How to cook tomatoes in your own juice for the winter - popular recipes

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A good housewife will certainly take care of preserving tomatoes in her own juice for the winter. Recipes of such blanks are presented below.

Tomatoes in tomato juice, bought in the store

Many owners are dejected by the fact that when a jar of pickled tomatoes opens in the winter, most of the brine pours out. That is, it turns out that the strength and volume of dishes are very wasteful.

It will be much better if we take advantage of those methods of conservation, when the tomato is also being drunk with pleasure. But when the harvest does not allow you to prepare tomatoes in your own juice for the winter, the recipes of which assume the presence of a large number of vegetables, you can resort to purchased juice. Here is one of the recipes.

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Step 1. The tomatoes are thoroughly washed, the stems are removed, they let dry.

Can only select fruit, without damage and stains. You can not use soft and stale tomatoes. By marrying low-quality tomatoes, the landlord is at risk - the banks can explode at any time, and all work will go wrong.

Step 2. It is also necessary to prepare spices for canning:

  • Bay leaf;
  • cherry leaves;
  • currant leaves;
  • pepper;
  • clove;
  • dill;
  • garlic.

There is no strict regulation - for taste and color, as they say, there is no comrade. Some people prefer to make tomatoes in their own juice with horseradish. This additive will only give the conserves a piquancy. The mistress must first thoroughly clean the roots of horseradish and cut them with rings. You can only use leaves.

Although there is no crime in the event that the landlady decides to do without any spices, giving the aroma of leaves, garlic and pepper. Tomatoes and then get an amazing taste, and juice after them with pleasure, even small children drink.

Step 3. To cook tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization, use their heating with boiling water. This procedure resembles pickling vegetables with a hot marinade.

So, tomatoes are neatly stacked in pairs sterilized for a couple along with spices and seasonings.

Step 4. Then boiling water is poured into the jars. After 5-7 minutes, the water is drained and the procedure is repeated.

Step 5. At this time, prepare marinade from the juice. To do this, it is poured into a container, filled with sugar and salt, calculated on a tablespoon without a top and a half liters, and brought to a boil. By the way, if you want to make sweet tomatoes in your own juice for the winter, a portion of sugar can be increased almost twofold.

Step 6. After 3 minutes of boiling in the juice, you need to add a tablespoon of 9% vinegar and boil for another couple of minutes.

Step 7. It's time to drain the tomatoes from the cans and pour the boiling marinade. Pour the juice to the very top, so that there is no empty space left in the container.

Step 8. Immediately, the jar is sealed with sterilized metal or glass lids.

Step 9. The sealed containers are turned upside down and wrapped up warmly.

Only after cooling the container with pickled tomatoes in juice can be taken away to a permanent storage place.

Now there is something to please both family members and guests. It should be noted that the taste of these tomatoes is excellent, everyone treats with great pleasure.

In the same way, you can prepare tomatoes in your own juice with Bulgarian pepper. To do this, you need to cut the pepper, cut into quarters, into the very bottom of the cans along the walls. The rest does not change in the recipe.

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How to cook tomatoes in your own juice with tomato paste

Not everyone who likes to buy tomato juice, because some people think that it has too many different artificial additives. But how to make tomatoes in your own juice without having the right amount of vegetables to make natural juice? Experts believe that there is a way out.

Experienced housewives advise to conserve tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with tomato paste. Recipes for such blanks are suggested for use as a filling of vegetables as a factory paste, and made by hand.

Master-class with step-by-step photo canning tomato with tomato paste

Step 1. Select tomatoes are washed.

Step 2. If desired, the hostess can lay out spices, greens and seasonings before laying tomatoes.

Bitter pepper can spoil the taste of marinade. You can put it in jars only on a ringlet with a width of no more than 2-3 mm to give some sharpness - to an amateur.

Step 3. Tomatoes are placed in glass sterilized jars.

Step 4. In the banks pour a steep boiling water and leave for 5-6 minutes.

Step 5. Then the water is drained and poured a second time, again boiling water.

Step 6. While the tomatoes are steamed in hot water, you need to prepare marinade from tomato paste. First, it is bred with cold boiled water, observing the proportions. To do this, take 1 part of the paste and 3 parts of water and carefully mix everything.

