Standard size of a single bed: rules of choice for an adult and a child

A bed with a good mattress is the best place to sleep, allowing you to wake up alert and rested. Therefore, placing it in the room, special attention is paid to this particular furniture. Several criteria are important: is it convenient to approach it, is the sun falling on the pillow, will the bed be against the wall or in the center of the room. And most importantly - a comfortable placement on a person’s product.

Rules for choosing the size of a single bed

The content of the article

  • Rules for choosing the size of a single bed
  • Standard product dimensions
    • Single Bed Size for Adult
  • Single bed sizes for a child

single bed sizeIn Russia, there are certain standard sizes for a single bed. There are several: a berth for one person, one and a half beds and double beds. The dimensions of the furniture are calculated based on the average growth of citizens in the country. To order, masters perform products according to the size of the buyer.

Important: For a comfortable sleep, you need to purchase furniture 20 centimeters longer than the height of the sleeping one.

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There are several general rules according to which it is recommended to choose the size of a 1-bed.

It is necessary to determine the length of the product. For a single bed according to the standard, this is 200 centimeters including a pillow.

IMPORTANT: dimensions are determined on the inside, for the placement of furniture it is necessary to take into account the overall dimensions. For example, chipboard has a width of 16 mm. That is, another 2 mm should be added to 2 meters.

It is important to determine the width of the product. Standard parameters are 80, 90 and 120 centimeters. How to determine which value is right for you? Do not be shy when choosing furniture to lie on it.

If you are comfortable in bed, then this is your option. It is worth considering the position of the body during sleep, some people sleep directly, others like to spread their arms, and others curl up.

IMPORTANT: do not forget about the maximum parameters of the product. If it does not enter the selected place, there is no point in buying. For example, in some models the headboard is made wider by a few centimeters.

Another parameter is height. It’s important to sit on the bed. There are no definite fixed values ​​for this characteristic. Each manufacturer makes different height models.

It is recommended to take this into account when choosing a mattress. If the bed is close to the floor it will be inconvenient, but a very high product is not comfortable.

TIP: if you have not found a suitable bed - do not hesitate to make it to order. After waiting a while, you will get the model you need in size.

Standard product dimensions

single bed sizesManufacturing furniture, factories are based on the average growth and weight of consumers. Let us consider in more detail several options.

Single Bed Size for Adult

Single Bed Size for AdultYou can sleep alone on single models, and on one and a half. The height has the following standards: 180, 190 and 200 cm. Width - 80, 90, 120 and 140 cm - one and a half. For those who want to have an orthopedic base, it is better to choose a bed from 120 cm. This is the best option for lamellas. The above requirements apply to mattresses.

Height is taken into account by functionality. If the model is designed for embedding boxes in it, it is worth remembering that the boxes for them should not be already 25 cm. Otherwise, folding things will be inconvenient.

When placing the bed in the room, you should determine the height of the head and the back wall of the product. Some people like to rest their feet against the side, while others do not need this.

Single bed sizes for a child

Single bed sizes for a childWhen organizing a sleeping place for a child, you need to remember that he has the ability to grow. In a couple of years, the furniture will become small and uncomfortable.

A few tips for choosing a baby bed:

  1. Standard sizes of a single bed: width - 60, 70, 80, 90 and 120 cm; length - 150, 160, 180, 190 and 200 cm.
  2. When choosing a product, you should consider the age of the young owner. For kids, one option is selected, for schoolchildren and adolescents - another.
  3. For kids, the height of the bed is very important. If the child is very small, then you can purchase a model with a front wall or a removable limiter.
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