How to choose the color of the sofa: for the bedroom, living room, kitchen

An important role in our homes is played by upholstered furniture. On a comfortable sofa, it’s good to relax after a working day. With the arrival of guests it’s nice to sit down to watch an interesting film together.

We can say that the sofa is the owner of the living room. When choosing new furniture, the first thing that needs attention is convenience. The next role is the quality of construction and coating. Another important condition is the color scheme of the upholstery.

All upholstery materials by color are of two types:

  • Monophonic, can be neutral color shades or bright;
  • Fabrics with a pattern, painted in several colors, it will be a little more difficult to arrange them in the interior.

Features of choosing the color of the sofa to the interior

The content of the article

  • Features of choosing the color of the sofa to the interior
    • Matching the color of the sofa for the bedroom
    • How to choose the color of the sofa for the living room
    • Choosing the color of the sofa for the kitchen
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selection of sofa colors for the interiorHow to choose the color of the sofa to the interior? The decoration of the furniture should be combined with the tone of the walls, curtains, carpet, other parts of the design. The color combination can be of the following plans:

  • Monochrome plan made in one color. Furniture differs from walls and curtains in shade or in lightness. Recommended style is minimalism;
  • The neutral plan, the colors are different, but they are close in brightness. For example, the wallpaper is a light gray shade, and the sofa is gray-beige. The general impression of such a room is that it is very comfortable;
  • The combined color scheme, the most complex and most interesting as a result. For example, a green sofa against the background of orange walls.

Matching the color of the sofa for the bedroom

Matching the color of the sofa for the bedroomHow to choose the color of the sofa in the interior? The bedroom dictates its own rules for choosing combinations for furniture and interior. Shades should be dim, muffled.

This is the place where we come to relax, take a break from the problems of a hard day. For the rest room all shades of gray, beige colors, pastel shades are suitable, a blue sofa is a good solution.

How to choose the color of the sofa for the living room

sofa color for living roomIn the living room we spend time with family and guests. Combinations should be fun, vibrant. Furniture fabric with a pattern; also bright colors. Contrast combinations, for example, black with white or red, will bring dynamics.

Reference! Choosing a “black” color sofa is only possible for a large living room, not cluttered with furniture.

Choosing the color of the sofa for the kitchen

sofa color for the kitchenWe also spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Mistresses prepare a delicious lunch, dinner. Households come to eat. Here everyone likes to have a good time talking and having something tasty. The kitchen is decorated with flowers that stimulate appetite. Shades of orange, yellow, a combination of beige and white with red will do.

Reference! Masters in the field of home design use a color wheel to select color combinations.

The selection of the color scheme of furniture is a difficult question. The market offers a large number of modern furniture fabrics and materials. Their palette changes in the same way as in clothes. With effort and imagination, it is easy to complement the house with high-quality and fashionable furniture.

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