies to glue. An improperly selected solution can directly lead to a low service life.
  • A fairly common mistake is the use of tiles end-to-end. To avoid this situation, you should reliably calculate the measurements.

REFERENCE! Finishing products should be purchased with a margin of at least 5 percent.

  • Do not miss the step of leveling the surface. If it is completely excluded, then the details will not be fixed and will soon disappear.
  • In addition, it is not necessary to apply glue exclusively to the corners of the tile, since the voltage will be distributed unevenly.
  • Do not believe the myth that indicates the positive effect of a large amount of the composition when applied.

Thus, it is recommended to carefully and moderately supply each part with a means. And when various defects occur, it is important to eliminate them in a timely manner.

In which rooms is the tile on the floor appropriate?

what does the tile look like

Most often you can find application in the bathroom. So much demand is due to the ease of cleaning and the ability to not absorb moisture. Also a great option is the use of this material in the hall. Thus, the visual zoning of the room. With the help of a tile, you can select a fireplace and distinguish between a workplace and a leisure area.

It is important to consider the decorative characteristics. Because the interior in the living room should have a special atmosphere from individual rooms. Summing up, we can say about the possibility of supplying the presented product with virtually any space, since it is considered to be appropriate.

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