Do-it-yourself drywall cabinet: options, installation location, manufacturing process.

Do-it-yourself drywall cabinet.It is probably difficult to imagine a house without a cabinet designed to store various household items and clothes. Some people prefer classic store furniture, while others follow modern trends. But, there is a separate group of citizens who have the appropriate skills and prefer to do everything with their own hands. An independently executed drywall cabinet will significantly save and complement the interior with a stylish and functional piece of furniture.

Options for drywall cabinets with photos

The content of the article

  • Options for drywall cabinets with photos
  • Choosing an installation location and sketching
  • Materials and necessary tools
  • Do it yourself with a drywall cabinet
  • Cabinet decoration

Drywall furniture can be made in the following options:

  1. Angular.
  2. Linear.
  3. Built in.
  4. Coupe.
Do-it-yourself corner cabinet made of drywall.

Corner furniture is suitable for installation in a small room. Such designs save a little usable area. A cabinet of linear design is referred to as universal structures that can be installed anywhere in the apartment.

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REFERENCE! If there is a niche in the room, then it is advisable to make an embedded product, such designs are often positioned as wardrobes. A cabinet in the form of a chest of drawers with built-in shelves becomes an excellent option for storing not only clothes, but also household appliances or books.

Do-it-yourself linear cabinet made of drywall.

It makes sense in advance to understand what features a chest of drawers may have. Furniture design can include both open and closed shelves. A closet in the shape of a compartment is the optimal solution for a small apartment. GKL furniture, the design of which includes closed shelves, is an extremely practical product, but it is somewhat difficult to make its frame.

Do-it-yourself wardrobe of drywall.

Choosing an installation location and sketching

Wardrobe from plasterboard.Drywall is classified as a universal material, a product from it can be installed anywhere in the apartment from the corridor to the loggia. It all depends on the purpose of the manufactured structure.

Simple design - cabinet with accessible shelves. But, such furniture is not practical, in comparison with a cabinet with doors, which most often have to be ordered on the side. In the manufacture of furniture from gypsum plasterboard doors, use is not recommended.

A linear cabinet with shelves is a typical solution suitable for any room, especially for a living room or hall. If you need to store a lot of things somewhere, but there is not enough space, you can build a corner cupboard that can easily fit in the hallway, bedroom. Wardrobe - a compartment becomes furniture, where you can store many things for various purposes. This is also a great option for the so-called dressing room. A very interesting solution is the device of the closet on the loggia or balcony.

Materials and necessary tools

For the manufacture of such furniture, it is necessary to prepare the material and tools necessary for the work, in particular:

  • drywall;
  • metal profile or wooden beam;
  • marker;
  • measuring tool;
  • spatulas, hammer;
  • fasteners and some others.

That is, for the installation of such a product requires a fairly large amount of tools and materials, but at the same time, the use of some special tool or technological equipment is not required.

Do it yourself with a drywall cabinet

When creating a cabinet, the following recommendations should be taken into account and certain nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Work begins with the creation of a drawing or diagram. This can be done on a piece of paper or using special software products. Before creating sketches or drawings, all the necessary measurements of the room are carried out, and the appearance of the future product with dimensions that allow it to fit into the room is created. When developing take into account all the subtleties - from size to the number of shelves.Do-it-yourself drywall cabinet.
  2. The layout of the room. If the sketch is made correctly, then the layout of the room is performed. This will require a measuring and marking tool.
  3. The acquisition of the necessary materials. Based on the developed plan, they calculate the required material and tool, and only then do the necessary purchases. By the way, at this stage, you need to decide on what material will be used to create the frame. There are two options for making the frame. It can be built from a steel profile or from a wooden bar.
  4. Arrangement of the foundation. To give the furniture stability and reliability, it is necessary to build a reliable foundation. It is assembled using frame elements, profile slats are laid on the floor surface and fixed on the wall. Between profiles should not be more than 40 cm. To reduce the noise that may occur during the operation of furniture, a damper tape is placed under the profile.
  5. When assembling the base, it is necessary to use a measuring tool to control the location of the profile in space.
  6. After assembling the frame and checking the quality of its installation in place, you can collect horizontal and vertical parts of the structure.
  7. The presence of the back wall depends on the quality of the wall. If it is pre-aligned, then its installation is not required.
  8. For cutting GKL use a special knife. To fix the sheets to the frame using screws. The pitch of their installation is 200 mm.

Cabinet decoration

A closet is not only a place to store things. This, in fact, is one of the main elements of the interior.

Do-it-yourself cabinet decoration from drywall.

The cabinet surface can be covered with wallpaper, while it is advisable to use washable types. It is acceptable to use liquid wallpaper. With their help create interesting patterns and ornaments. There are other ideas for decorating the cabinet - the use of mirrors, photo wallpaper.

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