Not so long ago, about ten years ago, they spoke of carpets on the walls as a relic. They were called dust collectors and in the design of apartments, houses did not find a place for them. Very little time passed, the carpets were modified, they began to be made of the latest materials. Designers are increasingly using them for their projects.
Why did they hang the carpet on the wall before?
The content of the article
- Why did they hang the carpet on the wall before?
- Why they hung a carpet on a wall in the USSR
Why hang a carpet on the wall in a modern apartment
- Functional carpet
- Carpet on the wall as a unique element of the interior
The use of carpets of various kinds has a long history. In one of the villages in the Altai Mountains, scientists found a wall carpet dating from the 5th century. BC e. Carpets have long been used by different peoples. The steppe nomads insulated with them the walls, doors, and the floor of the yurt. The most beautiful Persian rugs that appeared in European houses of the XI century were considered an indicator of the high level of well-being of the owner.
It is known that in Russia back in the 16th century, all kinds of carpets, matting people used for insulation and decoration of homes. Changing textiles to others, it was easy to change the decoration of the house.
REFERENCE! In the 19th century, the walls of rich houses began to be decorated with luxurious oriental handmade rugs. This was a fashion trend and eloquently spoke about the wealth of the owner.

Gradually, inexpensive carpet products began to appear in the homes of ordinary citizens.
Why they hung a carpet on a wall in the USSR
The love of Russian people for textiles was continued in the Soviet period. In addition to this reason, there were several more that explain the widespread distribution of wall carpets in the houses or apartments of citizens of the USSR:
- Such products were the decoration of the room, covering ugly, aged or torn wallpaper, which in those days was a shortage. It was very difficult to get them, so they changed infrequently.
- To have expensive high-quality handmade carpets was prestigious. Not every family could afford such a luxury. Having bought an expensive attribute, having defended a huge queue or having taken it “by pull”, they were proud of it. The product was placed in the most prominent place so that guests who came could see it and appreciate it. It was a kind of demonstration of wealth.
- Wall coverings were also assigned the role of noise and heat insulators. Covering the cold thin walls, they made the room cozy.

Why hang a carpet on the wall in a modern apartment
Currently, carpet products primarily help to create a unique apartment interior. Finding a woolen wall canvas of the Soviet era is quite difficult today. Modern textile production offers products in any style and color scheme.
Functional carpet
Today, the carpet is an independent part of the room decor. It can be a huge picturesque panel or a small expressive picture, made in accordance with the wishes of the designer. Nevertheless, modern products have advantages that determine their use in apartments today:
- Decoration of living space. Each carpet has its own pattern, its own color scheme, which can be used to create an individual decor. This design option must be carefully thought out so that the environment does not distract attention from the canvas.
- Soundproof coating. Due to its density, the wall covering drowns out the noise entering the house from the outside.
- Means of thermal insulation. By curtaining the wall with a similar element of the interior, you can significantly insulate it, especially if it borders the street. This is important in nurseries when the bed is near a cold wall.
- An opportunity to hide roughnesses and errors of a wall surface, having covered them with a magnificent cloth. It will not only hide all the flaws of the surface on which it hangs, but also distract from the rest.

Carpet on the wall as a unique element of the interior
In the modern world, carpets are creative products that incorporate a maximum percentage of natural materials. Very often, a thing made by hand for a particular interior is an exclusive copy. The canvas made in the form of a picture looks beautiful. In this option, it is necessary to draw a frame advantageously, then the interior element will look beautiful and spectacular.
The carpet in the modern interior will definitely be a bright spot that catches your eye, it must be supplemented with small decorative elements that are in the same color scheme with it.