Billiard table banner: how to drag a table yourself

Billiards table bannerAny pool table once needs to be replaced with a cloth. Considering how often the table is operated, the cloth can be subject to wear and can be replaced up to 4 times annually. If the table is installed at home and properly looked after, then the canvas can serve more than 5 years. But in billiard clubs with an active load, cloth needs to be replaced much more often.

How to drag a pool table

The content of the article

  • How to drag a pool table
  • Tools and materials
  • Important points and nuances at work
  • DIY billiard table hauling: step by step

Most often, the cloth is subject to uneven wear. Most of all, the sides and pockets start to wear out. In addition, the cloth can become very dirty, there may be traces of various drinks on it, the surface may be burned by a cigarette, or integrity may be damaged as a result of a cue. In any case, the table requires a constriction.

Naturally, you can try to do this work yourself, without resorting to specialist services. But the final result of the work that was carried out by an amateur and a master with extensive experience and professional secrets will differ significantly. Since the specialist will not only be able to replace the coating, but also adjust the pool table, tighten or change all bolted connections.

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Billiards table banner

Tools and materials

In order to drag the table you need a regular set of tools, as well as fasteners. Would need:

  • moisture resistant impregnation;
  • sandpaper;
  • epoxy compound for putty;
  • nitrol varnish;
  • furniture bolts;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • staples for sheathing the canvas;
  • wood glue;
  • confirmations.

From the tools you will need:

  • square;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • clamps;
  • level;
  • drills (in particular, the Fostner drill);
  • electric drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • saw on wood;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • pliers;
  • set of wrenches;
  • milling cutter;
  • stapler;
  • putty knife;
  • brush or roller.
Billiards table banner

Important points and nuances at work

The cloth on the table for playing billiards plays an important role in the whole structure. The base can be assembled very quickly, but the stretch will require attention. With very significant table sizes, you need to take into account both the location and the diameter of the pockets.

Most often, the constriction is performed with a green canvas, which is stretched and fixed to the main plate with a furniture stapler. Cloth should not slide or have a weak fixation, only in this case, players will be able to enjoy billiards.

You need to remember about the decoration of the sides. On the already assembled table, it is necessary to fix the rubber strips around the perimeter of the joint. The height of the pool table does not affect the size of the sides in any way; they are required to comply with the general rules.

Billiards table banner

Reference! If the hauling is done correctly, then the balls will fly off at a high speed, which makes the game much more interesting.

Independent replacement of the cloth on the pool table can be done in a fairly short time. There are no special conditions during this process, the most important thing is to correctly remove and then fix a new cloth. Gum must be treated with a special sealant or completely replaced. Disassembly can be done in approximately one hour.

Billiards table banner

DIY billiard table hauling: step by step

A step-by-step instruction is as follows:

  1. First you need to disconnect the pockets and remove the board.
  2. Measure the board, then from the cloth cut a strip according to the received sizes.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that the coating is clean, no object can get under the material, turning the board you need to walk on the surface with a soft brush.
  4. It is much more comfortable to haul the canvas and work in general, if you lay the board not just on a flat surface, but on some low elevation.
  5. In areas of bends, the cloth needs to be cut with a knife so that it is possible to bend the canvas, without leaving any bumps or gaps. The staples are fixed at different points on the inside, so there will be no bumps that will prevent the board from being fixed in level. For a more firm fixation of the staples, you need to carefully and without making significant efforts tap the hammer.
  6. To make a pocket in a pocket, you can use two different methods. A pocket can be made using wood glue or a furniture stapler. As a rule, start from the side parts.
  7. Carefully pull the canvas on the surface, wrap the edge of the material near the pocket and fix it on the back of the bead with 3 brackets, but not directly in the pocket.
  8. Cut the canvas over the pocket so that the strip can wrap its inner surface. Pull the material and fix the bracket to the end of the cut. The part of the cloth that remains on top must be wrapped in a pocket. And keep the stretch and do not allow gaps. Fix with brackets to the part that is adjacent to the surface of the table.
  9. When tightening corner pockets, certain difficulties may arise. After stretching the canvas on the table, you can fix it in the corner pockets in this way: cut off the excess material, leaving only a piece that can be bent, make 3 cuts and fix each separately. Before this, naturally, carefully pulling the cloth so that creases and crevices did not appear. The hauling of the sides with corner pockets directly is carried out in exactly the same way.

Attention! Tables for playing snooker are sheathed with a new canvas, as are sides with corner pockets.

Billiards table banner

A billiard table, which was lined with material taking into account individual preferences, will be a wonderful element of the interior of any room. The fabric can be easily cleaned, and most importantly, the table will look presentable and beautiful. For visual instructions, you can watch special videos.

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