Meet in your garden different types and varieties of a wonderful bell

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A bellflower is found in almost every region of the world. It is so common and unpretentious that it adorns the meadows of harsh Siberia and the mountains of sunny Corfu. The flower is gentle, resistant to bad weather, used in landscape gardening and for creating so-called natural-style gardens.

Variety of species and varieties

In the specialized literature, about 300 kinds of the bell are described - the Campanula. Most of them are perennials, growing in forests and meadows. There are biennials and annuals. Among the cultural species known to 100, which are most often used in garden design.

Breeders also breed hybrid varieties that have double flower buds, and the color spectrum differs in intensity compared to wild-growing ones. Below in the photo the flower is a bell-shaped bell.

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In garden design, most campaigners grow as biannuals. If the plant is not renewed and is not replanted to a new location every 2-3 years, it melts and may die. Exceptions are tall varieties. In addition to the life expectancy of all the campaigners are divided into:

  • undersized;
  • medium height;
  • tall.

Low species are predominantly mountain plants up to 15 cm high. Their natural habitat is the foothills and mountain slopes. Prefer a dry climate in combination with stony soil. Their cultural varieties are used for decorating curbs, alpine hills.

Medium-sized and tall species - inhabitants of forests and meadows. Like fertile soils are sunny or semi-shady areas. There are also domestic flowers bells, bred specially for living in room conditions. Their ancestor is considered to be an equal-sized bell, native to the Mediterranean. This compact plant, abundantly flowering, living on the slopes of the mountains.

The most common representative of the room bells is the bride and groom with white and blue inflorescences.

The room bell is a whimsical plant that requires observance of seasonal conditions of detention.

In general, dozens of plant varieties have been bred for domestic cultivation, which have the longest flowering period, from March to October. In the open ground, this can not be achieved.

The bell is a typical representative of the wild flora, but it has gained popularity in the garden and park design and already more than 5 centuries adorn both pompous Italian gardens, and modest English courtyards.


Bells Carpathian: description, cultivation from seeds

This is the most common resident of garden rockeries and alpine hills. Very beautiful and fragile at first glance, characterized by winter hardiness and the longest flowering period - 65-75 days. Above the photo the bell of the Carpathian is shown in the natural conditions of growth.

Botanical description of the plant:

  • perennial herbaceous plant;
  • height of 10-20 cm;
  • thin slender shoots;
  • leaves ovate with short petioles;
  • flowers bells 4 cm in diameter, pointed upwards.

The plant reproduces by seeds or by dividing the bush. In regions with mild winters, there is self-sowing. Cultivation of the Carpathian Bell from the seeds is done through seedlings. Seeds are sown in February in boxes with a fertile and air-permeable soil.

The seeds are very small, so they are scattered over the moistened surface and pressed down with the palm. Additionally, you can moisten the soil from the spray gun.

Seeds germinate in the light under the glass. Seedlings appear after 2 weeks. After another 3 weeks, young shoots dive into more spacious containers, followed by a transfer to open ground in May. Bells of the Carpathian love well-lit areas with drained soils. Can not tolerate stagnant water. In the garden, they are planted with other ground cover at a distance of at least 20 cm, as it grows rapidly.

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Among the cultivated varieties, the Bell of Carpathian Alba, White Star, Isabel, Centon Joy, which have a white, purple and blue color of the flower, are distinguished.

Hand bell

Distributed throughout the European part of Russia and other CIS countries. A recognizable inhabitant of wild meadows and forests. In nature, most often has blue flowers, multiplies self-seed. The rarer varieties have a white and purple color of the inflorescence.

Description of bell:

  • perennial;
  • height from 40 to 100 cm and above;
  • stem erect;
  • leaves lanceolate, narrow, dark green;
  • inflorescence bells are collected in a brush for 3-8 pieces;
  • flowering period-June-July;
  • the fruit of the capsule ripens in September.

Bells persikovistny prefers drained soil and penumbra. In natural nature it is found on the fringes of forests, in wet ravines, along the banks of rivers in the shade of shrubs. When grown in the garden does not require feeding and watering. It is used as a plant of the second and third plan. Young leaves and plant roots can be used for food.

