How to make a paper cabinet: materials and tools, step-by-step instructions

If the child wants to fill the dollhouse with furniture, then it is not at all necessary to look for it in the shops - a toy wardrobe made of paper will be a great alternative. And also its creation is an excellent occasion to train finger motility and introduce the kid to the magical world of needlework.

What materials and tools will be required to make a paper cabinet

The content of the article

  • What materials and tools will be required to make a paper cabinet
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating an origami cabinet
  • What is the difference in making a cabinet out of cardboard boxes?

paper cupboardIf the interest was caused by origami furniture, then you should be prepared for the fact that the child will need the help of adults. Transformation of a whole sheet into a cabinet element is a simple matter. But getting lost in the folds or a little “skew” them easily.

As a result, the child quickly gets bored with setbacks or crooked crafts and for a long time he forgets about the origami magic. How to make a cupboard out of paper? In a situation where there is a desire and the ability to create with him, useful:

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  • Colored paper;
  • Ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors.

The second option is a cabinet from improvised materials. Matchboxes, tea bags and tea bags, and even a simple sheet of packing cardboard will come in handy. In order to turn "trash" into furniture, you need to have patience and:

  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Colored paper;
  • Trimmed ribbons or beads for decoration.

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin to work.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an origami cabinet

instructions for creating an origami cabinetIn some ways, paper furniture is even a little more complicated than an adult: a shelf from a sheet of paper is not always performed on the principle of “cut and fix”. Especially when it comes to the art of beautifully wrinkled paper.

Origami cabinet consists of two elements:

  • Shelves, which are made from a square sheet of paper (recommended minimum 7.5 x 7.5 cm);
  • Rectangle cases (7.5 x 15 cm).

Important! If you need a craft of a larger size, it is enough to increase the initial dimensions of the sheets of paper. But compliance with the proportion is mandatory: the rectangle is two squares.

So, shelf. Its step-by-step production looks like this:

  1. The opposite corners of the square sheet are alternately brought together and the bend line is squeezed with a finger only in the center - you should get a cross pointing to the center of the square.
  2. To this point, the right and left sides of the sheet are bent. Then the workpiece is turned over and the remaining two sides are reduced to a cent.
  3. The workpiece is bent on both diagonals.
  4. One of the corners located in the center is taken and laid aside so that a triangular pocket is obtained. Then the action is repeated with the remaining three angles.
  5. The resulting figure is bent in half, receiving a double pocket, and open.

The shelf is ready, it's time to start manufacturing the cabinet itself. The process is also quite simple:

  1. The rectangle must be divided into 8 parts along the long side. To do this, the sheet is folded in half and only a hint of the center is made. The crease is not ironed! Then the right edge is brought to the center. The fold line is ironed and, focusing on it, two more adjacent folds are made. Then the action is repeated with the opposite side.
  2. The sheet spreads and folds in half along the long side. Then the workpiece unfolds again and the sides are bent to the resulting fold.
  3. On the resulting strip on the right, the second vertical is counted and on it the paper is folded back. The action is repeated on the left side.
  4. The corners of the resulting rectangle are bent to the intersection of the vertical and horizontal lines. It turns out a square with four triangles on the sides.
  5. Ponytails bent back unfold, returning the workpiece to the appearance of a ribbon. Then it is opened in the central region and, using the available bends, a box is formed into which the shelf is inserted.

The last stage is the double "wrapping" of the long tails inside the cabinet, after which the toy furniture can be considered finished.

What is the difference in making a cabinet out of cardboard boxes?

cabinet made of cardboard boxesSimplicity is the main feature of the cabinet from the boxes yourself. How to make a cardboard cabinet with your own hands? An empty pack of tea, a sheet of colored paper and a little imagination - the chest of drawers is ready. Matchboxes do an excellent job with the role of drawers.

And beads or pieces of ribbons will be excellent decorative handles. The most pleasant thing about this all is that the child is quite able to cope with the task independently: parental assistance will be needed only at the stage of assembling everything necessary.

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