Such a different and beautiful cornflower in the suburban area

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It is worth remembering that. that all representatives of the Vasilkov family are plants up to 120 cm high, having a large, often branching rhizome. Cornflower can be used to get honey, as it is honey. The petals of some representatives of the family can be used as condiments, and flowers and the plants themselves as medicines in folk medicine. In this article, photos are attached to descriptions of each species.

How does the cornflower look like?

There are many kinds of plants of the cornflower family. Common to all species is that they have a complex inflorescence, consisting of many smaller colors. What is characteristic of the inflorescence is that the flowers in the inflorescences are in 2 layers, while the outer layer is lighter, and often carries neither seeds nor honey, respectively.

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All the plants of the cornflower family have a fairly solid trunk, often it is rough, and sometimes its length reaches 120 centimeters. In cases where the trunk is branched onto the periophores, there may be a multiple presence of inflorescences, however, only one inflorescence may be present on one perforation.

Flowers of the cornflower family can have different colors, especially if the species was bred by selection, but Basically - the flowers of the cornflower family - are painted in cold tones: from blue to richly violet.

Cornflower meadow

Cornflower meadow - a perennial plant, with a height of 30 centimeters to a meter, it is unpretentious and occurs throughout Europe. The preferred climate is the steppe.

It has thin light violet petals, a solid rough stem, at the end of which there is an inflorescence. Inflorescences large, resemble the shape of the egg.

Medicinal properties:

  1. Cholagogue, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
  2. Infusion of herbs on water is used in the treatment of hepatitis, dropsy, delay in menstruation, heart failure, gastalgia, migraines, inflammatory processes of the urinary tract.
  3. Tincture of rhizomes is used for diarrhea.
  4. Infused inflorescences are used to treat diseases of the heart and uterus.
  5. Tincture of flower pots with eczema, rheumatism, other diseases of the skin and joints.
  6. Baths with this flower favorably affect the cure for diathesis.
  7. Grated seeds can be used to cure the human papillomavirus.
  8. Powder from dried leaves is used to eliminate swelling.
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The flower is poorly understood in terms of the chemical composition and its effect on the body. The medical effect of the flower on children under 12 years is undesirable. The above-mentioned applications in folk medicine cornflower is mainly a theory not supported by any scientific facts. In comparison with other species of the cornflower family - it is not so toxic, and can be used safely even for children who have reached the age of 12 years.

Cornflower blue

Cornflower blue is an annual or biennial plant, which is often confused with a weed. The height of the plant is up to 60 centimeters. From the title it becomes clear that the flowers of this species have a blue color.

The plant has a thin, rough, straight trunk. Leaves are gray-green in color. Flowers are small, up to 3 centimeters in diameter. The flowers themselves in the inflorescence are arranged in 2 layers: the blue on the outside and the darker, even the violet inflorescences inside. Below is a photo of a representative of this kind of flowers.

Medicinal properties:

  1. The drugs are used as substances regulating the exchange of electrolytes, diuretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, choleretic, laxative, analgesic, sedative, immunomodulating, antibiotic agent.
  2. Flowers are used for urolithiasis, inflammatory processes of the urinary tract, edema of the cardiovascular system and the genitourinary system, tachycardia, diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal cavity, helminthic invasions, whooping cough, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accumulation of uric acid in joints, diarrhea.
  3. Preparations from plants improve appetite and favorably affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. External decoctions are used for eye pathology, mainly inflammatory, dermatitis.
  5. Shredded seeds are used to fight the human papillomavirus.
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Solutions using blue cornflower can be dangerous due to the presence of insignificant amount of cyanic acids, so the use of these drugs must necessarily be agreed with doctor. Children under 12 years of age are not advised to use these medicines.

Cornflower rough

Cornflower rough - has a thick, straight trunk up to 120 centimeters high.

This perennial plant, with a straight stem, which almost does not branch at the upper edge. Has dark green, rough leaves. Flowers in the inflorescences are in two layers: lighter purple on the outer layer, which do not bring any seeds, no honey, and darker inside, which are ovoid in shape and are honey-bearing. Like many wild relatives of the cornflower family, they are similar to many weed-like plants

The herbal part of this plant is used for itching, hepatitis, hydrocephalus, as an antiparasitic agent (against pygmy tapeworm and lamblia), with the delay of menstruation, as a diuretic and choleretic, as anti-inflammatory, wound-healing means.

This plant is clearly poisonous, thus, if possible, it is desirable to abandon treatment with it and take advantage of traditional medicine.

Cornflower mountain

The mountain cornflower is a perennial plant growing in mountainous areas. Outwardly it looks like blue cornflower. Blossoms mainly from June to August. It has several subspecies.

This plant has small (up to 85 mm in diameter) flowers. The plant is resistant to unfavorable conditions. Because of the unpretentiousness can grow on almost any soil, without requiring special care.


  • Alba is a low plant. The name ("white") corresponds to the color of the flowers;
  • Parham - purple;
  • Grandflora - has large blue flowers with a diameter of up to 80 mm;
  • Rosea - accordingly the name has pink flowers;
  • Violeta - respectively, dark purple flowers.

Use of this plant species:

  1. For decorative purposes, for example, in rockeries, rock gardens.
  2. These flowers can be in vases for a long time and do not fade.
  3. Dried flowers can be used for winter bouquets.
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Similarly to other species of the cornflower family: either by means of seeds that are fairly small in this plant (about 300 pieces per gram) or by dividing an adult flower. Like other representatives of the cornflower family, it is desirable to plant the seeds within the first three years, after this time the number of plants that have risen significantly decreases. Flowering of plants sown with the help of seeds, comes the next year.

Planting and caressing the cornflower of the paint of summer

Cornflower of the paint of the summer is an artificially produced species, which is used mainly for decorative purposes. In comparison with conventional species - can not only have standard, cool colors, but also more vivid. In general - the plant of this species - have one of the lowest heights among all representatives of the species of cornflowers.

Before planting plants, read the instructions on the back of the seed package. Before planting, prepare all the necessary garden tools, gently soil before sowing. Pay attention to the fact that the seeds sit right in the ground, without the use of seedlings. The distance between the seed wells should be at least half a meter to all adjacent wells.

One of the variants of reproduction occurs by dividing the adult plant into "delenki" and growing it directly.

Seeds of cornflowers are sown at the end of April, and division by division of an adult plant occurs in the middle-end of August. Seeds will grow efficiently if they are less than three years old, otherwise the chance of successful shoots will dramatically decrease.

Plants are not whimsical, and they have enough watering and loosening the soil for better access of oxygen to the roots. Flowering during the landing in April will come in June-July.

Video about garden cornflowers

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