How to choose a wardrobe in the bedroom: selection criteria, how to choose the best wardrobe according to reviews

wardrobe in the bedroomSliding wardrobe is fundamental furniture. His choice and installation is usually done for more than a dozen years, so buying it, you must study all the nuances beforehand so that the new acquisition will satisfy all your needs and not created problems.

What indicators should have a good wardrobe

The content of the article

  • What indicators should have a good wardrobe
  • Which wardrobe is better to choose in the bedroom
    • Configuration
    • Functionality
    • Manufacturer
  • Which cabinet is better to choose according to user reviews
spacious wardrobe

When choosing a wardrobe, you need to navigate by main criteria, which are their differences among themselves. They usually include:

  • The form. According to it, they differ in the type of arrangement: built-in and not built-in. A freestanding cabinet has its own shape, which sometimes helps it to act as an element of decor, but it happens that its walls and frame only give it external bulkiness. The built-in can be interestingly written out into the general interior of the room, while saving space. The many years of experience of companies in this matter is already enough to integrate such furniture into any room.
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  • Door opening mechanism. In this type of cabinets are divided into roller and monorail. The first mechanism is much cheaper, but less reliable, since in the event of foreign objects getting in or with too sharp movement, the rollers can slip out of the grooves. The monorail mechanism is deprived of this problem, but it is distinguished by a high price.
  • Roller Material. This item affects the durability of the rollers, as well as their cost. Price rises in direct proportion to quality. The most durable and reliable are metal wheels; plastic coated with Teflon is slightly inferior to it, and in the last place is ordinary plastic.

Reference: plastic wheels usually serve no more than a year.

  • Spaciousness. When choosing a wardrobe, it is important to determine the necessary useful volume. If you plan to store a little things, then there is no need to purchase a large and bulky piece of furniture. In the opposite case, it is better to buy one roomy, since several small ones will take up more space.
  • Profile sliding system coupe. It includes guide systems, grooves, a metal frame and other related elements. Systems differ among themselves in the material of manufacture. Their products have become durable and cheap, but very noisy when used. Aluminum systems are higher in price, but outwardly look interesting and quiet during operation.
  • Door facade material. Finishing can be any, that is, it can be selected even for the most unusual design. But do not overload too much, because from excessive weight the mechanisms can wear out faster.

Which wardrobe is better to choose in the bedroom

the best wardrobe in the bedroomA wardrobe is installed in almost any bedroom. The exception, as a rule, is only those apartments in which there is a separate dressing room.


radius wardrobeFor a better organization of the place when buying a wardrobe in the bedroom, choose between the following configurations, following from the features of the room:

  • rectangular;
  • angular;
  • radius.

Often furniture with mirror panels is purchased in the bedroom, as it significantly visually expands the room.

Important: it is not recommended to install a mirrored wardrobe close to the bed and opposite the front door.


functional wardrobeIn the bedroom, the closet fulfills not only its initial task of storing things, but also must also fit aesthetically into the room. It should be chosen roomy, then small, so that the bedroom has enough space for movement and relaxation.


quality wardrobeAn important role in the purchase of a wardrobe is the choice of the manufacturer. When deciding on it, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • how old is the company on the market;
  • the presence of a central office;
  • company scale;
  • volume of sales;
  • availability of guarantees;
  • reviews of friends.

Which cabinet is better to choose according to user reviews

Based on user reviews, it is best to give preference to a built-in closet with monorails and metal rollers. However, this is a better option, but not the most profitable. But in itself, it is not a very cheap element of furniture, so it is impractical to buy it for a year or two. It’s better not to save money and immediately buy a durable and high-quality option, so that you do not have to replace it soon.

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