Do-it-yourself sofa repair: replacing the snake springs, on your own, how to replace the springs qualitatively yourself

Springs in the sofaIt is difficult to call a sofa with a failed spring a full sofa. You can sit on it, lie down, but hardly such a pastime can be called comfortable. However, you should not immediately send the sofa to a landfill - a broken part can always be replaced, and then this element of furniture will serve quietly for at least a few more years.

Description of springs and their functions

The content of the article

  • Description of springs and their functions
  • When to change the springs
  • What are the types of springs
  • What you need for an independent replacement
  • Phased process description

The springs in the couch are responsible for its comfortable use. At its core, it is a block of shock absorbers, the main purpose of which is the softness and elasticity of furniture. It is important that when using the sofa does not sag and each time after a weight load returns to its original state. At the same time, such a design should not cause a person inconvenience, but rather make its operation more comfortable with the product.

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Important: It is easy to disable a spring by overloading it and depriving it of load, therefore it is undesirable for children to jump on sofas and other products with spring blocks.

They are located inside the sofa, as a rule, in the furniture frame of the seat.

When to change the springs

spoiled sofaA spring is one of the most important elements of a sofa. If you initially choose furniture of higher quality, then it will regularly serve much longer. However, even the highest quality parts sometimes require repair or a complete replacement.

Specialists advise replacing the spring at the couch in the following cases:

  • The sofa has been in use for a long time, and the wear of parts can be very strong, including the spring elasticity can be significantly reduced. Because of this, dents and bulges may appear on the surface of the sofa - it is possible to use such a product, but far from comfortable.
  • With the initial low quality of the part or the presence of factory defects, it should be replaced if possible. Initially, you should not buy such furniture, however, it happens that it is detected even at the very beginning of operation.
  • If an improperly selected level of rigidity interferes with the comfortable operation of the sofa, then it is also worth seriously thinking about replacing it, since there is no way to adjust this characteristic.

Reference: Sometimes in stores you can find a good discount on furniture with marriage. In such cases, sometimes it makes sense to evaluate what will be more profitable for you: do it yourself or give it to the master, or buy a sofa at the usual price.

What are the types of springs

Springs in the sofaThe block of springs is often taken almost as the main characteristic of the convenience of the sofa, so when it is necessary to replace it, few people put off this matter for a long time. But before proceeding with the repair, you need to understand what type of springs you are dealing with. Typically, the following varieties are used in the manufacture of furniture:

  • Flat snake. It is the simplest in design, however, this does not prevent it from possessing a high level of convenience and durability. Located in the low price segment. The disadvantages include excessive softness, because of which folding furniture quickly bends during operation.
  • One piece Bonnel block. One of the most common types, due to its low price and high rates of comfort and durability. However, over time, they begin to creak unpleasantly, and when a single spring fails, a whole block will need to be replaced.
  • Block of independent springs. The isolation of each spring guarantees a high level of comfort. In the event of a breakdown, only the failed part can be replaced. However, this design is of high cost.

What you need for an independent replacement

/To replace the spring, you can advise calling a wizard, but you can do this yourself, significantly saving the budget. The process is simple, but requires at least minimal skills in handling tools.

Before completely approaching the repair, you need to purchase all the necessary materials and prepare the required tools. So you will need:

  1. tape measure or measuring tape;
  2. a key suitable to disassemble the frame;
  3. flat screwdriver (useful when removing the brackets);
  4. pliers;
  5. knife for neatly separating underlying tissue;
  6. stapler or buttons (with which it will be possible to fix the sofa upholstery back);
  7. new spring.

Help: you can change tools to others, the main thing is that they perform the same function as the given ones.

Phased process description

spring replacement toolsThere is nothing complicated about replacing a spring. However, as with any repair, it is important to treat this process wisely and in full concentration. For a successful operation, it is better not to deviate to a large extent from the recommended algorithm of actions:

  • Disassemble the sofa. To do this, you need to disconnect the side parts, backrest, seats and pallet with a wrench.
  • Remove the upholstery. Carefully remove the retaining brackets with a pair of pliers, and without abrupt movements remove the tight-fitting material.
  • Replace part. Pre-wipe the dust and after inspection with pliers, remove the failed springs. Put new ones in their place. Replace the entire unit if necessary.
  • Assemble the sofa back. It follows in the reverse order according to points 2 and 1 of this algorithm. Upholstery for convenience and practicality is best attached with a construction stapler.

Reference: To hang durability, it is possible to cover the spring block on top with a layer of foam rubber, which will allow smoothing the load.

With a successful replacement, the sofa will serve you for several more years, and maybe dozens. In any case, the furniture must be treated with care and not exceed the recommended load on it - then it will last much longer.

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