The effectiveness of the use of tincture on the walls of walnutWeakness, fairly rapid fatigue, irritability - all this is the first signs that trace elements do not enter the body in full. People who devote a lot of time working on a computer often have a lack of iodine. Read also: Features of the use of apricots, their benefits and harm
Tincture on walnut and vodka partitions helps to cope with these symptoms. In addition, it has a whole range of therapeutic effects:
- antibacterial;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antidiabetic;
- antitumor;
- has an astringent effect;
- normalizes hormonal balance;
- normalizes thyroid function;
- lowers cholesterol;
- restores iodine deficiency.
Recipes tinctures available to each
When choosing nuts, the degree of their maturity is of great importance. The concentration of trace elements they have different, respectively, and the effectiveness of receiving extracts, powders and tinctures will also be different.
Experts recommend using unripe fruits for tinctures. The partitions are green. It is necessary to abandon the fruit, which was stored for a long period of time. Most of their useful properties are lost.
Walnut decoction suitable for use by children. Its basis is water and partitions of a young nut. The broth is brought to a boil and removed after 10 minutes from the heat. After cooling, it is required to store in glassware and a dark place. The composition is taken daily for 30 minutes before a meal, 20 ml. As a result, the body is saturated with iodine in the optimal amount. Broth helps to eliminate toxins from the body.
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. The tincture of walnut partitions on alcohol should be prepared in strict proportion: 150 ml of alcohol are used for 30 nuts. After the mixture is obtained, it needs to be stored for 14 days in a dark place, then it can be applied 3 times a day, after having been dissolved in water. At the first reception, it is enough to take 15 drops. Gradually, you can increase the dose, bringing to 20 drops. Duration of treatment is 60 days without a break.
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The recipe for homemade tincture of walnut on the walls of the walnut is similar to that prepared with alcohol. The difference is only in proportions. In this case, for 30 nuts, 220 ml of moonshine is required.
As a result of this infusion, immunity is strengthened, which is especially important during the period of viral diseases. It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
With excess weight, intake of tincture can be combined with an effective diet. This will help speed up the metabolism and remove toxins from the body.
For the preparation of walnut partitions tincture with vodka, you will need 3 tablespoons of finely ground raw materials and 200 grams of vodka. In a small container, you must mix the ingredients. The resulting composition is infused for a week. The required number of drops before use diluted with water. If you apply the tincture on the walls of walnuts on a regular basis, you can achieve excellent results. The duration of treatment should be determined individually. The optimal period is 1 month. Increasing body tone will be the best indicator of successful treatment.
Video about the preparation of tinctures on the walnut partitions