Wardrobe to the balcony with his hands: product variants, from which it can do is make the cabinet to the loggia with their hands

Wardrobe to the balcony with his handsMaking repairs on the balcony that you can deal with quite interesting and not very difficult. There is a question of self-made cabinet, which will not only perform the function of storing a variety of items, but also constitutes an additional interior, so-called, a small separate room. Therefore, in this article, and it will be presented instructions to manufacturing design, as well as a number of useful recommendations on the work process. beautifully decorate cabinets will not be difficult, in the Internet you can find a step by step photos.

Closet on the balcony with his hands - Product options

The content of the article

  • Closet on the balcony with his hands - Product options
  • From what we can make the cabinet on the balcony
    • Wood
    • Particleboard
    • gypsum plasterboard
    • Plastic
  • Making the cabinet to the loggia with their hands
    • Choosing the design and creation of drawing
    • Any material and tools are necessary
    • preparation details
    • Assembly
    • Manufacture and installation of doors
  • Interesting design ideas - to make beautiful wardrobe
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There are many different options, which will be made a construction. Let us consider each of them:

  • Wardrobe to the balcony with his handsembedded modules use more often. They are known for a long service life, as the doors close tightly the device that does not allow for the likelihood of damage. In addition, it is convenient to evaluate the entire range in the open state. However, be aware that you can not take up space in front of the construction, otherwise it loses its meaning. Consequently, the entire floor area is used irrationally.
  • Detached. With the help of mirrors that are attached to them, you can visually enlarge the space. You can also highlight their efficiency in purchasing.
  • Corner. Very helpful in obstraivanii balconies that have non-standard form. They are easily able to disguise a corner. In this case, you can not even use a special wall for the equipment, as it can serve as a wall of the room. Therefore, the maximum operably engaged portion.
  • We should not forget about the structures with open shelves. This method is the most advanced. In addition, it is possible to easily create this design.

From what we can make the cabinet on the balcony

In general, work on a project quite diverse. In every aspect, there are options for the outcome of events. Material for manufacturing is no exception. To determine the choice, it is advisable to consider the advantages and disadvantages:


As you can understand the process of fixing the wall that design maximizes robust and can withstand even the most heavy load. It creates a natural effect in the design of the room. But it will take considerable time for the user to care. In addition, direct sunlight, which fall on the product, will contribute to the timely darkening wood surface. Also, most likely, there will be the boards of the frame deformation due to insufficient dryness. Since the material kind to the humid atmosphere.


It characterized as the most budget the purchase of all of its competitors. Unlike the previous materials, this most resistant to both moisture and a sharp change in temperature. Sufficiently large palette of colors, so everyone will be able to pick up a shade structures for their future full interior.

gypsum plasterboard

Wardrobe PlasterboardCharacterized in that the user is not different difficulties when collecting structure, and also in its establishment. In addition, it easy to handle and can be painted, selecting the desired color. If you use metal profile, you can not worry about the deformation. However, when compared with wood fittings, the first of them will give way to the other in the fortress, and in a constructive effort. To this can be added and the smallest strength against impacts. In any event, the shortcomings can be eliminated. For example, to strengthen and secure the device by any shelves, and the corners provide greater impact resistance (plastering mesh perfectly suited for the job).


Perhaps the most optimal choice to use. He not only opposes all kinds of stressful situations and stress, but also care for this machine as simple as possible and does not expend a huge amount of time. Just wipe with a damp cloth when they are dirty and closet becomes just like acquired. If a person who enjoys the cabinet, there is a desire to create a hinged plastic doors and compartments, there are no obstacles to this.

Making the cabinet to the loggia with their hands

Of course, with great will and readiness to have the opportunity to make their own design and be proud of his invention. It will take some time, however, you will get great pleasure from what is happening, and to get the result useful and necessary for each item.

Choosing the design and creation of drawing

When all of the varieties you choose the right for themselves and their balconies, it is necessary to make a sketch, in which you will be guided throughout the entire workflow. Model variants:

  1. Cabinet, equipped with three branches, which is desired to be set within wide areas. Its upper part does not get up to the ceiling, there is available space - it is recommended to use a variety of colors, or any items. With regard to the inner portion, so it is due to settling of personal preference.
  2. The construction in the form of a compartment of a material chipboard. Doors his sliding, as they are most comfortable. In appearance: compactness and accuracy.
  3. Good for narrow mileage. On the upper area it expands due to even a very wide window sills. One door is active, the other - "deaf".

Himself drawing need to establish on the basis of submitted parameters of the cabinet, their preferences. Hence, each embodiment is an individual for each. In addition, you need to decide what will be stored in the unit. On this will depend directly on the number of embedded shelves. Standard measurements (plus / min 100-200 mm): Height - 2500 Width - 1100 depth - 500, the gap between the shelves - 350.

Closet balcony

Any material and tools are necessary

ATTENTION! Number of workpieces depends on the parameters.

You will need:

  1. Nails, dowels, screws - elements for mounting.
  2. A chisel and a hammer.
  3. Ruler, pencil.
  4. Drill and drill bits.
  5. Jigsaw.
  6. Sander.
  7. For frame of wood required beam, which 40 to 40 section. In its absence is better to take the profile of galvanized metal.
  8. If you decide to sheathe plywood or chipboard, you will need water-resistant panel. Its thickness should be approximately 10 to 12 millimeters.

preparation details

This step consists of the harvested cells from the boards, the dimensions of which should correspond to those prepared in the scheme. It is necessary to saw components lining (to make the ratio of the desired settings). And prepare fasteners that will be needed to fix to the body skin.


  1. Wardrobe balcony - assemblyFirst you need to mark a place of the future cabinet location. For accuracy, use the building level.
  2. Self-fixing frame components on the ceiling and the floor.
  3. Using the vertical risers, should put the pieces mentioned above.
  4. Intermediate crossbeam need to bond with each other due to the metal parts.
  5. The following is to establish the shelf at your discretion.
  6. The next step will be the door. Size, of course, pre-assigned.
  7. Conclusion - lining.

REFERENCE! Again, it is strongly recommended to use a special process level. Fasten all screws. Remember that the distance between them should be about 40 centimeters.

Manufacture and installation of doors

The product shall comply with not only the parameters but also in appearance. There are a variety of them:

  • Sliding. Enjoy maximum comfort when you include them in the design wardrobe. They have the high cost.
  • Swing. The standard and most affordable option. It should take into account the distance in front of them, which has to be free.
  • Shutters. Very similar to the blinds.

Interesting design ideas - to make beautiful wardrobe

Manufacturer Fantasy influences what ultimately subject will be presented. This can be a balcony, where if a partition in the form of doors enclosed land. Behind it can be located any shelf or as a blank space where you can bring a bike. If you wish to store perishable foods, it is necessary to reflect on the doors, blinds.

Do not forget about the color scheme. Should choose light colors to visually emphasize the size of the room. It can be as beige, white, and "under the tree."

Closet balcony
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