Handbell Medium

A resident of the foothills of the Caucasus, Siberia and even America, the middle bell refers to two-year herbaceous plants. In the garden culture is known since the XVI century. He likes moist soils, it's cool and does not tolerate heat and frost.

Description of the plant:

  • height from 50 to 100 cm;
  • straight stem pubescent;
  • root rosette;
  • diameter of flowers 6-7 cm, are located along the entire length of the stem;
  • flowering from June to August;
  • inflorescence of blue, white, pink or purple.

In a favorable climate, the plant multiplies itself by self-seeding, the seeds ripen in August-September. The flower is considered a good honey. His inflorescence blossoms alternately from below upwards, due to which he has such a long decorative period.

How and when to plant? Cultivation of the middle bell from the seeds is carried out through planting in boxes for seedlings or in open ground. In the first case it is possible to achieve a two-year flowering in the current year, and in the second case - in the future.

If you plant the bell for seedlings, choose the period from the end of January to February.

Seeds are not sprinkled with soil, sprouted in containers in the light. On a permanent place, transplants are transplanted in May-June. First it is a dense rosette of leaves, which gives 1 stem with alternately forming buds. Bloom will bloom in July this year and next year in June.

To get a strong plant next year, the seeds are sown in the open ground in June, slightly sprinkled with soil. Until the fall, the young rosettes get stronger and are transplanted to a permanent place. The distance between the plants is at least 10 cm. After 2 years, the planting is updated.

The bell is boring

A plant that grows equally well in the penumbra and on solar patches. In the wild, it is found on the fringes of forests in thickets of bushes and grass. The sun blooms earlier, but the inflorescence is smaller. In the shade, he forms fluffy caps of blue, violet and rarely white bells.

Description of the plant:

  • perennial, up to 60 cm high;
  • forms shrubs of several stems, which can be divided;
  • the leaves are regular, smooth outside, without petioles;
  • flowers small with a diameter of 2 cm, collected in a brush on the top of the stem of 20 pieces;
  • flowering from June to August 40 days;
  • winter hardy, unpretentious.
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The plant multiplies by seeds and divides the bush. When to plant a bell bored in the open ground? This can be done all the warm season. The plant quickly takes root and takes root. If transplantation is performed during flowering, inflorescences are best cut off. Unlike other bells, this species remains decorative and after flowering due to dense green leaves and a compact bush form.

Bellflower broadleaf

Resistant to diseases and pests species, spread from Europe to Asia Minor. It occurs everywhere in shady gardens and pine or spruce forests, along the banks of rivers. Propagates by self-seeding in the wild and dividing the bush in the garden.

The broadleaf bell is a tall plant up to 120 cm with inflorescences on the top of the stem. Due to deforestation, the area of ​​growth has narrowed, so today the plant is listed in the Red Book.

Botanical description:

  • standing stalk, average height 90 cm;
  • the leaves are large, pointed, to the top become shallower;
  • flowers small, collected in the head buds at the very tip of the stem;
  • coloring of flowers violet-blue, white or pink;
  • the edges of the flowers are wavy;
  • blooms from July to August;
  • a fruit - a box.

The plant likes fertile soils, partial shade and moderate hydration. When growing from seeds, the stem with peduncles develops for the second or third year after planting. In one place grows 10-15 years, requires rare fertilizing and watering only in the dry period.

In the garden it is planted in groups near the bushes, so that in the midday heat, the flower would be in their shade. It looks good near the fence, near a gazebo or other buildings.

Bellflower Milkflower

The most beautiful and abundantly blossoming view from all known in nature is the bellflower bell. It is represented by tall varieties with a stalk length of up to 160 cm and short stature, up to 40 cm high. The plant is unpretentious, but does not like transplantation, so after the purchase it is planted immediately on a permanent place.

What does the bell-shaped bell-flower look like? Tall grades produce a powerful arrow, strewn with flower stalks. Flowers are fragrant, small, white, blue and less often pink in color, in diameter up to 4 cm. The flowering period lasts from July to September or October under favorable weather conditions. Adult plants require support during flowering, well reproduce by cuttings.

In the care require nutrition and regular hilling. In landscape design they are used in single plantings, as they are distinguished by high decorative features that cover the beauty of other garden plants.

