The secret of the red ribbon on the bed of the spouses: how to tie

Marriage is the most responsible and serious step in the life of every person. Most people associate the main difficulties with holding a wedding, however the subsequent life also has many subtleties and important features.

The secret of the red ribbon on the spouses bed

So, one of the attributes of marriage is a red ribbon, which the couple tied to the bed, symbolizing that they completely belong to each other. Initially, it served as one of the ways to spell a person, but later turned into one of the main symbols of marriage.

What can a red ribbon save spouses

The content of the article

  • What can a red ribbon save spouses
  • How to tie a red ribbon on the bed

The red bandage is primarily used to strengthen marriage, and to avert various troubles and problems. The most basic meaning of this is to keep people loyal to each other. It is generally accepted that such a bandage helps to avoid betrayal, betrayal and fraud in the family. In value, the ribbon is very closely similar to wedding rings, since it is also symbolized by the belonging of people to each other.

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Another meaning of the red ribbon is the preservation of a person’s sexual abilities. This was especially evident in ancient times, when women tied special red threads soaked in a special solution to the husband’s bed. It was believed that this love spell greatly improved the potency of men, and also helped with infertility and other diseases.


Attention! It is for the birth of children, in modern times, that red ribbons are often tied at home. This is done so that the conception of the child is as safe and calm as possible.

How to tie a red ribbon on the bed

The eastern spiritual direction of Feng Shui describes only the only way to use the ribbon is to tie it to the right leg of the bed, from the side where the feet of sleeping people are located. This is done to preserve the marriage and keep the other half, if there are any suspicions of betrayal.


Russian people, on the contrary, tie it on the side where the head is located. Thus, more pure and sincere thoughts come to a person. It is recommended to tie it on the side of the second half, but it is possible on its part, there are no special preferences here, everything is determined individually.

The main thing is to avoid quarrels in the bed, especially if a red bandage is tied to it. The bed itself has a very high energy, which accumulates from two people. Therefore, any negative consequences can adversely affect the marriage.

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