Do-it-yourself music stand: step-by-step construction

Do-it-yourself music standTalented musicians, thanks to many years of practice and discipline, can play masterfully always and under any conditions. But it would be difficult for any creator to become a professional if he did not have special equipment, such as a music stand (music stand). Such a device, as it turns out, is not cheap pleasure. Then the ability to make a home-made music stand comes to the rescue.

How to make a music stand by yourself

The content of the article

  • How to make a music stand by yourself
    • Materials and Tools
  • Step-by-step instruction

It is not necessary to train for years to create this tool. Both a professional and a beginner can make a stand for notes. In addition, the creation of a wooden musical stand for many can be a very exciting project.

Materials and Tools

You can make a good stand for notes from various materials, including plywood, boards, PVC pipes and everything else that can be purchased at a hardware store. Such a music stand can be made in one day. It will be lightweight and easy to carry, allowing you to make music anywhere in the house.

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Materials that will be needed for the product:

  1. PVC pipe 80 cm long 2.5 cm in diameter.
  2. PVC pipe 80 cm long 4 cm in diameter.
  3. 2/4-centimeter T-shaped connector for PVC.
  4. 2/4 cm bracket for the hole in the pipes (2 pcs).
  5. Bolts for fastening PVC.
  6. Wing nut (3 pcs).
  7. Board 1.5 cm.
  8. Thin sheet of plywood.
  9. Decorations (if desired, you can use a simple varnish for wood).


  • electric drill;
  • a set of bits for a drill;
  • vise;
  • hacksaw;
  • wood glue;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • spray paint (black);
  • right angle;
  • balloon with hot glue.Do-it-yourself music stand

Step-by-step instruction

To make a design with your own hands, firstly you need to take a large PVC pipe and cut off from it an 80 centimeter segment. On its upper part it is necessary to drill a hole for a bolt and wing nut designed to adjust the height of the stand. The hole must be done with a small drill.

Next, you need to take a PVC pipe of smaller diameter and reduce it to 80 cm. Then, measure the length of the sections on it with a tape measure, every 4 cm and drill holes in them with the same drill as on the big pipe.Do-it-yourself music stand

The next step is to take a sheet of plywood and cut a rectangle out of it, suitable in size for a notebook with notes. For this procedure, it is easier to use a jigsaw, but you can easily wield a hacksaw. Plywood can be sanded at will.

Now you need to drill a hole for the brackets using a drill of the same size. They will need about 5, from the edge of the sheet to the middle.

Next, you need to take a board of 1 or 1.5 cm, cut out the molding from it and glue the butt end to the bottom of the workpiece using hot-melt adhesive. For better fixation, you can fix the workpiece in a vise and let it dry.

Then a piece of PVC pipe of smaller diameter is cut, so that 2 equal parts are obtained.

Now you can do the painting for the notebook holder. In this case, black paint is used. It is necessary to paint the entire product, including the base, in the form of large-diameter PVC.Do-it-yourself music stand

Reference! While the workpiece dries, it is possible to make a structure from the t-shaped part and pipes of small diameter and paint it too.

The next step is to make a stand for the music stand. To do this, you can simply cut the remaining sheet of plywood in the form of a square 22 by 22 cm and a wooden beam 8 on 8 cm, in the center of which a hole of a larger diameter is drilled (more than 3 cm) just under the diameter of the pipe.

Then, you need to insert the pipe into the hole so that its walls fit snugly. It is necessary to adjust the workpiece in height and glue a square of 8 by 8 cm to plywood 22 by 22 cm using a large amount of glue.

Attention! The fabricated base should also be painted.

Now you need to assemble the structure. First, you need to take a T-shaped frame and walk along its edges with hot-melt adhesive or duct tape. This will allow you to securely fix the workpiece.

Then you need to attach the document holder with notes to the T-shaped PVC using brackets. Now, you can attach 2 slats to the t-piece with small wing nuts.

Finally, you can insert a pipe of a smaller diameter into a pipe of a larger diameter and fix it at an appropriate height with a bolt and wing nut. For greater aesthetics of the structure, it can be painted with varnish.

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