Step 7. From cans with steamed tomatoes, drain the water. Boiling tomato juice, reconstituted from pasta and dressed with sugar and salt, is poured into jars of tomatoes. It is necessary to completely fill the tanks, so that there is as little free space left as possible.

Step 8. Banks are covered with sterile metal or glass lids, previously boiled in water, and sealed. Then the canned food is turned over, put on the lids so that the bottom is at the top, and wrapped in something: a blanket, a coat, terry towels.


The longer the heat in containers with freshly preserved vegetables will last, the better the blanks will be, the longer they will stand.

In fact, this method is more environmentally friendly than canning a tomato with juice from boxes. And the taste of pouring is not inferior to the one that is made from natural tomatoes.

Tomatoes in their own juice - a recipe for centuries!

The most delicious and healthy are tomatoes, which can be preserved in the juice that has just been squeezed out by hand. However, the fill for this should be prepared in advance. For juice, you can use even tomatoes with damaged skin that do not go to the cans.

You can not make juice from moldy, infected with phytophthora and rotten fruit. Otherwise, tomatoes will not be stored for long.

Having selected fruits with cracks and damaged skin, substandard shape and size, they are washed and cut.

Then the tomatoes are passed through the juicer. It is recommended to skip the squeeze a couple more times, since in it after the first squeeze there is still a lot of juice left. For example, from 6 kg of tomato you get almost 4 liters of juice. And the last liter is squeezed out already from the pressing!

If desired, the resulting juice can be filtered through a fine sieve or gauze to remove the seeds.

After that, salt and sugar are added to the juice in 2 teaspoons without top for every half-liter and put on fire.

Do not add vinegar to the juice, as is done when preparing the filling from the purchased juice, because the acids in the natural juice are already enough and so.

During boiling, a foam will appear on the surface of the juice, which must be constantly cleaned with a spoon or a noise.

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After boiling, the juice is cooked for a quarter of an hour - only then it can be considered ready for pouring tomatoes.

Further, the preservation of tomatoes in its own juice repeats the already described method.

Tomatoes turn out to be tender and sweet. And the taste of pouring is hard to describe! And even the seeds of tomatoes do not spoil the general impression.

Tomatoes in their own juice with Bulgarian pepper and celery

For the housewives, who do not have a juicer at home, and want to make tomato blanks for the winter in their own juice, there is a recipe that lovers of Italian cuisine enjoy. After the pouring, which remains after the canned tomatoes are taken from the can, can be used not only as a juice, but also as a sauce for climbing or spaghetti.

Step 1. Tomatoes are washed, large and cracked for juice are selected, and small ones are put aside for conservation. For canning 2 kg of small tomatoes it is required, kg large, to make juice out of them.

Step 2. Tomatoes, intended for juice, must be cut and folded into a saucepan. Then add half a liter of water and put a thread of a string of celery, about 4-5 twigs.

Step 3. Put the pan on the fire and cook until the tomatoes are well brewed.

Step 4. At this time, the Bulgarian pepper is cleaned of seeds, washed and cut into quarters. For a given proportion, ten will suffice.

Step 5. Small tomatoes pierce with a fork so that the peel does not burst during canning.

Step 6. Celery is removed and discarded, and tomatoes are broken with a blender directly in a saucepan.

Step 7. The resulting gruel should be recoated through a sieve to remove pieces of peel and seeds and get a thin and delicate consistency.

Step 8. In the resulting juice add 8 tbsp. l. sugar and 3 tbsp. l. salt, again put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes with regular stirring, so that the juice does not burn.

Step 9. In sterilized banks put on 2 leaves of the laurel, 3-4 peas of sweet pepper and as much black, 2-3 "cloves" of a carnation. Then accurately lay tomatoes and Bulgarian pepper.

Step 10. Tomatoes are poured with steep boiling water, covered with lids on top and left for 20 minutes.

Step 11. After 20-25 minutes, the water from the cans should be drained, and the contents pour boiling juice.

