Table circular saw with his own hands: turn-based assembly

Table circular saw with his own handsCircular saw - is a powerful mechanism that can boast a good maneuverability and performance. Do not eat and disadvantages, which can be avoided by making the design.

How to make a table circular saw

The content of the article

  • How to make a table circular saw
    • Materials and tools
    • Measurements and drawings
    • Important points during operation
  • Table circular saw with his own hands: step by step

Creating a table consists of several stages:

  1. Creating a design plan. It is necessary to measure off the place, and select the appropriate size of the structure.
  2. The purchase of materials. In the same step, select the desired drink.
  3. Stepwise assembly of the structure. Everything is done according to the drawings made.

Materials and tools

We need the following materials and tools:

  1. Leaf chipboard or plywood, thickness 20 mm.
  2. Tool with a disk-blade.
  3. Bar 5x5 cm to create legs. The cross-section could be less if the planned creation of a weak power saws.
  4. Lacquer or primer.
  5. Solutions to protect wood from water.
  6. instagram viewer
  7. Wood glue.
  8. Self-tapping screws.
  9. Drill and drill set.
  10. Screwdriver.
  11. Jigsaw.
  12. Machine for milling operations.
  13. It Clamps.
  14. Measuring tape and marker to mark up.
  15. Plane.
  16. Sandpaper.

Reference! Also we must not forget that the circular saw - the equipment that runs on electricity. That is, we need a power source, in which it will connect.

Table circular saw with his own hands

Measurements and drawings

The work begins with the creation of design drawings. In this step, the width is measured and the length of the table that is created. The average value of - 120 cm wide and 120 cm long. Ideal for creating a basis will be the following materials:

  1. Plywood.
  2. Chipboard.
  3. CAP.
  4. MDF.
  5. Chipboard.

We do not consider the metal base, since the material is more expensive, and the weight of the construction will increase by several times. Of all materials, it is considered the worst plastic, and experts do not recommend.

Before assembly, all the wooden elements to be treated with solutions that protect against moisture and rot. After drying the material, you can start work.

Attention! Very often it happens that due to improper installation of the saw, which is mounted under the table top, the table is outweighed by one of the parties. The blade must be installed in the center of the table.

Table circular saw with his own hands

Important points during operation

There are some security requirements. They can help you avoid injury in the workplace. following requirements:

  1. Before you turn on the saw, it is necessary to check the reliability of clamps. If necessary, tighten up fastening.
  2. Very often the cause of injury is the large number of unnecessary things in the workplace.
  3. Must be checked for correct operation and fixing all the parts of the system. If somewhere there is a problem, it should be rectified immediately.
  4. Do not hold the material near to the place that is sawn. This is dangerous, because the knots and chips can get on overt parts of the body, as well as the eye. Therefore, in the process necessary to use glasses and clothing with sleeves.Table circular saw with his own hands

Table circular saw with his own hands: step by step

The process of creation involves the following steps:

  1. Material need to partition, using a measuring tape and a marker. Sawed jigsaw patterns.
  2. Now frezeruem edge.
  3. Take nazhdachku, and the treated surface, making it as smooth as possible.
  4. Now we need to turn over the table top, and make marking the place where the sole of the saw will be installed. This is done in the following way, put the tool and encircled outsole. Remove the disc. Using the mill, making a hole from 0.5 to 1 cm (depending on the length of the sole).
  5. Now we need to measure and saw a recess. Mark up the tabs and slots place for a cutting tool.
  6. The next step is to create a stiffener. They are based on the planks 5x10 cm. They must be positioned so that the distance to the edge of the table top was about 10 cm. For table-top board is applied at a party. On the one hand doing the stroke and the other is necessary to move the markup.
  7. Now you need to mark the positions where the screws will be mounted. Drill holes for them. Anchorages set every 100 - 150 mm. Making their relative length stiffeners.
  8. Now we need to mark out the longitudinal ribs and drank them. We use the glue to fix them, as well as draws in clamps. After these ribs dry, set side similar manner.
  9. Now you need to install the clips. For this purpose, self-tapping screws. Clamp need not be removed. Contractible structure with screws around the perimeter. Holes for them we did in step 6.
  10. Set the contraction to stiffeners. Use the screws, which will be longer than the length of those used for fixing the ribs. After tightening countertops you can remove the clamp. Now we have finished countertop.
  11. The next step is to make the legs. To do this, take a wooden beam. leg length can be any, as long as they provided comfort during operation. The average distance between the countertop and the floor - 120 cm, and the length of the legs should be less than a few centimeters.
  12. Scrollsaw legs and applies them to the top. Their location will be slightly vraspor. Fix the bars by means of bolts (set on their outer side ribs).
  13. It is possible to increase the rigidity by making a few more ties between the legs. To do this, we use the timber.
  14. Now you need to mount the disk plate. It is installed inside the hole that we have prepared. It is important that the drive was part of the slot without obstruction. Fasten the sole by means of bolts.
  15. Cover the table with lacquer or primer. This will reduce the slip.
  16. You can install additional components. For example, protective cover, the regulator disc tilt or carriage.
  17. If there is minimal knowledge in electronics, can be bridged button to start and stop the saw. These buttons can be installed in a convenient location (usually on the outside of one of the ribs).
Table circular saw with his own hands

If you have minimal experience in the creation of such structures with their own hands, you can easily make a table for the circular plate. The most important thing is to fix the saw firmly, regularly check all fasteners, and adhere to safety.

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