An atmosphere of cleanliness and freshness should reign in the house, regular cleaning helps get rid of accumulated dust and poor energy. Carpets should be cleaned especially carefully, as they accumulate dirt in the pile and can become a source of allergies. Car wash has become a new way to quickly and easily clean your favorite rug. At first glance, this is cheap and cheerful, but can there be hidden pitfalls there?

How to clean carpets
The content of the article
- How to clean carpets
- Pros of contacting a car wash
- Disadvantages of the method
- What can we see after a car wash
A variety of composition implies an individual approach to each product. Knowledge of the features of the carpet will help us to maintain its attractive appearance for a long time.
- Wool. From expensive materials, beautiful and high-quality carpets are produced that are capricious in service. They can not be washed, you can only apply wet cleaning followed by quick drying.
- Linen and cotton. They tolerate only dry cleaning.
- Glue-based synthetics. Do not wash! The base exfoliates under the action of water.
- Knitwear. Afraid of water, it is better to give dry cleaning.
- Handwork. Can only be cleaned with special hydrocarbon solvents.

Therefore, it is so important to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations, otherwise there is a high chance of hopelessly ruining the thing!
Pros of contacting a car wash
Let's start with the benefits:
- Cheaper than dry cleaning. It was this point that became the key in popularizing the service.
- Quite acceptable rent old rugswho then leave for the cottage.
- Do fastthat saves time.
- Some entrepreneurs offer to bring and take away the carpet. Agree, this is very convenient for those who do not have cars!
- If you fall for good workersthen we get a really high-quality service.
- There are car wash facilities powerful extractors helping to knock out all old spots from the pile.
It is better to choose a car wash remotely from highways. The farther from the highway, the less likely it is that toxic dust will settle on the carpet during drying.
Disadvantages of the method

Now let’s analyze the disadvantages of this method of saving money and time.
- Unprofessionalism! Workers are trained to wash cars, not carpets. Of course, conscientious people study the information in order to carry out a high-quality cleaning, look at the labels, study the manufacturer's recommendations. But judging by the reviews, this is done infrequently, and those who applied for the service more often share negative experiences.
- No one guarantees the availability of carpet cleaners. Often the procedure is performed by auto chemistry, which leads to damage to the pile and base.
- Carpets are usually dried on a fence next to the road.
- Can wash the carpet on the floor where the car recently stood.
- High-pressure apparatuses, knocking out all the dirt, at the same time able to unwind the threads of the pile.
I can assume that the big bad reviews are due to the fact that the washing staff do not know how or do not want to test detergents in inconspicuous areas of the product. Agree, if we don’t know if a new product is suitable for cleaning our carpet, then first we try to apply it somewhere on the corner?
Before contacting a car wash, you need to make sure that the qualifications of the employees are sufficient, ask whether they give a guarantee for the provision of quality service.
What can we see after a car wash

The list, unfortunately, does not speak in their favor:
- Due to excessive overmoistening, the glue base is deoxidized, and the richness of the colors is lost.
- High water pressure spins the threads.
- Wrong "chemistry" makes the pile stiff, sticky, can leave spots.
- Improper drying on the fence near the road will lead to a loss of shape, the appearance of rot and collect toxic dust!
Do not chase dubious savings.You should study the manufacturer's recommendations, if possible, wash the carpet yourself or hand it over to specialists. They use the right preparations, dry on racks in a horizontal position. It is possible that the trip to the car wash will end safely, but I do not recommend playing such a lottery, it is better to collect information in advance and check the conditions.