Dimensions nightstand: standard sizes bedside tables, how to choose the size of cabinets

bedside tableBy creating a bedroom interior often enough for such pieces of furniture as a bedside table, a person does not pay attention. But it will make remember myself when there is a desire somewhere to put a glass of water or put the clock before you fall asleep.

Bedside table with all the diversity of their appearance in the first place must meet a number of specific features and, of course, fit into the room where they are installed. With their selection should take into account several parameters, including the size and appearance.

What affects the size of bedside tables

The content of the article

  • What affects the size of bedside tables
  • Standard sizes nightstand
    • Width nightstand
    • The height of the bedside table in the bedroom
  • The size of the bedside table, depending on its configuration
  • How to choose the perfect size bedside tables

The key parameter - the height pedestals. Regardless of how it will look, his role is reduced to a minimum if it is difficult to reach from the bed.

nightstand beside the bedThere is a strong view that the optimum solution is considered to be a bedside table, mounted on the same height as the bed. In fact, the furniture will be built in a row, and it will look symmetrical and balanced. And this is just pleasing to the eye. But the important thing is that

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Such an arrangement is considered to be the most ergonomic. Undoubtedly, you can retreat into a larger or smaller part, but not very much.

The width of the subject is also affected by the width of the bed. That is, the selection of tables makes sense to be guided by the principle of proportionality. In other words, if the bed is sufficiently wide, and have a miniature size, then, of course, arise visual imbalance.

IMPORTANT! If the bed is produced with king size WIDTH bedside tables should lie in the range from 500 to 1000 mm.

bollardOn the bedside table size is also affected by its depth. Negatively can affect the depth and tables, if its depth is more than 500 mm, it may cause some difficulties with access to beds.

In the selection of tables it is advisable to move towards equilibrium between the size of the bed, the room itself and tables. For example, if the bed has an easy back then to such a couchette is best suited delicate cabinets or tables. If the bed looks pretty hard, it makes sense to install a number of heavy stone - dressers.

Standard sizes nightstand

size cabinetsOn pieces of furniture in the stores of a certain size are already available. Typically, manufacturers are based on standard sizes. It is therefore necessary to navigate in them, so as not to make the wrong choice.

Width nightstand

Width nightstandAs noted above, the size of the bedside table depend on the set size of the bed a lot. But we must not forget that next to a large bed a small bedside table will look inharmonious.

Historically, bedside tables standard width in the range from 500 to 1000 mm.

The height of the bedside table in the bedroom

The height of the bedside table in the bedroomThe height of the tables depends on the height of a bed installed in a bedroom. The best option may be considered that the height is the height of the bed side tables, this arrangement will be the most ergonomic.

The size of the bedside table, depending on its configuration

Dimensions bedside tables are directly dependent on the size of the bedroom, where it is installed, its workload of other furniture, height and width of the bed and, of course, features of design and construction. The size of the top cover may depend on what shape it has.

interesting cabinetIn the selection tables must be remembered, and the depth of this product. It should be adjusted depending on how it is used. But it makes sense to buy the model, in which the width is more than 500 mm but not more, otherwise it may happen that it will be difficult to go to his place.

How to choose the perfect size bedside tables

When selecting the size of tables it makes sense to be guided by the following factors:

  1. Height of the bed. In terms of ergonomics, optimum height is considered to be approximately equal to the height of the bed, it will not reach for objects that are placed on its surface.
  2. The purpose of the tablesThat is, what items will be installed on it.
  3. width bed. Its size should be in proportion to the size of the bed.

curbstone 1To make a successful choice of the desired product is better not to succumb to the persuasion of the seller. It is necessary to evaluate the space, which will set the selected cabinet. After you have removed the size of this place, it will become clear which model would be the best solution for the bedroom.

3 DrawersAs for the shape and size of the space itself can help to make a choice in favor of a particular model. For example, if it is occupied by furniture, and are free only to the corners, you can consider installing corner cabinets. This model does not take up much space, but at the same time will carry out all the functions inherent in this type of furniture.

If free space in the walls, it makes sense to install a typical bench with a small width

Drawers 2Of course, the master of the house will be determined with the number of cabinets. It depends entirely on what kind of ideas for design of the room there are homeowners, its budget and the things that will be used in the operation of the bedside tables. For example, if a person likes to read before going to sleep, then it makes sense to install a bedside table with drawer. On the size and appearance of the product, no doubt, and he will have a design that is planned in this room.

Of course, buying furniture for the bedroom should be mindful of its capacity. The height of this element of the bedroom environment should be within the height of the bed. Of course, on its surface must be no scratches, chips. Boxes installed in this construction, should move smoothly and without delay.

Accessories used in this article, should be Jay to wear and easy to use.

When selecting this element of the interior does not make sense to save what it will be more convenient, more comfortable night's sleep will be.

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