In some places the dust accumulates faster in all: where does the dust and what it consists of

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Cleaning of residential premises - is inevitable and necessary. Wash off possible dirt, stains, hair, fingerprints. The only thing that comes back every day - dust. There are many housewives in the arsenal of means and methods, but avoid routine cleaning is impossible.


Where does dust and which consists of

The content of the article

  • Where does dust and which consists of
  • Where it accumulates more dust and why
  • whether for human dangerous dust
  • How to get rid of dust

Not visible to the eye of the particles are constantly flying around us. See the largest of them can be in the sun. Depending on the size of the dust particles, they can continuously fly around the room, slowly sink or just lie on the surface.Dust in the apartment.

Flying particles can be divided into two types: biological and man-made.

What are the ingredients of biological dust:

  • dead human skin cells;
  • hair;
  • wool pets;
  • feathers (from poultry or pillows);
  • particles of woolen clothes.

Anthropogenic sources of dust:

  • waste generated during repair;
  • polluted air entering the apartment from the outside through the window.
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Residential premises located next to any production or pits, polluted faster.

Reference! More than 50% are in our homes and apartments contaminants are of natural origin. Sea salt, volcanic particles, and even cosmic dust - that's what we wipe off the shelves every day! Wind brings microscopic dirt in the most remote corners of the planet.

If you went to the cottage, after cleaning the apartment to shine, do not be surprised - when you return, all will be dust layers. It constantly flies in the air and gradually settles.

Where it accumulates more dust and why

Fine particles in the air are flying everywhere, but there are places where dirt more. Scientists from Germany conducted a study of the origin and accumulation of pollutants in living spaces. One of them proved that in private households dust larger than in the apartments. But the nature of man-made pollution in the cities and in the countryside - a natural, it is not so dangerous. Found that the most harmful elements found in suburban homes and industrial zones. It cadmium and lead.

Attention! The main source of the dust in the apartment - the carpet in the hallway. Cleaning subjected rare, though wipe shoes several times a day.

Dusty carpet in the hallway.

Where "hides" the dirt:

  • all carpets: in the villi contains the most harmful particles, which until the end of the wash is not possible;
  • in textiles: curtains, tulle, bedspreads, blankets - any tissue acts as a magnet for dust;
  • in toys, especially soft;
  • in remote places: corners, skirting boards, the space behind the cupboard, sofa;
  • computers and laptops.

whether for human dangerous dust

Environmentalists constantly repeat that the dust is harmful.

Reference! A man who lives in the city, two thimble daily inhaled dust or 6 billion particles! Such an amount of dirt comprises about 5-10 million germs.

A man who lives in the city.

Breathe perfectly clean air is impossible. Contamination may be more or less harmful. Urban air is dangerous - it is man-made. Harmless dust: particles of furniture and lint, organic pollution (dead skin, hair), pollen.

Air hazardous components are:

  • microbes and fungi;
  • rubber particles (erased car tires);
  • the exhaust gases of different origin;
  • dried peeling paint;
  • chemical powders, shampoos, sprays, etc.;
  • cigarette smoke.

Diseases that can cause dust, a lot of: dermatological disorders, conjunctivitis, chronic allergies. It is dangerous for the respiratory tract - is bronchial asthma. Chronic condition worsens diabetics provokes kidney disease and hearing impairment.

The only plus is the presence of dust - germs! Once in the body in small doses, they provoke production of white blood cells. Immunity "recognize" harmful microorganisms - operating principle as that of vaccinations.

Attention! Experts advise not to raise children in a perfect cleanliness. The more dust in the apartment, the children rarely organisms will respond to external stimuli: cat fur, lactic bacteria, flowering plants.

How to get rid of dust

  1. Wet cleaning - the only way to reduce the dust in our homes. Wash the floors every day is optional, but you need to clean the hallway. It flies in the street all the harmful particles.
  2. Throw away the broom! He only collects large debris, but a lot of dust disperses. Prefer vacuum cleaner, better water filters.
  3. Wash all possible fabric things. Blankets and sheets are the first in the list.
  4. Choose a location where you will prichosyvatsya. It will not deliver the hair and dead skin particles throughout the apartment.
  5. Get rid of things that are not in use. Vacuum cleaner to anything.
  6. Purchase plants. They produce oxygen.Woman vacuuming.

Dust is all around us, it is not necessary to attach great importance to it and every day to wash all surfaces of the apartment to a high gloss. But not excessively pollute the room you need. In the balance, it observes, then the dust will not harm you or your family.

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