Hit set carpet material: pros and cons of the product

Carpets and walkways made from synthetic yarns are gaining popularity especially recently. What recently looked faded, uncomfortable, artificial, becomes high-quality and competitive.

Advantages of the carpet created using the Hit Set technology

The content of the article

  • Advantages of the carpet created using the Hit Set technology
  • Cons of the carpet, created by technology "hit set"

Hit set carpet materialTechnologies are being improved, and in many respects the threads from artificial materials are not inferior to natural ones. The proof is a weaving technology called Heat Set, which uses fibers made from polypropylene. It is a synthetic plastic that is made from natural gas or oil using high pressure.

Plastic serves as a raw material for the manufacture of BTsF threads, which are well known to curious buyers who read labels on goods. A fiber called “Hit Set” is similar in appearance and tactile feel to high-quality wool. Moreover, the difference is almost imperceptible. This is especially noticeable when you look at carpet and carpet paths made of such material. A surprising softness and naturalness are revealed to the touch.

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Artificial fiber carpets made using Hit Set technology have been able to serve for five to six years without losing their qualities. The material is constantly being improved, scientists from different countries take care of this.

Carpets and other products have a number of significant advantages and benefits. Specialists note:

  1. Affordable cost. Products are much cheaper than made from natural wool. Moreover, the quality is constantly growing and has already reached a high level.
  2. Resistant to sunlight. Almost do not fade under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
  3. Undemanding to leaving. Easy to vacuum and wash.
  4. Large selection of colors.
  5. Hypoallergenicity.
  6. Light weight.

Cons of the carpet, created by technology "hit set"

Hit set carpet materialPolypropylene fiber based carpets have several disadvantages. It is a material with a low melting point. 150 ° is enough for the product to turn into a liquid.

The carpet is still imperfect, it wears out quickly enough, loses its external attractiveness, so the service life is limited to 5-6 years. True, it is not difficult to replace it with a new one, given the low cost.

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