Low-grown varieties are compact soil cover, rapidly growing and not demanding on the composition of the soil. Propagated by seeds and division of a bush. In one place can grow up to 7 years.

Bell fire

One of the few creeping bells. This perennial, which is highly decorative not only during flowering. All thanks to the original leaves, forming a thick curly cap of the bush. In width, due to the sprouting shoots, the bell of the fireman grows by 80 cm, and in height - only 20 cm.

Botanical description:

  • perennial ground cover;
  • stems creeping;
  • leaves rounded small with jagged edges;
  • flowers are small, like asterisks with petals bent downwards;
  • the coloration of the flower is predominantly violet-blue;
  • blooms from July to August;
  • inflorescences are fragrant, good honey plants.

Cultivated varieties of this species have lavender, purple, white and blue flowers. Due to rapid growth, unpretentiousness, winter hardiness and drought resistance, the plant is widely used in landscape design. The bell adorns the alpine hills, slopes, rockeries, edge of the lawn, curb. Propagated by seeds and dividing the bush in spring or autumn after flowering.

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Cultivated varieties:

  • Stella - the flowers are blue with a white center;
  • Blue Gown - dwarfish, at a height of 15 cm, the inflorescence is blue;
  • Lizdugan Variete - height 20 cm, inflorescences small pink.

In the garden, the fire bell is well combined with saxifrage, carnation and dwarf conifers.

Hand bell

Rannetsvetuschy compact perennial - bell bellows. He became known only at the beginning of the XIX century. The homeland is the foothills of Croatia, but today it is cultivated in many temperate regions.

It is characterized by good winter hardiness and long flowering, which lasts from June to September, covering the bush with a lush cap of blue inflorescences.

Description of the plant:

  • short, tall, up to 25 cm tall;
  • funnel-shaped flowers up to, cm in diameter;
  • stems erect, on the vertex 3-5 inflorescences are formed;
  • leaves dark green dentate;
  • the color of the inflorescence is blue, white, purple, lavender.

It is interesting that the plant remains decorative all year round, since strong greens do not freeze in winter. Crop it only in the first spring months, to give vent to young shoots.

Propagate the bell with seeds or vegetatively. When planting seedlings in the open ground, maintain a distance of 10 cm. For the winter, an adult plant does not require shelter.

Point bell

Highly decorative plant comes from China and Korea. It is characterized by a dense cap of large drooping flowers that do not open completely. The bell blossoms from the middle of the summer until the frosts, provided the dried inflorescences are removed in a timely manner.

Botanical description of the species:

  • stems straight pubescent in height up to 70 cm;
  • leaves small ovate on short petioles, pubescent;
  • inflorescences large to 6 cm in diameter, drooping, on long pedicels;
  • one shoot forms 5-6 inflorescences, which blossom gradually;
  • flowering from July to October.

The corolla of the flower is covered from the outside with purple dots, from which the plant got its name. In landscape design, the following decorative varieties of a pinch bell are most often used:

  • Garland - height 40 cm, inflorescences 8 cm in diameter, purple, densely covering the stem;
  • Pink Red - height 50 cm, inflorescences largest - 9 cm in diameter, collected in whisk. Color of the flower is pink;
  • Ashes Sensation - height 55 cm, flowers goblet violet, leaves are glossy.

In landscape design it is used in single and group plantings in combination with soil covers of white and gray color.

Bells spreading

A typical representative of the genus, distributed throughout Europe. It is the bell that is spreading to meet on wild meadows and pastures. From other representatives it is distinguished by a fragile branching stalk and a loose panicle of inflorescences.


  • herbaceous biennial;
  • height of 40-60 cm;
  • stalk thin, ribbed, well branched;
  • inflorescence on long peduncles of medium diameter violet-blue;
  • leaves lanceolate, narrow.

Blooms from the middle of June in the second year of life. In the natural nature it rarely forms glades, is very sensitive to trampling, multiplies by seeds.

Flowers bells are perennial or biennial representatives of the cultural and wild flora. As annuals are grown only in the garden and not so popular. Species and variety diversity is impressive, but knowing the brightest representatives of the genus, you can create a beautiful landscape in the garden, the adornment of which will be a tender and modest campaigner.

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