DIY desk: drawing, selection of materials and tools, assembly

Designing a desk yourself is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. To raise the level of skill, you should first work on creating a simple design of a countertop, two side walls and a back wall. An experienced home master can collect more complex types of tables, for example: classic, built-in, folding, corner, hinged, table with superstructure, folding table, table with drawers, office table, window sill table, table with cabinet.

Drawing up drawings and diagrams for creating a do-it-yourself desk

The content of the article

  • Drawing up drawings and diagrams for creating a do-it-yourself desk
    • Features drawing up a drawing for a desk for a student
  • Preparation of materials and tools
  • Product assembly process
  • Table decoration - the final stage of work

Before creating any of these models, you need to decide on its design, dimensions and design. The design is chosen arbitrarily, the main thing is to take into account the rational location in the room. To determine the dimensions, it is desirable to correlate the parameters of the room with the preliminary design of the future product.

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The master creates the final design to his taste, because his work should be practical and unique. Exquisite decorative elements - bent metal legs, additions in the form of original handles to built-in drawers, decoupage decor of the tabletop will go to help. The construction of drawings, the timing of the work, methodology, material, and other nuances depend only on the desire and skills of the craftsman.

The first step in creating a desk is design or drawing (diagram). The future object in the diagram is usually sketched by the master in 3-D format, for the convenience of fixing the general dimensions of the furniture - height, width, length, depth. The component parts of the structure are numbered and signed separately, their individual values ​​(width, length, thickness) are calculated and put down there.

In the drawing, the dimensions are calculated in centimeters or millimeters. The method and type of joining parts is outlined.

IMPORTANT! The diagram shows the values ​​of parts strictly up to millimeters, in order to avoid errors during future cutting of the sheet.

According to the correctly calculated and compiled scheme, parts are easily manufactured and assembly of the product will be simplified.

Here are some designed desk designs:


desk outline


desk outline

With add-on.

desk outline

With a pedestal.

desk outline

With drawers.

desk outline

Features drawing up a drawing for a desk for a student

An indispensable home subject for a student is his personal desk. After him, the child spends a large amount of time completing the lessons. In a situation where it is imperative to create comfortable conditions for study, and there is no financial opportunity to buy a table, self-assembly of a school desk will help out.

In this case, a desk will be much cheaper. Making it for a student is quite simple.

The design of the classic desk.

desk outline

The design can be supplemented by:

  • Drawers, bedside tables on either side;
  • Shelves, shelving;
  • Organize a niche under the countertop.

REFERENCE. To save space in the room, it is advisable to design the table angular or folding.

When drawing up a writing table for a student, it is recommended to take into account some features:

  1. It is better to choose a universal table configuration in terms of size and the number of additional elements. For cases of forced rearrangement of furniture.
  2. Table sizes are selected individually, depending on the age category of the student (first grader / high school student).
  3. In the angular version, determine the location of the "wave" of the countertop, depending on the written characteristics of the child (right-handed, left-handed);
  4. The bottom of the drawers, it is better to make from a cheaper, not laminated particleboard.

Preparation of materials and tools

writing toolsAfter the model is selected, a drawing is drawn up for it, then proceed to the next step - the selection of the necessary tools and the preparation of the main material.

For any type of assembly work of cabinet furniture, the list of tools is as follows:

  • Jigsaw;
  • Drill;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Drill;
  • Level;
  • Roulette;
  • Clamps;
  • Iron;
  • Hacksaw.

More complex types of desks for a student with their own hands, drawings of which are on the Internet, require the use of a milling, grinding machine.

The basis is most often taken natural wood (pine, oak, alder, birch, beech) and its derivatives: particleboard, chipboard, MDF, board, plywood;

For fastening the structure, are stocked:

  • Plastic corners;
  • Bolts, nuts, nails;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Joiner glue;
  • Dowels, dowels;
  • Liquid nails.

For paintwork suitable:

  • Paint, brushes;
  • Varnish;
  • Glue gun;
  • Sandpaper.

Product assembly process

desk assemblyThe assembly process can be divided into several stages:

  1. According to the drawings, all the constituent elements are cut out with a hacksaw or jigsaw.
  2. We cut out two rectangular side panels of the table, protruding in the form of legs.
  3. At the ends of the frame we drill holes - grooves for dowels. Now firmly plant the panels and frame on the dowels, after applying glue into a deep hole. Then we tap with a hammer on the bar, seating the dowels in the nests.
  4. Fasten the frame to the side panels. Two partitions are installed in the niche, fastened with self-tapping screws. A countertop will be laid on them.
  5. For the strength of the structure, we nail the back wall with nails.
  6. We proceed to cutting the countertops. Cut the part with a jigsaw, according to the drawings.

IMPORTANT! To avoid chips, it is better to use a thin saw for a jigsaw.

We carefully polish the edges of the countertop with sandpaper. Edges of a desk are often pasted over with a paper edge, but short-lived.

The second option is gluing with melamine tape. It is fixed with a heated iron and dense fabric. Excess tape is trimmed with scissors.

PVC will be the most reliable edge, for its gluing use an industrial hair dryer and a respirator. Glues under the influence of high temperatures, about 500 C.

We put the countertop on the dried frame, fasten it with plastic corners and screws.

Add the septum leg.

The bottom for the boxes is made of fiberboard, the walls and the facade of chipboard. We fix one of the guides in a niche under the drawers, and the second on the outside on a drawer. We insert boxes with guides into place.

IMPORTANT! With a heavy load on the box, it is better to install metal guides. For a school desk, plastic ones will do.

We fix the handles on the boxes, mask the mounts with stickers to match the color of the table. We fix the table shelves with self-tapping screws.

Table decoration - the final stage of work

desk decorationThe final action will be decoration. A piece of furniture should combine both severity and sophisticated beauty, respectively, the decoration will be a bit limited.

  1. To give a business style, the countertop can be treated with drying oil or stain and then varnished. The writing desk will gain shine.
  2. To give ease to the countertop, you can draw a picture using a stencil, draw strict stripes or use the decoupage technique. Cover the entire surface with glass or plexiglass. The child will certainly enjoy the rainbow countertop.
  3. The easiest and most affordable way is to paste over with a self-adhesive film, colored electrical tape or old newspapers. It will turn out quite an original model.
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