In former times, cleaning was given a special, sacred meaning.With the help of brooms and panicles, the dwelling was relieved of troubles and evil forces, the money was swept out. When starting cleaning in the house, it must be borne in mind that any untimely undertakings can attract negative. What days can you put things in order in the house, and when should you refrain from cleaning?
The content of the article
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
The beginning of the week cannot be called the right moment to restore order. Many people are of the opinion that on Monday, otherworldly forces are particularly active, and various undertakings on this day can provoke an adverse effect not only on a person, but also on his home.
Reference! In ancient times, it was believed that cleaning the house on this day could attract financial difficulties to the house.
This day is recognized as the most suitable for putting things in order in the house, including for cleaning floors.
On Tuesday, the effect of negative power is noticeably weakened. Restoring order will not only help to clean the living space, but will also help to fill the home with favorable energy. For this, wet cleaning is recommended to be combined with rituals based on interaction with water.Wednesday
General cleaning is better not to plan on Wednesday. But to refresh the floors by wiping them with a wet rag is perfectly acceptable. Those who have difficulty in doing things should clean up not only their homes, but also their workrooms. Restoring order of this kind will favorably affect family relations and bring financial stability.
On Thursday, cleaning is recommended in the afternoon. Before starting this process, open windows and doors in the house. Thanks to this, the dwelling will be filled with fresh air and at the same time will be spared from the energy of stagnation. A vacuum cleaner on Thursday is not recommended, it is better to replace it with a broom.

Advice! It is undesirable to use household chemicals on this day when cleaning. It is better to replace such products with natural substances (for example, soda).
Absolutely not suitable for cleaning and washing. Putting order in the house on Friday can provoke getting into financial dependence. Things started on this day will be accompanied by various obstacles, and the result will most likely not live up to expectations.

Advice! Instead of cleaning on Friday, it is advisable to go to the store to purchase things for repairs, various household needs and home decoration. Shopping will be successful and will last long enough.
This day is filled with a positive atmosphere, and is considered one of the most suitable for restoring order and comfort in the house. The basic principle of the Sabbath day is the purity of space and man.
Any household chores related to putting things in order promise financial profit, getting rid of diseases, harmonious and happy family relationships on this day. On Saturday, you can safely perform even the most ambitious and complex homework.

Advice! Long-term repairs on Saturday are better not to start.
According to tradition, this day is not allowed to engage all kinds of physical labor. This is due to the Christian custom of devoting Sunday to church and spiritual practice.
It is believed that ignoring this custom may increase the likelihood of quarrels and financial problems.

Sunday is recommended to devote to the spiritual and energy cleaning of housing.
House cleaning is a must. This process involves ridding the home not only of dust, debris and dirt, but also of accumulating negative emotions and negative energy. In order for such an activity not only to ensure cleanliness, but also to benefit, it is very important to choose a suitable day for cleaning the house.