How to disassemble a sofa accordion for transportation: a step-by-step guide for disassembling a sofa

sofa accordionSofa "Accordion" - one of the most popular models of upholstered furniture. It is convenient in operation, and harmoniously fits into any interior. However, when moving to another apartment / house, the question often arises of how to transport the sofa yourself, so as not to hire special companies for transportation. In order for the transportation to proceed successfully and the product is not injured, certain rules must be observed for disassembling furniture and transportation.

Furniture can be damaged in the elevator or porch. Therefore, before carrying, it is best to wrap the sofa with ordinary film or cloth. Moving parts are fixed, as they can be damaged when moving. Approach the process with responsibility, since the appearance of the furniture and its suitability in the future will depend on the actions taken. If you disassemble the product incorrectly or damage the structure, the model will not be suitable for use.

How a sofa accordion works

The content of the article

  • How a sofa accordion works
  • instagram viewer
  • What tools will be needed to disassemble
  • A step-by-step guide on how to disassemble a sofa for transportation

This type of sofa consists of a metal frame with three sections. Inside are wooden boards on which the mechanism is fixed.

How a sofa accordion worksThe sofa is laid out as follows: the seats are pushed forward, and the back rests on the freed platform. The design is very easy to operate, so any person can decompose and fold it. The main thing is to follow clearly the instructions and not damage the parts.

On the front of the structure are mounted wheel bearings that extend the front. The headboard is made motionless, since the back rests folded on it.

A soft, elastic mattress in three sections is mounted on top of the metal structure. The backs are also made of soft upholstery. When the sofa spreads, they form one whole berth.

Remember! To move furniture from one place to another. It will need to be disassembled into parts and carefully transferred so as not to damage the product.

What tools will be needed to disassemble

instrumentsTo disassemble the furniture quickly and correctly, we need:

  • open end wrench on 10,12,14;
  • flat screwdriver;
  • material for packaging (bag, special film);
  • Scotch.

After all the tools are prepared, you can begin to work.

A step-by-step guide on how to disassemble a sofa for transportation

If you decide to disassemble the sofa yourself, follow the instructions below:

  • We extend the furniture to the middle of the room and remove the soft cover. We take the key and unscrew the screws from the rear panel. We set aside the sidewalls from the main body. They will need to be packaged separately.
  • We take out the headboard from the grooves, and take out the triple section.
  • We unscrew the fasteners and remove the case from the structure. Newer models are equipped with clamps, not fasteners. They only need to be carefully removed and that's it. The box can be removed.

disassembling the sofaAfter disassembling, you should get three parts: two sidewalls, a box for linen, a metal case with a mattress.

Each item must be packed separately in a film or bag. We fix the moving parts tightly with tape so that they are not damaged during transportation. All twisted screws, fasteners, clamps should be folded into a separate box so as not to lose.

detach mattressIf necessary, you can detach the mattress from the frame. However, in most cases, this is an unnecessary waste of time, since the product can be freely transferred even in such a disassembly.

Furniture should be transported in packaging so that parts are not damaged. All parts must be carefully transferred so as not to damage the appearance. The assembly of the sofa is also done sequentially. It is important not to lose the small details, since in their absence the furniture may not come back together.

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