Planting time seedlings tomato for a greenhouse

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Acquired in the fall of the country, from the old owners there remained a greenhouse. Her husband has a little refurbished and plans to grow tomatoes himself. Tell me, what is the best time to plant a seedling tomato for a greenhouse?

The period of fruiting the tomato lasts no more than three months on average. Therefore, many truck farmers prefer to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. This allows not only to increase harvesting time and quantity, but also to get earlier vegetables.

The yield of tomatoes initially depends on quality seedlings and, of course, proper care. Seedling material can be purchased in specialized stores, or grow independently, which significantly reduces financial costs.

Planting time of seedlings

Planting time for seedlings tomato for the greenhouse directly depends on the temperature regime of the greenhouse, and more specifically, the presence of heating. If the latter is present in the greenhouse, and the air temperature does not drop below 15 degrees, planting seedlings can be done at the end of winter. In the presence of an ordinary, unheated, greenhouse, tomatoes are planted not earlier than the end of April or beginning of May.

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Many summer residents sow tomatoes in special containers and put them on the windowsills in the apartments. Over time, strengthened seedlings are transplanted into greenhouses. In this case, you can start planting in February.

Growing tomato seedlings at home consists of the following stages:

  • selection and preparation of seeds;
  • soil preparation;
  • sowing and further care for the seedlings.

Selection and preparation of tomato seeds

The choice of seeds depends on which variety is planned to be planted. The first to sow early and tall varieties. Before planting, the seeds are dipped into the water to test for germination. Seed seeds are picked and discarded.


To accelerate the germination, the remaining seeds are wrapped in wet gauze and left for a day.

Soil preparation

If possible, the soil for seedlings is taken from the greenhouse, where tomatoes will grow - so the seedlings will easily transfer the transplant and adapt more quickly. The best option is to purchase a special substrate for tomatoes.

Tomatoes grow well in sandy soil with low acidity.

Seeds are sown in a common container or immediately on individual cups. It is very convenient to use peat tablets for seedlings, which are pre-soaked in water.

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Seed sowing and further care

In the prepared containers (cups) spread the seeds, leaving a distance of about 5 cm between them, and sprinkled with a thin layer of earth. To water from a watering can not be necessary, that seeds did not leave together with water under the earth. It is enough just to spray from the spray.

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Containers with future seedlings must be covered with a film to create greenhouse conditions. After the first shoots are passed, the film is removed. When 2-3 real leaves are formed on the seedlings, they are dived.

To ensure that seedlings are not stretched, it should be provided with sufficient lighting, if necessary, additional lamps are installed. Also, regular watering is carried out, avoiding water ingress on the leaves.

To fertilize tomato seedlings, foliar top dressing with potassium monophosphate, urea or potassium nitrate is used.

About a month after the sowing of seeds, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place in the greenhouse. Before this, it is gradually pierced.

Growing a seedling tomato for planting in a greenhouse - video

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