What distinguishes the shop from the bench: what is the store, bench definition, the difference between them.

Bench and bench.During walks in the park, public garden or just outside, we were on the way there are comfortable benches and benches, where you can catch your breath, talk with a friend, have a snack or just a break from walking. However, few people imagine the differences as arrangement of objects as a bench and a bench. But they are also quite significant.

What is the shop

The content of the article

  • What is the shop
  • definition bench
  • The difference between the bench and the bench

Shop. Bench - a roughly hewn wooden product, consisting of a support and a solid crossbar, put on top. Initially, it was a long wooden beams, which were fastened to the wall around the perimeter of the hut. It is not only sitting but also slept, covered with warm sheepskin coat or caftan. Welcome guests in the house it was decided to lay on a bench under the icons, while the uninvited guests, showing them his contempt, seated in front of the house.

IMPORTANT! Modern forms of benches with legs began to appear much later. But now it's hard to imagine a suburban area or park benches without seating.

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Today, shops are ubiquitous, but often at personal farmsteads. Equip them in parks, squares, along the pedestrian streets and on private land. The main destination for rest and relaxation. The main difference from other types of garden furniture is the lack of armrests and backrest.

definition bench

Bench.Bench is also a device for recreation, made of several wooden boards, interconnected frame and which is made of wood or metal. Bench has legs and backrest and armrests.

It is noteworthy that in ancient Rus' bench was called very low footrest used by important people. Subsequently, the height of the bench began to grow, and there was a prototype of modern benches. In the future, it was designed armrests and backrest, and in some instances even a kind used as a headrest casket, where to put the jewelry.

IMPORTANT! Previously bench used for recreation, festive receptions and other events. Today, most of the bench is used for recreation in parks and backyard.

The difference between the bench and the bench

Despite functional similarity, leisure furniture on the street has a number of differences from each other. Most importantly, their appearance differs significantly:

  • shop represents roughly put together between a wooden board, not carrying any aesthetic satisfaction;
  • bench usually made of highly polished boards and twisted metallic support, it looks beautiful and subtly.

In addition, convenient for leisure furniture often equipped with armrests, which makes its use even more comfortable. In the old days the furniture for sleep and rest covered with red cloth, carpets, skins of wild animals. In general, we do everything possible to sleep comfortably.

Bench can be moved.The second factor that distinguishes these items of garden furniture, is their mobility. shop support usually digged in the earth, thus tying it to a place where it will always serve. Bench, in turn, has always been a piece of furniture portable. It is easy to install at a comfortable resting place, and transferred to another if necessary.

Thus, a product with a backrest and armrests has great comfort and ease of use. Rough furniture can be easily put together on their own, on their own summer cottage. Pridvinuv it to the fence, you get a good place to rest between economic affairs. Bench has more aesthetic appearance and is often made of metal. They are easier to relax and easy to carry. The variety of such furniture with twisted decorative inserts can be found in any city in the parks and squares, as well as pedestrian streets and squares.

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