What floors are needed in the apartment on the ground floor: how to make floors comfortable

How do you feel about ground floor apartments? I heard that such apartments are less valued, but I did not really understand why. A friend who was “lucky” to live in such a house without hesitation led several reasons for the inconvenience of the first floor. Among such inconveniences are floors.

What floors are needed in the apartment on the ground floor

What is the problem of the floor on the ground floor

The content of the article

  • What is the problem of the floor on the ground floor
  • Warming Methods
    • From the basement
      • How to do
    • In the apartment
      • Liquid materials
    • Bulk materials
      • Block materials
      • Roll
      • "Warm floor"
  • The better to cover the floors on the ground floor
    • Bung
    • Carpet covering
    • Linoleum with a thick substrate

Residents of apartments on the ground floors of apartment buildings often face the problem of cold floors. They cause discomfort, regular hypothermia and even colds.. This problem is especially acute for families with small children.

cold floor problem

The problem of cold floors in ground floor apartments due to the presence of an unheated basement in the basement of the building

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. It can cause penetration of cold air, drafts, dampness, as well as unpleasant odors and even fungus into the housing.

As a rule, basements perform an auxiliary function. Therefore, utilities are not puzzled by their insulation and thereby put the inhabitants of the first floors in unequal conditions with other residents of the house, and also make you solve your problems yourself, warming your an apartment.

Warming Methods

There are several options for insulation.

From the basement

One of the most effective methods of warming is basement insulation.

basement insulation

IMPORTANT! GThe main advantage of this method is the saving of space in the apartment, as well as the absence of the need to carry out quite dirty work in the living room.

How to do

For external insulation, it is necessary to determine and designate the area of ​​your home on the concrete ceiling of the basement, and then stick moisture-proof insulation on it. It could be polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool. Additional moisture insulation will provide plastic film layerwhich foam should be coated, or bituminous coating.

IMPORTANT! To protect the insulation layer from damage by rodents, you can build a metal or plywood crate on top of it.

In the apartment

Another, most common option - floor insulation directly in the apartment.

In the market of building and finishing materials a wide variety of materials for the device of warm coating is presented. They are produced in liquid and loose form, as well as in the form of blocks and rolls.

Liquid materials

Liquid materials include expanded cement or clay foam admixture and polymer foamisol.


Each of these types of bases has high thermal insulation properties. But at the same time, they quite difficult to install and most often require special equipment.

Bulk materials

Loose heaters in the form of expanded clay, wood sawdust and polystyrene chips differ in durability and simplicity of laying, possess low thermal conductivity.

dry materials

The disadvantage of such materials is the low level of waterproofing, the ability to accumulate moisture. Therefore their recommended only in dry rooms.

Block materials

Block heaters, represented by mineral wool, polystyrene foam, vermiculite and basalt fiberare characterized by excellent thermal insulation, low cost and environmental friendliness.


The disadvantages include fragility of blocks and the ability to emit harmful fumes when heated.


In the form of rolls, materials such as mineral wool with an aluminum layer, foil insulation, cork.


The main advantage of this type of insulation is simplicity of laying. However most of them cannot provide sufficient protection against cold and drafts.

IMPORTANT! If one roll insulation is not enough to achieve the required temperature, it can be combined with another, put in two layers or combined with block and bulk materials.

"Warm floor"

The most expensive and time-consuming method of insulation is the installation of the "warm floor" system. Such a system provides heating by means of a water circuit, electricity or an infrared film layer.

warm floor

This method allows not only to equip the house with comfortable temperature floors, but also provides heating the whole room, and also effectively fights against excessive humidity.

The better to cover the floors on the ground floor

As a floor covering for apartments on the ground floor it is better to choose materials that have the lowest thermal conductivity.


In the first place among these finishing materials is cork. Eco-friendly, beautiful and durable, she provides natural regulation of humidity in the room and keeps the floor warm enough at any temperature in the apartment.


Carpet covering

Long-pile carpet also solves the problem of insufficient insulation gender. A variety of color and stylistic solutions allows you to fit it into the interior of any room.

carpet covering

Linoleum with a thick substrate

Some types of linoleum also do an excellent job of warming. If the budget allows, it’s better to choose natural materials on a thick substrate. This will provide good insulation without harm to health.


Unlike cork and carpet, linoleum is characterized by ease of installation and maximum ease of care.

As you can see, if cold floors are the only minus of the home, it is not at all difficult to change for a plus. To do this, you will need to choose the most suitable option for insulation.

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