How to lay linoleum correctly with your hands?

standard linoleumThe modern construction market offers a wide range of different types of flooring. They have their own advantages and disadvantages, while linoleum traditionally remains one of the most popular options. It has an affordable price and excellent operational properties, and any home craftsman can easily cope with the installation process.

The main thing is to accurately select the material that is suitable for the specific situation, and follow some recommendations on how to lay or lay it yourself, with your own hands. Laying and installing linoleum in an apartment does not require special skills, however, step-by-step instructions sometimes raise questions.

Types of linoleum

The content of the article

  • Types of linoleum
  • What is required for styling
  • We build linoleum on our own
  • What to look for

According to experts, linoleum is an affordable and almost universal material. It is widely used for home improvement, public and industrial premises. This is due to the large selection of shades, textures and the practicality of the flooring. In order for linoleum to serve properly for a sufficiently long time, you need to responsibly approach the process of laying it.

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REFERENCE! In addition, it is important to choose the right material, because construction stores offer a wide variety of types that differ significantly from each other. One or another option may have its own nuances, this must be taken into account before buying.

modern linoleumTypically, products are classified according to several significant features. Based on the most common area of ​​application, the following types of coatings are distinguished:

  • Household floor materials are widely used for residential premises and offices. A wide variety of patterns and shades can satisfy any wishes. True, the thickness of the protective layer is minimal, so the material is characterized by low wear resistance and quickly loses its original appearance.
  • Semi-commercial linoleum has a thicker protective layer. Therefore, this coating is highly resistant to abrasion, and its life is at least 10 years. Such material is perfect for office and educational institutions.
  • Commercial linoleum has a maximum thickness of the protective layer and is resistant to significant mechanical stresses. As a result, its service life can reach 25 years. This material is widely used in shopping centers and various public places with regular crowds.
  • A special group consists of specialized materials. They are intended for rooms with unique flooring requirements. For example, this includes anti-slip linoleum for gyms and playgrounds.

A good solution for a living room is a semi-commercial linoleum. It is characterized by optimal wear resistance and at the same time not as expensive as commercial options.

In accordance with the number of layers, two main groups can be distinguished:

  • Multilayer (heterogeneous). The most optimal and practical option.
  • Single layer (homogeneous). Cloths, consisting of one layer, do not have high strength and durability.

According to the composition of the material, it is customary to distinguish the following varieties:

  • Natural linoleum. From the name it is clear that it is made exclusively from natural ingredients and dyes. Such material is resistant to various mechanical stresses and maintains an attractive appearance throughout its entire service life. True, it is characterized by a relatively high price and insufficient plasticity.
  • PVC linoleum is a more common option. It can consist of one or several layers, have different colors and patterns. However, many users emit a specific odor that persists for some time after purchase. You should also consider the possibility of strong shrinkage of the canvas when used in a room with high air temperature.
  • The gliftal (alkyd) coating has additional sound and heat insulation, but can be deformed over time.
  • Rubber linoleum is practically not used in everyday life, but it can be indispensable in many other areas.
  • Nitrocellulose linoleum is characterized by elasticity, resistance to moisture and a beautiful shine. However, it cannot be used in crowded places due to the combustibility of the material.

Reference! The type of coating or the number of layers is far from the only thing to consider when going to a hardware store.

No less important factor is the color of the material, since linoleum should harmoniously fit into the overall style of the room. It must be remembered that with the help of certain shades, you can visually increase the space and create a warm atmosphere.

After acquiring a floor covering suitable for a specific situation, it is necessary to start the process of laying it.

What is required for styling

with imitation of parquetExperts warn that immediately after purchasing the right amount of linoleum, you should leave it unfolded for a couple of days. During this time, he will partially take the form of a floor, which will greatly facilitate the subsequent process. All work can be entrusted to professionals or saved and implemented on their own - this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to carefully prepare the workplace in advance and find all the necessary tools. For work you may need:

  • Double-sided tape;
  • special glue;
  • scissors;
  • sharp, strong knife;
  • putty knife;
  • roller;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • a simple pencil or marker.

Important! It is advisable to attract assistants, especially if there is no extensive experience in construction and repair work.

Regardless of the type of foundation (concrete or wood), it is important to carefully prepare it:

  • Remove previous coverage.
  • To clear all of garbage and to dry.
  • If there are damaged elements (parquet or board), they must be replaced. Otherwise, over time, the canvas will take the form of all the bumps, so the base should be almost perfect.
  • Often a preliminary leveling of the surface is required. Its technology will depend on the specific situation - the amount, magnitude of the bumps and the type of foundation itself. So, a wooden floor is usually leveled with plywood sheets, and other means are used with a concrete base.

In addition to everything else, you should decide on the installation method in advance. It is believed that in small rooms it is not necessary to glue linoleum, it is enough to fix it with skirting boards, dimensional furniture and appliances. True, this may not work with soft household linoleum. The fact is that in the summer season at high temperatures, the flooring tends to expand. In autumn, it contracts to its previous size, but as a result, waves form on the surface. Therefore, experts agree that it is better to use glue in the work.

We build linoleum on our own

kindsWhen the dimensions of the canvas are not inferior to the parameters of the room, you can use the method without the use of special glue. This also applies to small rooms without undue stress on the coating. Experts recommend sticking to the following algorithm of actions:

  • It is necessary to spread and carefully trim the linoleum, based on the total area of ​​the room (it is recommended to leave a small margin near the walls).
  • Further, double-sided tape is glued around the entire perimeter of the room. The canvas is neatly stacked on top and smoothed.
  • In the corners you can make cuts, then linoleum will lie close to the wall.
  • After completing all the preliminary work, it is necessary to remove the protective coating from the adhesive tape and carefully glue the canvas on it.
  • The baseboard is nailed for additional fixation (if desired, you can use the old planks).

If you use glue in your work, you need to act a little differently. The roll is also trimmed to the desired size, and then twisted to half length. Strictly following the manufacturer's instructions, a special composition is applied to the floor with a spatula. After waiting for the necessary time, the linoleum is again rolled out, removing excess glue, and pressed well, after which the operation is repeated on the other side. If an integral canvas was laid, this will be the end of the work. All that remains is to fix the baseboard. When the surface consists of two or more paintings, you need to carefully combine their patterns and treat the joints with a special composition. Seams between rooms can be covered with decorative sills.

Attention! It is recommended to wait a few days for everything to dry well, after which it will be possible to fully use the new coating.

That is exactly how the linoleum laying instruction looks in general terms. Technology may have certain nuances, depending on the specific situation.

What to look for

self-assemblyExperts emphasize that the main complexity of the work lies in the correct cutting of the canvas and preliminary preparation of the base. It should be borne in mind that it is a little more difficult to lay linoleum with glue, but this method allows you to get a more stable and durable result. Also, the life of the flooring will largely depend on proper care. For the long-term preservation of its attractive appearance, you should adhere to some tips:

  • When the linoleum is bedded, it is advisable to treat it with a special protective substance, and then polish it well. It is recommended that this procedure be repeated annually.
  • Regular cleaning should be carried out using ordinary soapy water or a small amount of detergent (without acetone and solvents in the composition).
  • If for any reason damage occurs, you need to carefully make a patch in this place.

Compliance with the correct laying technology and operating conditions of linoleum can significantly extend its service life.

According to many experts and home masters, linoleum is a universal floor covering. It is distinguished by excellent performance, affordable price and unpretentiousness in care. In addition, it is quite possible to cope with the styling process yourself, without resorting to the help of professionals. The main thing is to have the necessary set of tools, do everything carefully and not rush.

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