What to hang over the bed in the bedroom: what picture to hang in the bedroom above the bed

wall designTo give cosiness to the room, in particular, to the bedroom, it is possible to supplement the interior with decor elements. The bedroom is a place where people retire, relax their soul and body. An atmosphere of warmth and tranquility will help you relax and fall asleep. If you correctly select interesting details, the room will look very interesting. In modern apartments, decorations can be found quite often. Let's figure out how you can make a wall above the bed in the bedroom.

Determine what to hang in the bedroom above the bed according to several criteria

The content of the article

  • Determine what to hang in the bedroom above the bed according to several criteria
    • Dimensions
    • Functionality
  • Design options for the bedroom wall above the bed
    • Shelves
    • Works of art
      • What picture to hang in the bedroom above the bed
    • Lighting design
    • Design with photos
  • How to decorate the wall above the bed with your own hands

option 1Important components of the correct location of an element are its dimensions and functionality. The size of the details determines how the interior will look. Due to the size, you can reduce or increase the space, raise the ceiling. Functionality in the decor is also an important element. So, if the landlord likes to read, it would be logical to hang a lamp or a lamp. If you want to put toys, frames, flowers or books, you can install shelves.

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dimensionsThe size of the decoration depends on the free space. There is usually quite a lot of space in the bedroom above the bed. Small paintings and photographs are more suitable for the corridor and kitchen, and the bedroom should have something clear and large. Hanging a lot of things is also not worth it, as the attention will be scattered. A large picture or a panel above the bed will visually increase the space due to its size. Long elements make the room much more spacious, and high ones raise the ceilings.


functionalityTo make the space above the bed useful, you can install shelves. On them you can put paintings, photographs, decorative flowers, souvenirs and toys. Shelves can be of various sizes and quantities. Bedside lamps and lamps look good. Usually they are installed by reading people who put a small lamp in order not to turn on the general light at night. Lamps at the head of the bed can be replaced by lamps on the bedside tables. If aesthetics are important for a person in a bedroom, you can hang everything with paintings and works of art by famous artists.

Design options for the bedroom wall above the bed

mirror over the bedNow there are a variety of different variations in the design of the walls. Popular are panels, various murals, lettering made up of letters, photographs. The standard option is to install a mirror, it can be one, or it can be a composition. Look in this mirror is not necessary, it is primarily an element of the interior. The mirror does not give brightness and color accents, is suitable for any interior, can visually increase the space. Headboards are also decorated with special soft or hard panels. They can be made of leather, or any fabric, are quite expensive.

On a note! In feng shui and psychology, you need to place any designs like shelves in the headboard.

Romantics really like canopies, they give the bedroom even more comfort. Religious people decorate their interior with icons and hang them above the bed. Usually the icons are hung in a certain place, but if the owner wants it, you can hang it in the room.


shelvesAn excellent functional solution would be shelves. Firstly, it is useful because you can place essential things on them. Secondly, if you do not have bedside tables, shelves will be a good solution. From a design point of view, shelves are expanse for various small accessories. And they themselves can be of various styles and sizes. A good solution is to order a rack with shelves on the entire wall in the workshop. It will cost less than in stores, but look unusual and unique.

Works of art

Works of artWorks written in pastel will be very soft and tender. The bed has no bright colors and soothes. Watercolor also looks gentle, but the paintings are not so durable. Drawings in strokes of oil or acrylic look voluminous and dynamic, like the works of great creators. For the modern Art Nouveau style, paintings using non-standard materials, spray cans, fabrics are suitable. True connoisseurs of art will taste copies of famous works.

What picture to hang in the bedroom above the bed

animal imageWhen choosing a picture, you need to rely on a few points. These are colors, style, plot, combination with temperament and taste of the owners. A young couple can find a symbolic image of swans or any pair. Portraits and photographs of deceased relatives collect bad energy, it is not recommended to hang them. A reflection of passion and bright feelings are rosebuds. Pictures of children or animals cheer up.

Important! For paintings in the bedroom you can not choose aggressive motives.

landscapeYou should not mix several styles, it is desirable for the frames to be the same, colors and shades to be combined. The paintings with precious stones of their zodiac sign have a positive effect, horses carry energy, lions look aggressive, it is better to refuse them, abstractions with neutral images soothe. Landscapes, still lifes, romantic and philosophical subjects also do not burden with unnecessary thoughts. Images of weapons, military operations and military equipment should be abandoned.

Lighting design

Lighting designLight is a very important detail in the interior. The main lighting should come from the center and be directed in all directions, and the secondary light may just be by the bed. If you make lamps in the headboard area, you can sleep with a gentle dim light.

Design with photos

Photos and photo printing have been especially popular recently, as everyone wants to see family photos in large format. The advantages of printing photos are:

  • You can print any photo or picture;
  • the image will be the right size and shape;
  • The photos will be in perfect quality, without any flaws.

Design with photosDesigners often use photo printing. These are ordinary wallpapers of good quality, but the buyer selects the pattern. There may be photographs of a family or any place, and whatever your heart desires. Wall murals are not cheap pleasure, but you can spend money for the sake of a beautiful stylish interior. Macro is gaining popularity. These are enlarged images of flowers, insects, plants and animals. The panel, consisting of photographs of bridges, cities or cars, always looked stylish.

How to decorate the wall above the bed with your own hands

mandalas over the bedYou can independently make shelves from antiques. And then put your own paintings. Hang over the bed napkins and mandalasTo learn how to knit them is very simple. With your own hands you can make a panel of photos. To do this, you need a cork panel, buttons and photos that we attach. It looks very stylish.

Before decorating the bedroom, you need to pay attention to all the components, such as style, dimensions, functionality of the elements.

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