Do-it-yourself cabinet under the sink: determining parameters, choosing materials

Any consumer wants to recreate the author's style in the bathroom, making it not only attractive in appearance, but also quite functional with a variety of furniture. One of the options for furniture is a cabinet under the sink in the bathroom with your own hands. This type of furniture can have a different shape, size and a lot of functionality.

And most importantly, any user can make these cabinets with their own hands. And we decided to talk about this below, providing you with detailed manufacturing instructions.

Determination of the parameters of the cabinet under the sink

The content of the article

  • Determination of the parameters of the cabinet under the sink
  • Selection of materials
  • DIY assembly instructions
    • Parts preparation
    • Product Installation

Definition of parameters of a curbstoneAt the moment, there are a lot of options for making bedside tables for the bathroom. But when choosing options, it is recommended first of all to build on financial opportunities. Also, the determining role should be given to the functions of the subject and its style, the dimensions of the bathroom, and, of course, the personal preferences of the household.

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In addition, the main criteria for making a cabinet under the wash basin with your own hands include:

  • Appearance;
  • Placement
  • Installation method;
  • The material of manufacture.

Selection of materials

Selection of materials for a curbstoneThe duration of the service will depend not only on the quality of the work performed, but also on the material of manufacture. Based on the above information, the cabinet under the sink in the bath with your own hands can be made of:

  • Natural wood;
  • Glass;
  • Plastic;
  • Drywall;
  • MDF.

The cabinet under the sink with its own hands made of natural wood has a presentable appearance and will please you with a long service life, due to the presence of protection in the form of a special moisture-resistant coating. But the price is a bit “biting”, which makes consumers look for an alternative. And one of those options is MDF.

To make a bedside table under the sink with your own hands from glass, you will need to have the skills to work with this material. And therefore, only specialists can make such designs. But plastic is perhaps the best option. It is ideal for any bathroom, and in working with it you will need to show a minimum of effort.

In addition, this material is resistant to moisture. The situation will be similar when using drywall.

A stylish product will be obtained with the simultaneous use of several materials. So you can get a practical, economical and most importantly - a universal cabinet under the sink in the bathroom.

DIY assembly instructions

Assembly instructionsHow to make a cabinet under the sink? Before doing it yourself, you will need to carry out a series of preparatory actions. Initially, it is recommended to determine the location of the future structure, as well as pay attention to checking water and sewer pipes.

In addition, it is necessary to choose the appropriate dimensions of the cabinet based on the size of the washbasin, and consider the method of attachment. And then you can already choose the material of manufacture, create a drawing and proceed directly to the main part of the work process.

Parts preparation

Preparation of the details of the cabinetAt the initial stage, it is necessary to prepare all the components of the future design. Based on the drawing, we apply appropriate marking on the purchased material, and then, using a suitable tool, we cut it out.

To cut holes in the cabinet under the sink, you will need to use an electric jigsaw, and the size of the hole must be determine with the help of a pattern, which can be made from cardboard, leaning it against the sink, and using a pencil, applying the desired markup.

Attention! The resulting hole must completely repeat the contours of the bottom of the washbasin.

Then you will need to cut the patch strip for the top. In the process, it is necessary to take into account the size of the doors so that they do not come into contact with the top when opening. And after that, you can proceed to the installation of the nightstand.

Product Installation

Installation of a curbstoneFirst you need to assemble the frame of the future product, and only then proceed with the installation of the remaining parts of the future design. In this case, it will be necessary to process all side sections, which will help prevent moisture from entering. For these purposes, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant glue, and the sections before processing should be cleaned with sandpaper and primed with waterproof agents.

Then we fix the side parts to the frame using self-tapping screws, having previously marked holes for them. After we put the countertop, we attach the doors and, if necessary, install the inner drawers. This completes the assembly of the product, and we can only install the sink on the resulting product.

Before this, it is necessary to connect all the water pipes to the mixer, and then install the sink on the prepared “platform”. So that the washbasin mount is reliable, and it does not mix with light effort, it is recommended to put silicone on the edge of the cabinet before installation.

After placing the sink, we simply install the cabinet against the wall in the selected place, and process all the connecting seams with silicone sealant. After drying, you can start lining and decorate the cabinet according to personal preference.

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