Step 12. Here, the banks should be corked, turned over and warmly wrapped. To cool canned food should be slow - this contributes to additional sterilization of the contents.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter step by step

You can conserve tomatoes and do without pouring. It is best for this recipe to use half-liter jars. Before filling, they are sterilized over the steam, putting a teapot on the spout, in which water is boiling on the fire.

If you want to make tomatoes in your own juice with garlic, then put 3 cloves of garlic on the bottom of each jar. Also add 7 peppercorns. You can still throw a couple of carnations to the bottom.

In each jar put half a teaspoon of salt and one spoon, also tea, sugar.

Be sure to remember! Without citric acid, tomatoes will not last long. You need to put it on a little - how much to fit on the tip of the knife.

Fruits intended for preservation are selected and washed.

Prepared marinade is usually prepared peeled tomatoes in their own juice for the winter. But since removing tomato from the skin - it's a busy business, it's worth using a little "grandmother's" secret

Adding tomatoes to the basin, they should be doused with boiling water and leave to stand for 5 minutes. After that, the water is drained and poured cold. Usually, such a procedure is sufficient to easily remove all the skin from the fruit.

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Now tomatoes are placed in cans. Large fruits can be cut into halves or even quarters. Small put intact. If the yield was such that all the fruits turned out to be large, this recipe is perfectly suitable for preserving cut tomatoes in its own juice for the winter.

Filled cans are covered with sterile lids. For this they are boiled for several minutes. At the bottom of the pot with water put a piece of cloth to avoid splitting sterilized containers. Install the cans in such a way that their hangers are hidden by water. Fire under the pot with water should be made moderate.

After the cans are sterilized for a couple of minutes, one should look under the lid of one of them. Tomatoes must settle down. In this case, tomatoes are added to the container and the lid is again covered with a jar. After the cans are completely filled with tomatoes, and the juice rises to the very neck, it is necessary to continue sterilization for another quarter of an hour.

These delicious tomatoes, cooked for the winter, can stand for 3 years in their own juice without losing their palatability. And preserving them, as can be seen from the recipe, is quite simple.

Cherry tomatoes in own juice - the recipe with a photo

Perhaps the most delicious and beautiful are canned in its own juice from cherry tomatoes. These miniature tomatoes have an amazing taste and look great even in canned form.

To make such a preparation for the winter is to provide yourself and your loved ones with a tasty and useful dish.

To prepare the hostess will need 2 kg of cherry tomatoes and juice. As can be seen from the above-described recipes, you can use purchased juice, reconstituted from pasta and made with own hands from tomatoes. Juice brewed from fresh tomatoes, of course, is better, since it is natural, unlike all other options.

Prepare a fill of large tomatoes, washing them, cutting into pieces.

After boiling them on low heat, the mass is ground with a blender or a mixer.

Then it is necessary to rub the mass through a sieve to remove the seeds and peel of tomatoes. After this procedure, the juice turns out to be a finer consistency than just a tomato mass crushed by a blender.

In the resulting juice for 3 liters of salt added 5 tbsp. l. and sugar 6 tbsp. l. It is possible, if desired, to put 5 peppercorns and as many leaves of laurushka into the mass. Some put more and cinnamon. It's quite a bit small - take the knife on the tip.

Now the juice should be put on fire again. It is boiled for 15 minutes after boiling, constantly removing the foam formed on the surface.

While the juice is brewed, the hostess sterilizes the cans. They can be worn on the spout of a floating kettle with boiling water. Covers are also sterilized, boiling them.

In the cans lay flat whole fruits of cherry tomatoes. Who likes it, can add garlic and chopped and peeled Bulgarian pepper.

Tomatoes are poured with steep boiling water and soak for 7 minutes.

Then the water is drained, and the tomatoes are poured with boiling juice. Pour the fill to the edge of the can. After that, they must be quickly capped, turned upside down and covered with a blanket. So canned food should stand until completely cooled down, after which they can be stored for storage.

Cherry tomatoes, cooked according to this recipe, are extremely delicate. And the juice is so tasty and useful that after opening the can, the contents "evaporate as they say, so quickly that the mistress does not have time to blink an eye. Of course, this is a joke, but more than half in it - it's true.

In more detail it is shown how to prepare tomatoes in your own juice for the winter, on video:

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