Most people have this device in their home. Its presence is considered quite important, because thanks to it you can relax, relax after a working day, watch movies or sleep. However, so that all interactions with him take place as favorably as possible, you should take his purchase seriously. It is necessary not only to know the advantages and disadvantages of operation, but also to understand how the whole mechanism works. This will be discussed later.
How does a dolphin sofa unfold
The content of the article
- How does a dolphin sofa unfold
- Advantages and disadvantages of the sofa model
- How to choose a dolphin sofa
In appearance, the original design is no different from others. But, unlike some models, upholstered furniture is extremely simple in the process of transformation: both in the “bed” position and vice versa, the actions are carried out in almost one motion.
You just need to first remove the pillows that are on the surface, and then feel and pull out the handles. Such hinges are specifically designed for the named use and are dependent on the manufacturer. The lower part must be rolled upward: this will be due to wooden guides.
Do not worry that the object will first appear in an inclined form, since then it will become horizontal and its level will reach another pillow. After focusing on a fixed area, the sofa will become a wide space, which differs from other similar mechanisms in resistance to stressful situations. To perform reverse fraud, you need to pull the same straps until the lower part falls under the upper one. To complete the transformation, push it until it is fully pressed.
Advantages and disadvantages of the sofa model
To begin with, let's figure out what advantages you may encounter when using the unit:
As already mentioned above - this is high reliability.
- In addition, do not forget about the maximum simplicity of the design. Unfolding will require minimal effort.
- Wide and comfortable area. It can accommodate from two or more people.
- A budget option. Due to the simplified process, the structure has a low cost.
As for the minuses inherent in this sample, it is:
- Due to the rollers sliding on the floor, there is a chance of surface damage. When located on the carpet, the separation will occur with difficulty.
- Under the design itself there is no place for sleeping things.
- For some people who do not like high berths, the fact that the dolphin is just from this category can be a nuisance.
- Sometimes a difference in height is possible between the movable and the fixed part.
ATTENTION! Many of the defects presented above can be easily eliminated. For example, in order not to scratch the floor, it is recommended to replace the rollers. In order to avoid a difference in elevation, it is advisable to carefully review the unit before purchasing it in a store. Otherwise, you can get used to this defect in a small amount of time of use.
How to choose a dolphin sofa
To make a reasonable choice, you first need to pay attention to the following points:
To guarantee reliability, it is best to rely on well-known brands whose production quality has been tested by many people and time.
- Build quality. An equally important aspect, since the life will depend on it. To ensure a durable item, you need to look at all possible seams and distortions. At the slightest doubt, you should not focus on products.
- Convenience. Test your device before purchasing. It is essential that you feel as comfortable as possible.