Benches made of shaped tubes with your hands: how to make a bench out of his hands proftruby

bench from proftrubyYou're going to decorate his dacha, or simply ennoble the place in the back yard, then just need to make a comfortable and solid bench that will serve faithfully for many years. So that the process did not seem tedious, it is better to take up the matter with the whole family, it will bring together all of the common cause, unite you and will give invaluable experience to the younger generation. In this article we will discuss what material is best to make garden benches, share experiences and give useful advice.

How to make a garden bench from profile pipe with his own hands: Walkthrough

The content of the article

  • How to make a garden bench from profile pipe with his own hands: Walkthrough
    • Drawings benches to give a shaped tube of
    • What is needed to create a bench profile
    • Preparing make up the bench
    • Driving build garden benches profile
    • How to install a bench of the shaped tube into the garden
  • Working with a profile pipe

profiled tubeAre you ready to get to work and have to look for materials, then you can start. But before you make the bench you need to select the right material. Now for this there is a huge selection. We recommend to stay at proftrube. They come in different shapes and sizes, which would make the product the way you wish, of any size and format.

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Why profiled pipes? The fact that it has a number of advantages:

  1. Carbon steel from which they are made is durable and easily processed.
  2. Ease of welding parts, if necessary, make changes in the design of the bench.
  3. Lightness of the material, which will easily carry it from place to place.
  4. The optimal price is probably the most profitable.

benchWell, the material selected, but first still should make a plan drawing of the future product, for which you will make the bench. Here, too, no big deal, enough to take the basic dimensions, include fantasy and imagine in your head that you want to get to the exit. At this stage the main role is played by the imagination and personal wishes. While the bench is in the development stage, you can modify it and construct their own volition.

Drawings benches to give a shaped tube of

If you already have experience in this field, then you certainly will be able to choose the appropriate size for yourself. As is often the benches chosen by the customer's personal preferences, the most convenient combination of sizes to create a comfortable and convenient bench, only you can pick yourself. We propose in this paper a general plan for the most common summer benches, while not taking into account the peculiarities of the human physique. These benches are suitable for almost all, they are designed for the average proportions of the body.


The gradual establishment of the drawing:

  • The support portion bench should be in the range of from 40 to 60 cm.
  • The back is better to make a height of 0.5 meters above the seats.
  • The seat must be raised above the level of the lower legs off the ground by 40-50 cm.

drawing benchesSuch parameters are optimized and provide a convenient and comfortable stay for those who sits on it. Taking these parameters raschertite on graph paper blank benches. For convenience, we recommend do drawings in three planes. This will allow to evaluate and present the advantages and disadvantages of the future product.

What is needed to create a bench profile

screwsWe will discuss a list of what you need to prepare in advance before you start. In addition to the base material, need some tools that it is better to find and prepare for work. Among them:

  • the base material (steel pipe and profile wooden boards);
  • hammer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill with drill bits for wood and metal of different diameters;
  • screws;
  • corners metal for joining parts together and create a frame;
  • tape measure and other tools as needed.

TIP: Stocks boards and shaped tube, it happens that an error in calculation or carelessness resulting in an incorrect cutting off the material and, consequently, its lack.

Preparing make up the bench

components of the preparationThe main components of the usual bench: support, seat backrest. Accordingly, the need to prepare all necessary materials and blanks. You can do this in two ways:

  • Make the component parts, and then combine them.
  • Prepare all the parts separately and proceed to the assembly.

The second method is as follows:

  • Prepare the same size of the board, if necessary, polish them and sanding them to become smooth, and they can be varnished in the future.
  • Cut sizes for different pipe support and the backrest.
  • Make the corners on the pipes, which then we will connect.

Driving build garden benches profile

Material and tools are selected, all preform made proceed to the assembly. The overall assembly plan is as follows:

circuit assembly
  1. Metal supports pre-connect in the frame. It is easier and more convenient to use for the right angle.
  2. Boil parts together.
  3. Attach the legs to the base, and fixing them by welding. The bottom of the bench ready. To attach the backrest to the back of the shop a longer pipe, the upper part and which will serve as a backrest.
  4. Strip the welds parts.
  5. Prepare a wooden board in accordance with the drawing-up.
  6. Make drill holes at the planned locations for mounting boards. Spare holes of burrs and nicks.
  7. Screw the wooden base of the seat and backrest.

ATTENTION! At all stages of follow basic safety precautions, be careful in dealing with electrical appliances.

ready to benchAnother important point is tracking at every stage of the product line angles. The angles should be identical and form a skew. It can be traced by means of comparing the level or diagonally in the rectangles. They must always intersect at one point.

Congratulations, bench ready, decorate it, remove the cosmetic flaws and enjoy the well-deserved rest.

How to install a bench of the shaped tube into the garden

bench in the gardenIt is important to comply with certain requirements for the installation of benches.

  • Feet should touch the ground during normal landing.
  • The angle of inclination on the uneven ground shall be such that the bench did not fall and create comfortable conditions for sitting.
  • The soil under the bench needs to be done to achieve a smooth and stability.
  • It is best to put a bench in the shadow of a tree or a building.
  • Nearby you can put a decorative plant.

Working with a profile pipe

Working with a profile pipeShaped tubes have a number of characteristics that are considered when working with them. Despite a number of advantages, as mentioned above, they have several drawbacks:

  • Due to the presence of the cavities must close any hole plugs to prevent corrosive damage.
  • Poorly amenable to decorating and giving it form.

Yet this material fits perfectly to achieve a good result.

Benches made of shaped tubes with your hands: how to make a bench out of his hands proftruby

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