How to remove wool from the carpet? We consider the most convenient ways

glove cleaningThe carpet in the house always looks beautiful and adds comfort and coziness. In addition, carpets can be a great addition to a stylish interior. However, in order for the product to retain its presentable appearance for a long time, it is necessary to carefully care for it and clean it in a timely manner.

This is especially true of living quarters, where pets with fluffy wool also live. There are several ways to clean carpets from wool, they all have their advantages and some disadvantages, and can also be used for various products. Before buying a carpet, you should definitely study the options for caring for it.

Vacuum and broom cleaning

The content of the article

  • Vacuum and broom cleaning
  • Special gloves for cleaning
  • What else to clean the carpet from wool?
  • Why not clean the carpet so as not to spoil it?

There are several methods available to clean the carpet from annoying pet hair. To implement them, you will need to purchase some devices. They can be found in household appliances or household goods stores.

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The most common are a broom and a vacuum cleaner. With their help, you can quite simply clean the surface of the carpet, if you do it regularly. Experts advise first to walk along the surface of the product with a broom dipped in clean water. This will help soften and raise stiff hairs. And then vacuum the carpet, removing the wool from its hairy part.

Important! This procedure needs to be done quite often, at least once every two days. Otherwise, the carpet will become very dirty and more radical cleaning methods will have to be applied.

In modern household appliances, there are additional devices that facilitate the cleaning process:

  • turbo brush (some models of vacuum cleaners are equipped with an additional brush, which collects by rotating movements wool from the pile of the carpet, one should only be careful, since such cleaning affects the wear rate pile);
  • a vacuum cleaner with a washing function (this method helps to clean not only wool, but also remove a layer of dirt from the top of the pile, it does not have penetration into the thickness of the product possibilities, however, the product will become much cleaner; after cleaning, it is worth leaving the carpet in a well-ventilated area until it dries completely and exclude mechanical impact on it).

You can use a broom soaked in water. This is a rather effective, but painstaking method, which will take a lot of time from the hostess. There is also a method using a vacuum cleaner and fabric softener. It is mixed in a container with a spray with a glass of water and treated with the composition of the surface of the carpet. After waiting until the liquid dries a little, the carpet is vacuumed. You can replace the fabric softener with a softener after washing your hair.

Important! Before use, such a composition should be tried on the very edge of the product, in an inconspicuous place. Some products can significantly degrade color or eat out a pattern.

Special gloves for cleaning

You can clean the room with a fluffy carpet using a special mitt, which is used to comb dogs and cats. They put it on the hand and pass several times along the pile of the carpet. The adhering wool is removed easily and fairly quickly, and the housewife's hands do not suffer from constant friction on the hard pile.

wool on the carpetFor the same purpose, you can use medical or household rubber gloves. They are pre-moistened with water so that the wool sticks faster, and they are passed several times along the carpet. From time to time it is suggested to wash off the hairs that have stuck to the hand and start work again.

What else to clean the carpet from wool?

vacuum cleaningExperienced housewives have long identified for themselves several effective ways with which you can easily and quickly clean the carpet from hair and hair. A broom and a vacuum cleaner, of course, are the most effective ways, and most importantly, quick to get rid of pollution. However, there are other ways to remove the wool from the pile of the carpet:

  • clothes brush (you need to arm yourself with water in a basin and a brush, moisten and shake off the water, it is carried out in the direction the pile of the carpet, if it is not too effective, will have to make circular movements, which is more traumatic for products);
  • adhesive tape (adhesive tape will be an excellent tool for a little pollution, they wrap it around the hand and pass along the entire surface of the product, as necessary, change the adhesive tape to a new one);
  • sticky roller (in a similar way, use a sticky roller for clothes, it collects wool well from the carpet, leaving it clean and fresh);
  • foam sponge (a rigid sponge made of foam will be a good option, replacing a damp cloth, it is passed through the pile, collecting wool into balls, and then removed with a vacuum cleaner, the process is quite painstaking);
  • construction mastic (“sausage” from the building material can easily remove contamination with wool, it is rolled on the carpet, collecting villi, several mixtures may be needed);
  • emery paper (if you don’t have special brushes or a vacuum cleaner at hand, you can “comb” the carpet using ordinary medium or large grain sandpaper).

Important! It should be understood that any mechanical effect adversely affects the condition of the carpet, so it is best to use more gentle cleaning methods.

Why not clean the carpet so as not to spoil it?

cleaning brushIt is allowed to clean the carpet with any available means, but not with too hard brushes. They can significantly ruin the pile of the carpet or its pattern. You should also abandon aggressive chemicals, otherwise the color of the product can be pretty spoiled.

But even with gentle care and medium hardness brushes should be especially careful. In addition, it is not recommended to wet the carpet too much, especially expensive silk models. They may lose shape and color.

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